selected scholarly activity
- Appendix: Elastic Connection Device for One or More Degrees of Freedom. 193-208. 2011
- Behavior of Multilayer Rubber Bearings under Bending. 45-62. 2011
- Behavior of Multilayer Rubber Bearings under Compression. 19-44. 2011
- Buckling Behavior of Multilayer Rubber Isolators. 83-111. 2011
- Buckling of Multilayer Rubber Isolators in Tension. 113-128. 2011
- Effect of Friction on Unbonded Rubber Bearings. 177-192. 2011
- Frictional Restraint on Unbonded Rubber Pads. 159-175. 2011
- Influence of Plate Flexibility on the Buckling Load of Multilayer Rubber Isolators. 129-157. 2011
- Photograph Credits. 213-213. 2011
- References. 209-212. 2011
- Steel Stress in Multilayer Rubber Bearings under Compression and Bending. 63-82. 2011
- Probabilistic 3D Finite Element Analysis of Elastomeric Bridge Bearings. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 189-200. 2023
- Energy upgrading of buildings in Greece with eco-materials: An investigation of public awareness. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 012033-012033. 2022
- Dynamic modeling of the lateral response of unbonded fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators. Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure. 2022
- Input Motion Scaling for Seismic Evaluation of Rocking Components in Canadian Nuclear Power Plants. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 479-489. 2022
- Quantifying damage in the steel shims of seismic isolation rubber bearings due to support rotation. IABSE Congress Reports. 284-292. 2021
- Vision-Based Quality Control Testing of Elastomeric Bridge Bearings. Structures Congress 2020. 651-664. 2020
- Impact of slenderness on the seismic response of rocking frames in ontario nuclear power plants. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 2611-2621. 2016
- Investigation of stable and unstable fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 1738-1748. 2016
- A practical bridge management system using new multi-objective genetic algorithm. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management - Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Performance and Cost. 171-172. 2015
- Health monitoring of fluid dampers for vibration control of structures: experimental investigation. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2014
- Advances in Low-Cost Seismic Isolation with Rubber. NCEE 2014 - 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering. 2014
- Experimental Investigation of Unbonded Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators with Modified Support Geometry. NCEE 2014 - 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering. 2014
- Seismic Performance of Attached Equipment in a Base Isolated Building. NCEE 2014 - 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering. 2014
- Seismic Performance of Sliding Contents in Base-Isolated Buildings. NCEE 2014 - 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering. 2014
- Seismic Qualification of Rocking Objects in Canadian Nuclear Power Plants. NCEE 2014 - 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering. 2014
- Solving dynamical systems with path-dependent nonlinearities using MATLAB ODE solvers. NCEE 2014 - 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering. 2014
- Station Challenges on Seismic Qualification of Structures, Systems and Components in Canadian Nuclear Power Plants. NCEE 2014 - 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering. 2014
- The Effect of Slip on the Compressive Behavior of Unbonded Rubber Pads: A Finite Element Approach. NCEE 2014 - 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering. 2014
- Investigation of the Shear Behaviour of Unbonded Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (FREIs) with Modified Support Geometry. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 1594-1603. 2013
- Sliding Response Analysis of Operational and Functional Components (OFC) in Seismically Isolated Buildings. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 1502-1511. 2013
- Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Square Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (FREIs) under Lateral Loads. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 3074-3083. 2013
- Seismic qualification of structures, systems and components in a Canadian nuclear power plant. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 2272-2281. 2012
- Vertical Response Behaviour of Stable Unbonded Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (SU-FREIs) with Holes in the Loaded Surface.. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 118-127. 2012
- In-situ monitoring of fluid dampers for vibration control of structures: Experimental investigation. International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering. 2011
- Dynamic Testing of Frictional Bearings. Structures Congress 2010. 2303-2314. 2010
- The Influence of Isolator Hysteresis on Equipment Performance in Seismic Isolated Buildings. Structures Congress 2010. 2315-2329. 2010
- EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON THE SEISMIC RESPONSE OF BRIDGE BEARINGS. International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering. 2009
- IN-SITU MONITORING OF THE FORCE-OUTPUT OF FLUID DAMPERS: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION. International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering. 2009
- Experimental and analytical studies on the seismic response of free-standing and restrained laboratory equipment. 8th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2006. 7018-7027. 2006
- Seismic response of high-rise RC buildings made of high-strength materials. American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication. 595-614. 2005
- Earthquake analysis of multidrum columns. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment. 115-125. 2005
- Design of egnatia motorway bridges. Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2003: Concrete Structures in Seismic Regions. 416-417. 2003
