selected scholarly activity
- 6. Dietary Diversity, Dietary Transitions, and Childhood Nutrition in Nepal: Questions of Methodology and Practice. 131-151. 2022
- Drinking tea in Nepal 2022
- Biocultural and Bioarchaeological Approaches to Infant and Young Child Feeding in the Past. 98-126. 2018
- "Not neutral ground": Exploring school as a site for childhood obesity intervention and prevention programs. 169-196. 2013
- Diet and nutrition in biocultural perspective: Back to the future. 241-251. 2010
- Dietary diversity, dietary transitions, and childhood nutrition in Nepal questions of methodology and practice. 134-151. 2010
- Introduction. A Biocultural Approach to Human Diet and Nutrition. 1-10. 2010
- Women’s work and weaning: A case study from periurban Kathmandu, Nepal. 109-126. 2007
- Growth Stunting among Children, Aged Birth to Five Years, in Peri-Urban Kathmandu, Nepal. 251-267. 2001
community engaged research
- Investigating the normalization and normative views of gestational weight gain: Balancing recommendations with the promotion and support of healthy pregnancy diets. American Journal of Human Biology. e23604. 2021
- The normalization of the healthy pregnancy through national pregnancy healthy eating and gestational weight guidelines.. American Journal of Human Biology. 2020
- There's something in the water: connections between water security and holistic health in Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation.. American Journal of Human Biology. 2020
- Food insecurity and its role in the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD): The Mothers to Babies (M2B) study in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. American Journal of Human Biology. 2019
- Media interpretations of "Palaeo-diets" for pregnant women, babies, and toddlers: Relationships to anthropological evidence and public health guidelines. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 162-162. 2019
- Risk of complication diagnoses is associated with higher levels of food insecurity during pregnancy: New evidence and an evolutionary perspective from the Mothers to Babies nutrition study in Hamilton, Canada. American Journal of Human Biology. 2019
- Dietary diversity among the Makushi of Guyana.. American Journal of Human Biology. 270-270. 2015
- Dietary diversity scores to assess dietary quality among Guyanese Makushi Amerindians. American Journal of Human Biology. 274-274. 2014
- Anthropological investigation of vitamin D deficiency among new Canadian mothers and children: An emerging issue. American Journal of Human Biology. 227-228. 2008
- Adverse environments: investigating local variation in child growth and health.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 133-133. 2006
- A biocultural study of child malnutrition in an urban Canadian setting.. American Journal of Human Biology. 275-275. 2003
- Social capital, health and spatial configuration in Hamilton, Canada.. American Journal of Human Biology. 265-266. 2003
- The effects of seasonality on child health and nutrition among carpet-working families in periurban Kathmandu, Nepal.. American Journal of Human Biology. 125-125. 2002
- Infant and child growth in peri-urban Nepal: A case study of children whose mothers work in the Tibeto-Nepalese carpet industry.. American Journal of Human Biology. 145-145. 1996
journal articles
- ‘I thought we would be cherished and safe here’: understanding the multi-faceted nature of mental health among Arab immigrants/refugees in Ontario, Canada— the CAN-HEAL study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 60:163-179. 2025
- 'We Need Equitable Exercise Opportunities': The Complexity of Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Its Relationship to Mental Health among Arab Canadians: The CAN-HEAL Study.. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2024
- ‘I thought we would be nourished here’: The complexity of nutrition/food and its relationship to mental health among Arab immigrants/refugees in Canada: The CAN-HEAL study. Appetite. 195:107226-107226. 2024
- A Scoping Review of the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Mental Health Among Immigrants in Western Countries: An Integrated Bio-Psycho-Socio-Cultural Lens. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 25:1137-1151. 2023
- Probiotics in pregnancy: Inequities in knowledge exchange, attitudes, and use of probiotics in a socio-demographically diverse, cross-sectional survey sample of pregnant Canadians. PharmaNutrition. 24:100344-100344. 2023
- The relationship between diet/nutrition and the mental health of immigrants in Western societies through a holistic bio-psycho-socio-cultural lens: A scoping review. Appetite. 183:106463-106463. 2023
- Understanding the Healthy Immigrant Effect in the Context of Mental Health Challenges: A Systematic Critical Review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 24:1564-1579. 2022
- Be like the running water: Assessing gendered and age-based water insecurity experiences with Six Nations First Nation. Social Science and Medicine. 298:114864-114864. 2022
- Mental Health Triggers and Protective Factors Among Arabic-Speaking Immigrants and Refugees in North America: A Scoping Review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 24:489-505. 2022
- Addressing embodied inequities in health: how do we enable improvement in women’s diet in pregnancy?. Public Health Nutrition. 23:2994-3004. 2020
