selected scholarly activity
- Vortices for computing: the engines of turbulence simulation. IUTAM Bookseries. 257-261. 2009
- Geometric, Stochastic and Algebraic Vortices. 99-118. 2005
- An Adaptive Wavelet Method for Fluid—Structure Interaction. ERCOFTAC Series. 253-260. 2001
- Turbulence analysis, modelling and computing using wavelets. 117-200. 1999
- Coherent Structure Eduction in Wavelet-Forced Two-Dimensional Turbulent Flows. Fluid Mechanics and its Applications. 65-83. 1998
- Towards an adaptive wavelet-based 3D Navier-Stokes Solver. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design. 339-364. 1998
- Towards an adaptive wavelet-based 3D Navier-Stokes Solver. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design. 339-364. 1998
- Rapid Distortion of Turbulent Structures. Fluid Mechanics and its Applications. 411-415. 1993
- Multidimensional turbulence spectra – identifying properties of turbulent structures. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 042022-042022. 2011
- The role of vortex wake dynamics in the flow-induced vibration of tube arrays. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 829-837. 2011
- An Adaptive Multilevel Wavelet Solver for Elliptic Equations on an Optimal Spherical Geodesic Grid. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 3073-3086. 2008
- Towards Lagrangian dynamic SGS model for SCALES of isotropic turbulence. ERCOFTAC Series. 175-182. 2006
- Topology change of vortices using stochastic differential equations. 3rd M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics. 698-700. 2005
- Suppression of three-dimensional flow instabilities in tube bundles. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 611-620. 2005
- A Three-Dimensional Adaptive Wavelet Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction. ERCOFTAC Series. 147-154. 2004
- Feasibility study of an adaptive large eddy simulation method. 16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. 2003
- Feasibility Study of an Adaptive Large Eddy Simulation Method. 16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. 2003
- Hybrid wavelet collocation–Brinkman penalization method for complex geometry flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 531-538. 2002
- Nonlinear RDT theory of near wall turbulence. ADVANCES IN TURBULENCE VIII. 629-632. 2000
- Non-Gaussianity and coherent vortex simulation for two-dimensional turbulence using an adaptive orthogonal wavelet basis. Physics of Fluids. 2187-2201. 1999
- Combining deterministic and statistical approaches to compute two-dimensional turbulent flows with walls. Trends in Mathematics. 163-174. 1999
- Experimental evidence for a new type of stretched vortex. European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids. 549-560. 1998
- An Adaptive Wavelet Method Compared to Non-Linearly Filtered Pseudo-Spectral Methods for Two-Dimensional Turbulence. Fluid Mechanics and its Applications. 147-150. 1998
- Comparison of an Adaptive Wavelet Method and Nonlinearly Filtered Pseudospectral Methods for Two-Dimensional Turbulence. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. 191-206. 1997
- Nonlinear Interactions in Turbulence with Strong Irrotational Straining. Fluid Mechanics and its Applications. 239-242. 1996
- A comparison of different analytical techniques for identifying structures in turbulence. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. 339-355. 1994
- A comparison of different analytical techniques for identifying structures in turbulence. Fluid Mechanics and its Applications. 311-324. 1993
- Rapid Distortion Theory and the structure of turbulence. NEW APPROACHES AND CONCEPTS IN TURBULENCE. 285-316. 1993
journal articles
- Coupling simple dry physics to a dynamically adaptive global atmosphere model 2023
- Energy Spectra and Vorticity Dynamics in a Two-Layer Shallow Water Ocean Model. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 52:2741-2759. 2022
- Improved Gulf Stream separation through Brinkman penalization. Ocean Modelling. 179:102121-102121. 2022
- Reconciling and Improving Formulations for Thermodynamics and Conservation Principles in Earth System Models (ESMs). Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 14. 2022
- wavetrisk-2.1: an adaptive dynamical core for ocean modelling. Geoscientific Model Development. 15:6521-6539. 2022
- Data assimilation for the two-dimensional shallow water equations: Optimal initial conditions for tsunami modelling. Ocean Modelling. 174:102009-102009. 2022
- Variational Assimilation of Surface Wave Data for Bathymetry Reconstruction. Part II: Second Order Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis. Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. 74:187-203. 2022
- Adaptive Wavelet Methods for Earth Systems Modelling. Fluids. 6:236-236. 2021
- WAVETRISK-OCEAN: an adaptive dynamical core for ocean modelling 2021
- Variational assimilation of surface wave data for bathymetry reconstruction. Part I: algorithm and test cases. Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. 73:1976907-1976907. 2021
- Low shear diffusion central schemes for particle methods. Journal of Computational Physics. 414:109454-109454. 2020
- Brinkman volume penalization for bathymetry in three-dimensional ocean models. Ocean Modelling. 145:101530-101530. 2020
- On the convergence of data assimilation for the one-dimensional shallow water equations with sparse observations. Advances in Computational Mathematics. 45:3195-3216. 2019
- WAVETRISK-1.0: an adaptive wavelet hydrostatic dynamical core. Geoscientific Model Development. 12:4901-4921. 2019
- Response to Referee 1 2019
- Response to Referee 2 2019
- Response to comment on performance and other issues 2019