- THE ROCKING SPECTRUM, EXISTING DESIGN GUIDELINES, AND A SCALE INVARIANCE. Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2003: Concrete Structures in Seismic Regions. 482-483. 2003
- Acceleration demands on nonstructural components in special concentrically braced frame structures
- Dynamic testing of bridge bearings
- Experimental Investigation on the Health Monitoring of Fluid Dampers for Bridges
- Horizontal Behaviour of Stable Unbonded Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (SU-FREIs) with Holes
- Investigation of Base Isolated Structures Utilizing Stable Unbonded Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators
- Modification of existing models to include the effect of rotation on the behavior of elastomeric bearings
- Seismic Response of Masonry Rocking Frames in Nuclear Power Plants
- Seismic Response of Sliding Equipment with Flexible Supports
- The Rocking Spectrum and the Limitations of Design Guidelines
- The dynamics of a rocking block in three dimensions
journal articles
- Factor Prioritization in FEMA P-58 Loss Estimation. Earthquake Spectra. 41:579-607. 2025
- Phenomenological modeling of fiber‐reinforced elastomeric isolators at multiple lateral deformation levels. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 53:3335-3357. 2024
- Experimental and Numerical Studies on Thick Rubber Bearings under Uniaxial and Offset Tensile Loading. Journal of Structural Engineering. 150. 2024
- Effective Warping Properties and Buckling Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators. Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE. 150. 2024
- Experimental characterization and constitutive modeling of thermoplastic polyurethane under complex uniaxial loading. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 186:105582-105582. 2024
- Buckling of Short Beams Considering Shear Warping: Application to Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators. Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE. 150. 2024
- Effects of steel shim geometric characteristics and imperfections on the behavior of unbonded elastomeric bridge bearings subjected to large lateral displacements. Engineering structures. 291:116179-116179. 2023
- A model based study of the drying and shrinkage behavior of a ceramic green body. Drying Technology. 41:1365-1382. 2023
- Cost and Material Quantities Prediction Models for the Construction of Underground Metro Stations. Buildings. 13:382-382. 2023
- A framework for the rapid assessment of seismic upgrade viability using performance-based earthquake engineering. Earthquake Spectra. 38:1761-1787. 2022
- Effect of Manufacturing Imperfections on the Service-Level Performance of Elastomeric Bridge Bearings. Journal of Structural Engineering. 148. 2022
- Demands on acceleration-sensitive nonstructural components in special concentrically braced frame and special moment frame buildings. Engineering structures. 260:114031-114031. 2022
- Static and cyclic behaviour of epoxy resin and bentonite-grouted sands. Transportation Geotechnics. 33:100725-100725. 2022
- Nondestructive Assessment of Elastomeric Bridge Bearings Using 3D Digital Image Correlation. Journal of Structural Engineering. 148. 2022
- Demands on nonstructural components in buildings with controlled rocking braced frames. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 50:1063-1082. 2021
- Experimental and Analytical Studies on the Horizontal Behavior of Elastomeric Bearings under Support Rotation. Journal of Structural Engineering. 147. 2021
- Beam network model for fracture of materials with hierarchical microstructure. International Journal of Fracture. 227:243-257. 2021
- Influence of Steel Reinforcement on the Performance of Elastomeric Bearings. Journal of Structural Engineering. 146. 2020
- Rocking Response of Unanchored Building Contents Considering Horizontal and Vertical Excitation. Journal of Structural Engineering. 146. 2020
- Integrated Structural–Nonstructural Performance-Based Seismic Design and Retrofit Optimization of Buildings. Journal of Structural Engineering. 146. 2020
- Dynamics of a sliding‐rocking block considering impact with an adjacent wall. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 49:498-523. 2020
- Evaluating adaptive vertical seismic isolation for equipment in nuclear power plants. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 358:110399-110399. 2020
- Investigation of partially bonded fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators (PB-FREIs) with nominal vertical tensile loads. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 46:669-676. 2019
- Experimental Study on the Seismic Response of Equipment on Wheels and Casters in Base-Isolated Hospitals. Journal of Structural Engineering. 145. 2019
- Earthquake-resistant rehabilitation of existing RC structures using high-strength steel fiber-reinforced concrete jackets. Earthquake and Structures. 17. 2019
- Seismic behaviour of RC columns with welded rebars or mechanical splices of reinforcement. Earthquake and Structures. 17:297-306. 2019
- Seismic response of rocking frames with top support eccentricity. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 47:2496-2518. 2018
- Evaluation of a novel quorum quenching strain for MBR biofouling mitigation. Water Research. 143:56-65. 2018
- Preliminary construction cost estimates for motorway underpass bridges. International Journal of Construction Management. 18:321-330. 2018
- Simple mechanical models for the horizontal behavior of elastomeric bearings including the effect of support rotation. Engineering structures. 150:996-1012. 2017
- Peak Sliding Demands on Unanchored Equipment and Contents in Base-Isolated Buildings under Pulse Excitation. Journal of Structural Engineering. 143. 2017
- Simplified Approximations for Critical Design Parameters of Rectangular Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators. Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE. 143. 2017