- Dietary practices among Arabic-speaking immigrants and refugees in Western societies: A scoping review. Appetite. 154:104753-104753. 2020
- Synergies between the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease framework and multiple branches of evolutionary anthropology. New Directions for Evaluation. 29:214-219. 2020
- Gendered perceptions of osteoporosis: implications for youth prevention programs. Global Health Promotion. 27:91-99. 2020
- Covid-19: Urgent Responses 2020
- Knowledge about the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease is independently associated with variation in diet quality during pregnancy. Maternal and Child Nutrition. 16:e12891. 2020
- Translating the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease concept to improve the nutritional environment for our next generations: a call for a reflexive, positive, multi-level approach. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 10:420-428. 2019
- Cooking up the “gastro-citizen” through school meal programs in France and Japan. Food, Culture, & Society. 22:63-77. 2019
- Comparing measured calcium and vitamin D intakes with perceptions of intake in Canadian young adults: insights for designing osteoporosis prevention education. Public Health Nutrition. 20:1760-1767. 2017
- Cultural Dimensions of Food Insecurity among Immigrants and Refugees. Human Organization. 76:15-27. 2017
- Re‐Imagining milk: Cultural and biological perspectives By Andrea S.WileyRoutledge series for creative teaching and learning in anthropology, 2nd edition, R. H.Robbins and L. A.Vivanco (Eds.), Routledge, New York, 2016, 142 pp.. American Journal of Human Biology. 29. 2017
- School meal programs and their potential to operate as school-based obesity prevention and nutrition interventions: case studies from France and Japan. Critical Public Health. 26:133-146. 2016
- Comparison of Infant Vitamin D Supplement Use Among Canadian-Born, Immigrant, and Refugee Mothers. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 26:261-269. 2015
- Biocultural perspectives of vitamin D deficiency in the past. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 36:48-59. 2014
- The “Childhood Obesity Epidemic”:. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 24:1-21. 2010
- Food Consumption PatternsIn Elementary School Children. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 69:152-154. 2008
- Body Perception: Do Parents, Their Children, and Their Children's Physicians Perceive Body Image Differently?. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 47:76-80. 2008
- Adverse environments: Investigating local variation in child growth. American Journal of Human Biology. 19:676-683. 2007
- Determinants of variation in food cost and availability in two socioeconomically contrasting neighbourhoods of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Health & Place. 13:273-287. 2007
- BODY PERCEPTION; OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY - CHILDREN, THEIR PARENTS AND PHYSICIANS. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 43:E64-E65. 2006
- BODY PERCEPTION; OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY ‐ CHILDREN, THEIR PARENTS AND PHYSICIANS. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 43:e64-e65. 2006
- Meeting health need, accessing health care: the role of neighbourhood. Health & Place. 11:367-377. 2005
- Considering social and material resources: the political ecology of a peri-urban squatter community in Nepal. Habitat International. 29:453-468. 2005
- Stature and adiposity among children in contrasting neighborhoods in the city of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. American Journal of Human Biology. 17:355-367. 2005
- Diarrhea, respiratory infections, protozoan gastrointestinal parasites, and child growth in Kathmandu, Nepal. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 122:85-97. 2003
- A reply to Bøhler. Journal of Biosocial Science. 34:421-423. 2002
- Breastfeeding, Wage Labor, and insufficient milk in peri-urban Kathmandu, Nepal. Medical Anthropology. 21:207-230. 2002
- Book Review: Abandoned Children, by Catherine Panter-Brick and Malcolm T. Smith, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Critical Sociology. 27:167-169. 2001
- Parents’ estimation of their children's body size compared to classification of children's nutritional status using the international growth reference. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 39:311-329. 2000
- The historical roots of high rates of infant death in Aboriginal communities in Canada in the early twentieth century: the case of Fisher River, Manitoba. Social Science and Medicine. 48:1821-1832. 1999
- Urbanization and child growth in Nepal. American Journal of Human Biology. 10:307-315. 1998
- Infant mortality and cultural concepts of infancy: A case study from an early twentieth century aboriginal community. Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health. 8:259-273. 1994
- Cultivating critical and food justice dimensions of youth food programs:. Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation. 9.
- Racism and Pregnancy Health in Hamilton, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice. 22.
- Using Boundary Objects to Co-Create Community Health and Water Knowledge with Community-Based Medical Anthropology and Indigenous Knowledge. Engaged Scholar Journal Community-Engaged Research Teaching and Learning. 6:49-76.
