selected scholarly activity
- Don’t Sweat It! Neuroimaging Studies of Stress. 184-197. 2020
- Neurocognitive Explorations of Social Mimicry. 171-192. 2016
- Temporal Perception in the Context of Action. 455-476. 2014
- The Neurological correlates of Depersonalization: A disorder of Self-Awareness. 193-205. 2005
- Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) and the Face Inversion Effect: Anodal stimulation at Fp3 reduces recognition for upright faces. CogSci 2017 - Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society: Computational Foundations of Cognition. 1782-1787. 2017
- Cross-Cultural Differences in Empathic Sensorimotor Resonance. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 371-371. 2016
- Power, Objectification, and Ethnicity. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 359-359. 2016
- Race-Biases in Automatic Imitation During Motor Preparation. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 406-406. 2016
- Stimulation Over Motor Cortex During Action Observation Impairs Object and Action Memory. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 398-399. 2016
- Moderators of Agency: Evidence from Studies of Intentional Binding. International Journal of Psychology. 626-626. 2016
- Elucidating and Enhancing the Brain's Imitation Control Network. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 267-267. 2014
- Cancelling intentions: A chronometric study. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 341-341. 2009
- Switching between internal and external triggers for action. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 282-282. 2008
- An investigation of the source(s) of conscious awareness of action. International Journal of Psychology. 468-468. 2008
journal articles
- Racial microaggressions in U.S. and Canadian contexts: Identity, perceptions of severity and the use of mindset signalling to repair harm. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 54:278-290. 2024
- Defining key concepts for mental state attribution. Commun Psychol. 2:29. 2024
- Don’t worry, they get the idea: instructions have no impact on dehumanization ratings on the Ascent of Human Scale. Journal of General Psychology. ahead-of-print:1-19. 2024
- Racial microaggressions: Identifying factors affecting perceived severity and exploring strategies to reduce harm. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 53:1137-1150. 2023
- Empathic pain observation does not influence automatic imitation in an online setting. Experimental Brain Research. 241:263-276. 2023
- Salience Matters: Filler groups on the ascent of human scale impact ratings for target groups. PLoS ONE. 18:e0293398-e0293398. 2023
- Observed shyness leads to more automatic imitation in early childhood. Developmental Psychobiology. 64:e22272. 2022
- Mistakes strengthen the temporal binding effect in the context of goal-directed actions. Experimental Brain Research. 240:2191-2203. 2022
- Social Power and Citizenship Behaviors in India: The Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence. Organization Development Journal. 40:71-86. 2022
- An investigation of “We” agency in co-operative joint actions. Psychological Research. 85:3167-3181. 2021
- Studying sense of agency online: Can intentional binding be observed in uncontrolled online settings?. Consciousness and Cognition. 95:103217-103217. 2021
- Exploring the relationship between perceived Action-Outcome distance and Agency: Evidence from temporal binding. Consciousness and Cognition. 94:103177-103177. 2021
- The effects of socioeconomic status and situational power on self-other processing in the automatic imitation task. Experimental Brain Research. 239:2519-2528. 2021
- Exploring the relationship between social power and the ERP components of empathy for pain. Social Neuroscience. 16:174-188. 2021
- Investigating the effects of pain observation on approach and withdrawal actions. Experimental Brain Research. 239:847-856. 2021
- The Effects of Online Status on Self-Other Processing as Revealed by Automatic Imitation. Social Cognition. 39:295-314. 2021
- To move or not to move: motor cortical output is enhanced during pain observation regardless of motor preparation state. Journal of Neurophysiology. 125:599-605. 2021
- Exploring the Relationship Between Empathy, Self-Construal Style, and Self-Reported Social Distancing Tendencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:588934. 2021
- Neurophysiological and Psychological Consequences of Social Exclusion: The Effects of Cueing In-Group and Out-Group Status. Cerebral Cortex Communications. 1:tgaa057. 2020
- Not So Automatic Imitation: Expectation of Incongruence Reduces Interference in Both Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typical Development. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 50:1310-1323. 2020