- Effect of the Stick-Slip Phenomenon on the Sliding Response of Objects Subjected to Pulse Excitation. Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE. 143. 2017
- Non-iterative computational model for fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators. Engineering structures. 137:245-255. 2017
- Shear Strain Demands in Elastomeric Bearings Subjected to Rotation. Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE. 143. 2017
- Evaluation of Vision-Based Measurements for Shake-Table Testing of Nonstructural Components. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 31. 2017
- Finite element study of the effect of support rotation on the horizontal behavior of elastomeric bearings. Composite Structures. 163:474-490. 2017
- Shake table investigation on the seismic performance of hospital equipment supported on wheels/casters. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 46:243-266. 2017
- Seismic retrofitting of pre-1970 RC bridge columns using innovative jackets. International Journal of Structural Engineering. 8:133-133. 2017
- Collapse Fragility Evaluation of Ductile Reinforced Concrete Block Wall Systems for Seismic Risk Assessment. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 30. 2016
- Evaluation of ASCE 43-05 Seismic Design Criteria for Rocking Objects in Nuclear Facilities. Journal of Structural Engineering. 142. 2016
- Compression of unbonded rubber layers taking into account bulk compressibility and contact slip at the supports. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 87:206-221. 2016
- Development of Design Code Oriented Formulas for Elastomeric Bearings Including Bulk Compressibility and Reinforcement Extensibility. Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE. 142. 2016
- Variation of the vertical stiffness of strip-shaped fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators under lateral loading. Composite Structures. 144:177-184. 2016
- Pilot tests of CO2 capture in brick production industry using gas–liquid contact membranes. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering. 7:61-68. 2016
- Structural and nonstructural performance of a seismically isolated building using stable unbonded fiber‐reinforced elastomeric isolators. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 45:421-439. 2016
- Seismic Isolation of a Shear Wall Structure Using Rectangular Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators. Journal of Structural Engineering. 142. 2016
- Application of the multi attribute utility theory for the selection of project procurement system for Greek highway projects. International Journal of Management and Decision Making. 15:83-83. 2016
- System-Level Seismic Performance Assessment of an Asymmetrical Reinforced Concrete Block Shear Wall Building. Journal of Structural Engineering. 141. 2015
- Model of the Shear Behavior of Unbonded Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators. Journal of Structural Engineering. 141. 2015
- Seismic response of sliding equipment and contents in base‐isolated buildings subjected to broadband ground motions. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 44:865-887. 2015
- Partially bonded fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators (PB-FREIs). Structural Control and Health Monitoring. 22:417-432. 2015
- Experimental and finite element study on the lateral response of modified rectangular fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators (MR-FREIs). Engineering structures. 85:293-303. 2015
- In-situ condition assessment of seismic fluid dampers: experimental studies and challenges. Meccanica. 50:323-340. 2015
- Experimental and finite element study on the compression properties of Modified Rectangular Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (MR-FREIs). Engineering structures. 74:52-64. 2014
- Finite element analysis of unbonded square fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators (FREIs) under lateral loading in different directions. Composite Structures. 113:164-173. 2014
- Three-dimensional finite element analysis of circular fiber-reinforced elastomeric bearings under compression. Composite Structures. 108:191-204. 2014
- Shear Strength of Sands Reinforced with Polypropylene Fibers. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 31:401-423. 2013
- Health monitoring of fluid dampers for vibration control of structures: experimental investigation. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 41:1813-1829. 2012
- Mechanics of Rubber Bearings for Seismic and Vibration Isolation. Mechanics of Rubber Bearings for Seismic and Vibration Isolation. XIII-+. 2011
- Experimental and analytical studies on the response of 1/4-scale models of freestanding laboratory equipment subjected to strong earthquake shaking. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 8:1457-1477. 2010
- The Influence of Isolator Hysteresis on Equipment Performance in Seismic Isolated Buildings. Earthquake Spectra. 26:275-293. 2010
- Effect of Friction on Unbonded Elastomeric Bearings. Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE. 135:953-960. 2009
- Steel shim stresses in multilayer bearings under compression and bending. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 4:1109-1125. 2009
- Experimental and analytical studies on the response of freestanding laboratory equipment to earthquake shaking. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 38:827-848. 2009
- Seismic response analysis of multidrum classical columns. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 34:1243-1270. 2005
- The rocking spectrum and the limitations of practical design methodologies. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 32:265-289. 2003
- Low-cost seismic isolators for housing in highly-seismic developing countries
- Physical Similarity in the Dynamic Response of a Rocking Object: A Scale
- Effect of multi-component excitation on the sliding response of unanchored components in nuclear facilities. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2022