publication venue for
- A randomized controlled trial assessing the impact of problem-based versus didactic teaching methods in CME.. 27:72-77. 1988
- Billing patterns of general practitioners and family physicians in Ontario: a comparison of graduates of McMaster Medical School with graduates of other Ontario medical schools.. 27:276-281. 1988
- Effect of prior examples on rule-based diagnostic performance.. 27:9-14. 1988
- Expert-novice differences in recall of clinical data: resolution of a paradox.. 26:69-74. 1987
- Measurement characteristics of cognitive probes.. 26:75-80. 1987
- The impact of a continuing education package for smoking cessation on physicians' clinical behavior and patient smoking.. 26:14-19. 1987
- Career choices of men and women in medicine: a study of a cohort of recent medical graduates.. 25:109-114. 1986
- Symposium: The use of health care data in medical education.. 25:347-354. 1986
- Teaching clinicians to search MEDLINE: description and evaluation of a short course.. 25:231-236. 1986
- The use of standardized (simulated) patients as a needs determining tool in continuing medical education.. 24:201-206. 1985
- Physicians' evaluation of their postgraduate education for primary care.. 23:152-157. 1984
- Symposium: Use of the OSCE (objective structured clinical examination) to assess clinical competence.. 23:407-412. 1984
- The selection of priority problems and conditions: an innovative approach to curriculum design in medical education.. 23:17-25. 1984
- Expertise in recall of clinical protocols in two specialty areas.. 22:122-127. 1983
- Symposium: Simulated patients in evaluation of medical education and practice.. 22:238-244. 1983
- Symposium: The essence of clinical competence--psychological studies of expert reasoning in medicine.. 22:278-286. 1983
- The generalizability of measures of clinical problem-solving.. 22:110-114. 1983
- Long term stability of graduates' rating of their educational programs: or-what is to be gained by post program follow-up surveys?. 20:155-160. 1981
- The "triple-jump" exercise--further studies of an evaluative technique.. 20:74-79. 1981
- The validity of simulated patients.. 20:215-220. 1981
- Clinical experience and the structure of memory.. 18:214-218. 1979
- Clinical methods of physicians--a comparison of primary and secondary care physicians.. 16:354-355. 1977
- Measuring the outcome of clinical problem-solving.. 16:311-316. 1977