- Child Hunger in Canada 2022
- Ending child hunger and food insecurity needs to be a top priority in Canada as well as globally 2022
- Do children need special foods? 2022
- How the Mediterranean diet became No. 1 – and why that’s a problem 2020
- Food insecurity among New Canadians in the City of Hamilton 2017
- Food Is About Far More Than Bodily Sustenance 2017
- Social Capital, Human health, and Spatial Configuration in Hamilton, Canada 2023
- The Art of Creation: An Art-Based Approach to Promote and Advocate for a Healthy Start to Life 2022
- Cultural Food Insecurity among Immigrants in Hamilton, Canada 2021
- Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) and Food Insecurity: The Mothers to Babies (M2B) Study in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 2019
- The entanglement of food insecurity and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Examining pregnancy health from a syndemics perspective. 2019
- Cultural Food (In)security among Immigrants and Refugees 2019
- The social and cultural dimensions of food (in)security: from global to local. Engineering Food: Scarcity to Abundance 2019
- Food Insecurity, Pregnancy Complications, and the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: New Insights from the Mothers to Babies (M2B) Hamilton Study 2018
- Medical anthropology of food/nutrition across history of human evolution 2018
- Is knowledge being translated to the public about the developmental origins of disease risk? 2017
- Is knowledge being translated to the public about the developmental origins of disease risk? The Mothers to Babies (M2B) Hamilton Study 2017
- Influences on where women learn about what to eat during pregnancy: Preliminary evidence from the Mothers to Babies (M2B) Hamilton Study 2017
- Beyond the Charity Model: Programs & Evaluations at the Hamilton Community Food Centre (HCFC). 2017
- Knowledge Translation (KT) and maternal-child health research: Lessons from past research and moving forward 2017
- Subadult Mass Status during the Late Roman and Merovingian Period in Lisieux, France 2016
- The Knowledge Translation (KT) of Nutritional Health Information during Pregnancy: A Case Study form the Mothers to Babies (M2B) Project 2016
- Cooking up the “gastro-citizen” through school lunch programs in France and Japan. 2015
- Cultural Food Security among Immigrants and Refugees 2015
- School Lunch Programs in France, Japan, and the US: Do they reduce or contribute to nutritional inequalities? 2013
- Addressing child malnutrition and food insecurity with School Lunch Programs: Canada, France and Japan 2013
- Obesity – does focusing on it do more harm than good? 2012
- Current Biocultural Perspectives on Rickets in the Past 2012
- Dietary diversity scores to assess dietary quality among Guyanese Makushi Amerindians. 2012
- In my culture we give herbal tea to our babies. The circulation of ‘cultural knowledge’ of infant and child feeding among new immigrant mothers in Canada 2010
- From knowledge to practice: infant feeding and vitamin D supplementation among Canadian-born and New Canadian mothers and children in Hamilton, Ontario and Calgary, Alberta 2010
- From knowledge to practice: Vitamin D Network and maternal-child health of New Canadians 2009
- Measuring children: collecting growth and obesity data from children in a school setting 2007
- Overweight, and obesity: Children, their parents, and their physicians’ perceptions 2006
- Factors Influencing Overweight and Obesity among School Children in Hamilton 2006
- Child Nutrition and Socioeconomic Status: Case Studies from the City of Hamilton 2006
- Theoretical Perspectives on the Child in Physical Anthropology 2005
- Childhood Overweight and Obesity. School and Neighbourhood Case Studies from the City of Hamilton 2005
- School Nutrition Project 2004
- Socioeconomic Determinants of Childhood Overweight and Obesity among elementary School Children in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 2003
- Socioeconomic determinants of the prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity at the neighbourhood level 2003
- Mobility and Health in a Hamilton Neighborhood 2002
- Beyond Tim Hortons: The Availability and Affordability of Food in Hamilton, Ontario 2002
- Environmental and Socio-economic Determinants of Child Nutrition in an Urban Setting: Case Studies from three Elementary Schools in the City of Hamilton, Ontario 2002
- Determinants of Health at the Neighbourhood Level in the City of Hamilton 2002
- Hot and cold in the village and the city: Nepali parents’ understandings of childhood diarrhea in relation to their environment 2002
- Where there is a Tim's… Placing Social Capital in an Industrial Neighbourhood 2002
- Where there is a Tim's… Placing Social Capital in an Industrial Neighbourhood 2002
- The determinants of health at the local level in the city of Hamilton 2001
- Hot and cold in the village and the city: Nepali parents’ understandings of childhood diarrhea in relation to their environment 2000
- Children’s dietary quality in rural and urban Nepal: is there a difference? 1999
- Gastrointestinal infection and child health 1998
- Women’s Wage Labour and Breastfeeding Practices: A Case Study from Kathmandu, Nepal 1997
- Child malnutrition as an environmental syndrome: A case study of a peri-urban community in Kathmandu, Nepal 1997
- Child health and the urban advantage: a case study of children in a peri-urban community in Kathmandu, Nepal 1996
- AIDS prevention and needle exchange programs: How can an anthropologist help? 1994
- Infant mortality in an Aboriginal community: Fisher River, Manitoba, 1910-1939 1993
- Infant mortality in an Aboriginal community: an historical and biocultural perspective 1992
- Childhood Obesity Epidemic: Health Crisis or Social Construction?