- WAVETRISK-1.0: an adaptive wavelet hydrostatic dynamical core 2019
- The role of Reynolds number in the fluid-elastic instability of tube arrays. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 73:16-36. 2017
- Adaptive wavelet simulation of global ocean dynamics 2015
- A conservative adaptive wavelet method for the shallow‐water equations on the sphere. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 141:1712-1726. 2015
- Multilevel approximation of the gradient operator on an adaptive spherical geodesic grid. Advances in Computational Mathematics. 41:663-689. 2015
- Adaptive wavelet simulation of global ocean dynamics using a new Brinkman volume penalization. Geoscientific Model Development. 8:3891-3909. 2015
- Compressive Sampling for Energy Spectrum Estimation of Turbulent Flows. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 37:B452-B472. 2015
- Shock interactions, turbulence and the origin of the stellar mass spectrum. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 371:20120248-20120248. 2013
- A conservative adaptive wavelet method for the shallow‐water equations on staggered grids. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 139:1997-2020. 2013
- Multifractal signatures of infectious diseases. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 9:2167-2180. 2012
- Principles of Multiscale Modeling. Physics Today. 65:56-57. 2012
- A Multiresolution Model for the Simulation of Transient Heat and Mass Transfer. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals. 61:147-170. 2012
- Controlling the dual cascade of two-dimensional turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 668:202-222. 2011
- Vortices for computing: the engines of turbulence simulation. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. 24:241-245. 2010
- An adaptive wavelet collocation method for the solution of partial differential equations on the sphere. Journal of Computational Physics. 227:5610-5632. 2008
- Lagrangian dynamic SGS model for stochastic coherent adaptive large eddy simulation. Journal of Turbulence. 9:N11-N11. 2008
- Three-dimensional Floquet stability analysis of the wake in cylinder arrays. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 592:79-88. 2007
- Scaling of space–time modes with Reynolds number in two-dimensional turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 570:217-226. 2007
- Simultaneous space–time adaptive wavelet solution of nonlinear parabolic differential equations. Journal of Computational Physics. 214:829-857. 2006
- An adaptive multilevel wavelet collocation method for elliptic problems. Journal of Computational Physics. 206:412-431. 2005
- Stochastic differential equation models of vortex merging and reconnection. Physics of Fluids. 17. 2005
- An Adaptive Wavelet Collocation Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction at High Reynolds Numbers. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 26:1894-1915. 2005
- CVS and SCALES simulation of 3-D isotropic turbulence. Journal of Turbulence. 6:N37-N37. 2005
- A dynamic subfilter-scale model for plane parallel flows. Physics of Fluids. 13:2045-2064. 2001
- Computation of turbulent flow past an array of cylinders using a spectral method with Brinkman penalization. European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids. 20:333-350. 2001
- Nonlinear RDT theory of near-wall turbulence. Physica D : Non-linear phenomena. 139:158-176. 2000
- WKB theory for rapid distortion of inhomogeneous turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 390:325-348. 1999
- On geometrical alignment properties of two-dimensional forced turbulence. Physica D : Non-linear phenomena. 128:169-179. 1999
- Collaborative testing of eddy structure identification methods in free turbulent shear flows. Experiments in Fluids. 25:197-225. 1998
- Vorticity filaments in two-dimensional turbulence: creation, stability and effect. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 346:49-76. 1997
- The vorticity jump across a shock in a non-uniform flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 341:371-384. 1997
- Nonlinear interactions in turbulence with strong irrotational straining. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 337:333-364. 1997
- The propagation of weak shocks in non-uniform flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 327:161-197. 1996
- Wavelets and turbulence. Proceedings of the IEEE. 84:639-669. 1996
- The space and scale dependencies of the self-similar structure of turbulence. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 447:341-363. 1994
- Rapid distortion of turbulent structures. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. 51:411-415. 1993
- Coherence Energies of Turbulent Flow. Physics Essays. 4:406-416. 1991
- WAVETRISK-OCEAN: an adaptive dynamical core for ocean modelling
- WAVETRISK-2.1: an adaptive dynamical core for ocean modelling 2021
- Adaptive Wavelet Methods for Earth Systems Modelling 2021
- On the convergence of data assimilation for the one-dimensional shallow water equations with sparse observations 2018
- Compressive sampling for energy spectrum estimation of turbulent flows 2014
- A conservative adaptive wavelet method for the shallow water equations on the sphere 2014
- Shock interactions, turbulence, and the origin of the stellar mass spectrum 2012
- Shock generated vorticity in the interstellar medium and the origin of the stellar initial mass function 2009
- Consistent multiscale topography for climate models
- Dynamical adaptive climate modelling using simple dry physics
- Energy Spectra and Vorticity Dynamics in a Stratified Ocean Model
- Homogenization of the permeability equations using the Lippmann--Schwinger formulation