publication venue for
- Ultrasound modulation of melatonin release from pineal glands in vitro.. 148:107565. 2025
- Tissue characterization of arteries with 4 MHz ultrasound. 33:331-339. 1995
- Modelling and compensation of field distortion due to defective elements in planar ultrasonic arrays. 32:149-151. 1994
- In vivo biomicroscopy with ultrasound 2. 28:40-49. 1990
- In vivo biomicroscopy with ultrasound 2.. 28:40-49. 1990
- In vivo biomicroscopy with ultrasound. 25:274-282. 1987
- In vivo biomicroscopy with ultrasound.. 25:274-282. 1987
- Constructive and destructive interference in acoustic emission during fatigue crack propagation. 17:125-127. 1979