publication venue for
- Effect of Varying Facial Region Visibility on Perception 2021
- Effects of aging and hearing loss on identity and emotion perception and stimulus interference in faces 2021
- Music Cognition and Perceptual Organization 2019
- Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Evidence from cognitive science about detection and identification of objects during scene viewing 2016
- Contour Interpolation: Normal development and the effect of early visual deprivation 2015
- Sensitivity to horizontal structure and face identification in developmental prosopagnosia and healthy aging 2015
- The Oblique Effect is Not Altered By Aging 2015
- The development of the perception of visuotactile simultaneity 2015
- