selected scholarly activity
journal articles
- Using a scaled model to assess the performance of different sediment augmentation strategies in a restored channel 2024
- Measuring geomorphology in river assessment procedures 1: A global overview of current practices. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 59:1342-1359. 2023
- Measuring geomorphology in river assessment procedures 2: Recommendations for supporting river management goals. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 59:1360-1382. 2023
- Earth Science Education #7. GeoTrails: Accessible Online Tools for Outreach and Education. Geoscience Canada. 50:73-84. 2023
- Testing a Watershed-Scale Stream Power Index Tool for Erosion Risk Assessment in an Urban River. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. 8. 2022
- Flow Strength and Bedload Sediment Travel Distance in Gravel Bed Rivers. Water Resources Research. 58. 2022
- Lost and found: Maximizing the information from a series of bedload tracer surveys. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 47:399-408. 2022
- Cycles of aggradation and degradation in gravel-bed rivers mediated by sediment storage and morphologic evolution. Geomorphology. 395:108001-108001. 2021
- Experiments on restoring alluvial cover using gravel augmentation in a variable width channel with irregular meanders. Geomorphology. 379:107585-107585. 2021
- Controls of alluvial cover formation, morphology and bedload transport in a sinuous channel with a non‐alluvial boundary. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 46:399-416. 2021
- Experiments on restoring alluvial cover in straight and meandering rivers using gravel augmentation. River Research and Applications. 36:1543-1558. 2020
- Process‐based assessment of success and failure in a constructed riffle‐pool river restoration project. River Research and Applications. 36:1222-1241. 2020
- Bedload Sediment Transport Regimes of Semi‐alluvial Rivers Conditioned by Urbanization and Stormwater Management. Water Resources Research. 55:10565-10587. 2019
- Synthetic Radio Frequency Identification Tracer Stones with Weighted Inner Ball for Burial Depth Estimation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 145. 2019
- Enlargement and evolution of a semi‐alluvial creek in response to urbanization. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 43:2295-2312. 2018
- The role of channel morphology on the mobility and dispersion of bed sediment in a small gravel‐bed stream. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 41:2191-2206. 2016
- Quantifying erosion potential in the watershed planning processes using a stream power based approach in TRCA watersheds 2023
- Updates to SPIN: A tool for watershed-scale erosion sensitivity analysis in urban rivers using a stream power approach 2023
- Geotrails: Making geoscience accessible to the public 2023
- Reconstructing Permo-Triassic source to sink systems in the Ivishak Sandstone, Alaska and the tectonic implications 2023
- The management of small gravel-bed rivers in urban environments: Insights from 10 years of research 2023