- Socioeconomic status and self–other processing: socioeconomic status predicts interference in the automatic imitation task. Experimental Brain Research. 238:833-841. 2020
- Exploring the effects of visual perspective on the ERP components of empathy for pain. Social Neuroscience. 15:186-198. 2020
- Automatic imitation does not predict levels of prosocial behaviour in a modified dictator game. Acta Psychologica. 204:103022-103022. 2020
- Please empathize! Instructions to empathise strengthen response facilitation after pain observation. Cognition and Emotion. 34:316-328. 2020
- Labelling faces as ‘Autistic’ reduces the inversion effect. Autism. 23:1596-1600. 2019
- Social exclusion reduces the sense of agency: Evidence from intentional binding. Consciousness and Cognition. 71:30-38. 2019
- The role of experience-based perceptual learning in the face inversion effect. Vision Research. 157:84-88. 2019
- Social power and frontal alpha asymmetry. Cognitive Neuroscience. 10:44-56. 2019
- Corrigendum: Differential Motor Facilitation During Action Observation in Followers and Leaders on Instagram. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 13:323. 2019
- Differential Motor Facilitation During Action Observation in Followers and Leaders on Instagram. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 13:67. 2019
- Effects of free choice and outcome valence on the sense of agency: evidence from measures of intentional binding and feelings of control. Experimental Brain Research. 236:129-139. 2018
- Impact of Social Anxiety on Behavioral Mimicry During a Social Interaction With a Confederate. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 37:22-43. 2018
- Observing painful events in others leads to a temporally extended general response facilitation in the self. Experimental Brain Research. 235:3469-3477. 2017
- The effects of freedom of choice in action selection on perceived mental effort and the sense of agency. Acta Psychologica. 180:122-129. 2017
- Effects of intentional movement preparation on response times to symbolic and imitative cues. Experimental Brain Research. 235:753-761. 2017
- Students Wearing Police Uniforms Exhibit Biased Attention toward Individuals Wearing Hoodies. Frontiers in Psychology. 8:62. 2017
- Power Eliminates the Influence of Body Posture on Facial Emotion Recognition. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 40:283-299. 2016
- Power, Objectification, and Recognition of Sexualized Women and Men. Psychology of women quarterly. 40:199-212. 2016
- Power, Ethnic Origin, and Sexual Objectification. SAGE Open. 6:215824401664615-215824401664615. 2016
- Stimulation over primary motor cortex during action observation impairs effector recognition. Cognition. 149:84-94. 2016
- Self-selected conscious strategies do not modulate motor cortical output during action observation. Journal of Neurophysiology. 114:2278-2284. 2015
- Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of the Effects of Body Posture on Facial Emotion Categorization. American Journal of Psychology. 128:367-377. 2015
- Social Mimicry Enhances Mu-Suppression During Action Observation. Cerebral Cortex. 25:2076-2082. 2015
- Task-dependent and distinct roles of the temporoparietal junction and inferior frontal cortex in the control of imitation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 10:1003-1009. 2015
- Timing and specificity of early changes in motor excitability during movement observation. Experimental Brain Research. 233:1867-1874. 2015
- Editorial: Sense of agency: examining awareness of the acting self. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9:310. 2015
- Personality and intentional binding: an exploratory study using the narcissistic personality inventory. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9:13. 2015
- Cultural background influences implicit but not explicit sense of agency for the production of musical tones. Consciousness and Cognition. 28:94-103. 2014
- Automatic imitation is reduced in narcissists.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 40:920-928. 2014
- Power changes how the brain responds to others.. Journal of experimental psychology. General. 143:755-762. 2014
- Action and perception in social contexts: intentional binding for social action effects. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8:667. 2014
- Motor cortical processing is causally involved in object recognition. BMC Neuroscience. 14:155. 2013
- Activating memories of depression alters the experience of voluntary action. Experimental Brain Research. 229:497-506. 2013
- Gaze, goals and growing up: Effects on imitative grasping. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, The. 31:318-333. 2013
- Automatic imitation is automatic, but less so for narcissists. Experimental Brain Research. 224:613-621. 2013
- Feeling Powerful changes the brain’s response to others. Journal of experimental psychology. General. 143:755-762. 2013
- Freedom, choice, and the sense of agency. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7:514. 2013
- The controlled imitation task: a new paradigm for studying self-other control. PeerJ. 1:e161-e161. 2013
- Induced power changes the sense of agency. Consciousness and Cognition. 21:1547-1550. 2012
- Social Interaction Enhances Motor Resonance for Observed Human Actions. Journal of Neuroscience. 32:5984-5989. 2012
- Intentional binding and the sense of agency: A review. Consciousness and Cognition. 21:546-561. 2012
- The troublesome distinction between self-generated and externally triggered action: A commentary on Schüür and Haggard. Consciousness and Cognition. 21:587-588. 2012
- The Amazing Capacity to Read Intentions from Movement Kinematics. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6:162. 2012
- Resonating with Others: The Effects of Self-Construal Type on Motor Cortical Output. Journal of Neuroscience. 31:14531-14535. 2011
- Altogether now: Activating interdependent self-construal induces hypermotor resonance. Cognitive Neuroscience. 2:74-82. 2011
- Moving together: toward understanding the mechanisms of joint action. Experimental Brain Research. 211:329-336. 2011
- Sense of agency and intentional binding in joint action. Experimental Brain Research. 211:655-662. 2011
- Sense of agency in joint action: influence of human and computer co-actors. Experimental Brain Research. 211:663-670. 2011
- The Buying Brain: Secrets to Selling to the Unconscious Mind. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 28:162-164. 2011
- Effect of Trial Order and Error Magnitude on Motor Learning by Observing. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104:1409-1416. 2010
- Incidental action observation modulates muscle activity. Experimental Brain Research. 203:427-435. 2010
- Evidence for differential weighting of egocentric and allocentric cues in delayed and real-time actions. Journal of Vision. 5:128-128. 2010
- Subjective agency and awareness of shared actions. Consciousness and Cognition. 19:12-20. 2010
- Changing the “When” and “What” of Intended Actions. Journal of Neurophysiology. 102:2755-2762. 2009
- The conscious experience of action and intention. Experimental Brain Research. 198:535-539. 2009
- The Importance of Temporal Structure and Rhythm for the Optimum Performance of Motor Skills: A New Focus for Practitioners of Sport Psychology. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 21:S48-S61. 2009
- Modification of planned actions. Experimental Brain Research. 192:265-274. 2009
- Modification of planned actions. Experimental Brain Research. 192:299-299. 2009
- On the signals underlying conscious awareness of action. Cognition. 110:65-73. 2009
- Evidence for feedback dependent conscious awareness of action. Brain Research. 1161:88-94. 2007
- The perceived time of voluntary action for adults with and without down syndrome. Down Syndrome Quarterly. 9:4-9. 2007
- Dissociating Arbitrary Stimulus-Response Mapping from Movement Planning during Preparatory Period: Evidence from Event-Related Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Neuroscience. 26:2704-2713. 2006
- The effects of landmarks on the performance of delayed and real-time pointing movements. Experimental Brain Research. 167:335-344. 2005
- Bimanual Interference in Rapid Discrete Movements Is Task Specific and Occurs at Multiple Levels of Processing. Journal of Neurophysiology. 94:1861-1868. 2005
- An Account of Human Voluntary Movement Must Be Holistic. Journal of Motor Behavior. 36:387-390. 2004
- Internally generated and externally triggered actions are physically distinct and independently controlled. Experimental Brain Research. 156:518-523. 2004
- Bimanual Coordination: An Unbalanced Field of Research. Motor Control. 8:111-120. 2004
- The relative effects of external spatial and motoric factors on the bimanual coordination of discrete movements. Experimental Brain Research. 154:399-402. 2004
- Free Will and Free Won’t. AMERICAN SCIENTIST. 92:358-358. 2004
- rTMS to the Supplementary Motor Area Disrupts Bimanual Coordination. Motor Control. 6:319-332. 2002
- Blatant Dehumanization is Not Influenced by Dual Identity Labels: Evidence from the Canadian Context. International Journal of Psychological Studies. 13:62-62.
- NeuroAbstracts. The Meducator. 1:10-11.
- Sense of Agency during Group Control 2024
- Automatic imitation does not predict levels of prosocial behaviour in a modified dictator game 2020
- Exploring the Effects of Visual Perspective on the ERP Components of Empathy for Pain 2019
- Please Empathize! Instructions to empathize strengthen response facilitation after pain observation 2019
- Social Power and Frontal Alpha Asymmetry 2018