publication venue for
- Racial ambiguity impairs holistic face processing: Evidence from racially distinctive and racially ambiguous faces. 32:1-19. 2024
- Relation between working memory and implicit learning in the contextual cueing paradigm. 28:470-483. 2020
- Human faces capture attention and attract first saccades without longer fixation. 27:158-170. 2019
- Semantically incongruent objects attract eye gaze when viewing scenes for change. 24:63-77. 2016
- A response binding effect in visual short-term memory. 23:489-515. 2015
- The other-species effect in human perceptions of sexual dimorphism using human and macaque faces. 21:970-986. 2013
- Do hands attract attention?. 21:647-672. 2013
- Context congruency effects in change detection: Opposing effects on detection and identification. 21:99-122. 2013
- Eye movements when reading: The importance of the word to the left of fixation. 20:328-355. 2012
- Basic processes in reading: Spatial attention as a necessary preliminary to orthographic and semantic processing. 19:171-202. 2011
- Interference in visual memory can obscure explicit awareness of statistical relationships: The influence of location-identity binding mismatches. 19:1311-1314. 2011
- Visual word recognition: On the reliability of repetition priming. 18:537-558. 2010
- The face in the crowd effect: Threat-detection advantage with perceptually intermediate distractors. 17:1205-1217. 2009
- Converging evidence of configural processing of faces in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorders. 16:859-891. 2008
- The composite face effect in six-year-old children: Evidence of adult-like holistic face processing. 15:564-577. 2007
- Processing of distractors inside and outside the attentional focus in a priming procedure. 13:601-622. 2006
- Individuals with social phobia are biased to become aware of negative faces. 12:159-179. 2005
- Single‐prime negative priming in the shape‐matching task: Implications for the role of perceptual segmentation processes. 11:603-630. 2004
- Attention switching between global and local elements: Distractor category and the level repetition effect. 10:433-470. 2003
- The role of attentional set on attentional cueing and inhibition of return. 8:33-46. 2001
- Attentional processing: The brain's art of mindfulness - LaBerge,D. 4:333-335. 1997