publication venue for
- Accelerometer techniques for capturing human movement validated against direct observation: a scoping review. 45:07TR01-07TR01. 2024
- Investigating coherent normalization and dosimetry for the 241Am-La K XRF system. 41:075014-075014. 2020
- Elemental analysis in living human subjects using biomedical devices. 40:12TR01-12TR01. 2019
- Ex vivo quantification of lanthanum and gadolinium in post-mortem human tibiae with estimated barium and iodine concentrations using K x-ray fluorescence. 40:085006-085006. 2019
- Self-identified gadolinium toxicity: comparison of gadolinium in bone and urine to healthy gadolinium-based contrast agent exposed volunteers. 39:115008-115008. 2018
- An assessment of intra-individual variability in carotid artery longitudinal wall motion: recommendations for data acquisition. 39:09NT01-09NT01. 2018
- Measurement of gadolinium retention: current status and review from an applied radiation physics perspective. 39:06TR01-06TR01. 2018
- The decrease in population bone lead levels in Canada between 1993 and 2010 as assessed byin vivoXRF. 39:015005-015005. 2017
- Coherent normalization forin vivomeasurements of gadolinium in bone. 38:1848-1858. 2017
- The feasibility ofin vivodetection of lanthanum using a241Am K x-ray fluorescence system. 38:1766-1775. 2017
- Calibration of the125I-induced x-ray fluorescence spectrometry-based system ofin vivobone strontium determinations using hydroxyapatite as a phantom material: a simulation study. 38:1077-1093. 2017
- Age and sex influence on bone and blood lead concentrations in a cohort of the general population living in Toronto. 38:431-451. 2017
- In vivoneutron activation study of the short-term kinetic behaviour of sodium and chlorine in the human hand. 37:N76-N83. 2016
- Modeling elemental strontium in human bone based onin vivox-ray fluorescence measurements in osteoporotic females self-supplementing with strontium citrate.. 37:429-441. 2016
- Feasibility of measuring arsenic and selenium in human skin usingin vivox-ray fluorescence (XRF)—a comparison of methods. 37:145-161. 2016
- Identification of oxygen-19 duringin vivoneutron activation analysis of water phantoms. 36:N127-N134. 2015
- Feasibility of measuring selenium in humans usingin vivoneutron activation analysis. 36:2217-2230. 2015
- Effect of sample preparation techniques on the concentrations and distributions of elements in biological tissues using µSRXRF: a comparative study. 36:N51-N60. 2015
- Measurements of fluorine in contemporary urban Canadians: a comparison of the levels found in human bone usingin vivoandex vivoneutron activation analysis. 36:465-487. 2015
- A feasibility study to determine the potential ofin vivodetection of gadolinium by x-ray fluorescence (XRF) following gadolinium-based contrast-enhanced MRI. 36:N1-N13. 2015
- Gadolinium detection viain vivoprompt gamma neutron activation analysis following gadolinium-based contrast agent injection: a pilot study in 10 human participants. 35:1861-1872. 2014
- Improvements in anin vivoneutron activation analysis (NAA) method for the measurement of fluorine in human bone. 34:1329-1341. 2013
- X-ray fluorescence measurements of arsenic micro-distribution in human nail clippings using synchrotron radiation. 34:1163-1177. 2013
- Design of a phantom equivalent to measure bone-fluorine in a human's hand via delayed neutron activation analysis. 34:503-512. 2013
- In vivoquantification of bone-fluorine by delayed neutron activation analysis: a pilot study of hand-bone-fluorine levels in a Canadian population. 33:375-384. 2012
- The feasibility ofin vivoquantification of bone-fluorine in humans by delayed neutron activation analysis: a pilot study. 33:243-257. 2012
- On the use of peripheral autonomic signals for binary control of body–machine interfaces. 31:1411-1422. 2010
- A novel approach for EIT regularization via spatial and spectral principal component analysis. 28:1001-1016. 2007
- Evaluation of potentially significant increase of lead in the blood during long-term bed rest and space flight. 26:1-12. 2005
- Physiological assessment of contrast-enhancing frequency shaping and multiband compression in hearing aids. 25:945-956. 2004
- Triple photon absorptimetry cannot correct for fat inhomogeneities in lumbar spine bone mineral measurements. 11:77-84. 1990
- Spine densitometry - further comments on errors. 11:254-256. 1990
- The error due to fat inhomogeneity in lumbar spine bone mineral measurements. 10:57-64. 1989
- Reply to "Low influence of fat on spine densitometry?". 10:288-290. 1989