selected scholarly activity
journal articles
- Assessing psychological flexibility in test situations: The Test Anxiety Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Adolescents. Revista de Psicopatologia y Psicologia Clinica. 25:147-147. 2020
- Self-Help for Social Anxiety: Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing a Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Approach With a Control Group. Behavior Therapy. 50:696-709. 2019
- The Social Suspiciousness Scale: Development, Validation, and Implications for Understanding Social Anxiety Disorder. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 41:280-293. 2019
- Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in patients with depression: current perspectives. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. Volume 14:1599-1605. 2018
- Development of a Brief Version of the Social Anxiety – Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 39:342-354. 2017
- Self-help behaviour of Canadians with perceived needs for mental health care.. Canadian Psychology. 57:130-141. 2016
- Safety Behaviors and Social Anxiety: An Examination of the Social Phobia Safety Behaviours Scale. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 38:87-100. 2016
- Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression: trends and developments. Psychology Research and Behavior Management. 9:125-125. 2016
- Social anxiety and its psychosocial impact on the lives of people with epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior. 51:286-293. 2015
- Social anxiety disorder in the Canadian population: Exploring gender differences in sociodemographic profile. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 27:427-434. 2013
- A conceptual framework for understanding self-regulation in adults. New Ideas in Psychology. 30:155-165. 2012
- Rumination and Distraction Periods Immediately Following a Speech Task: Effect on Postevent Processing in Social Anxiety. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 40:45-56. 2011
- Instructional Styles, Attitudes and Experiences of Seniors in Computer Workshops. Educational Gerontology. 36:834-857. 2010
- Self-reported acceptance of social anxiety symptoms: Development and validation of the Social Anxiety—Acceptance and Action Questionnaire.. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice. 6:214-232.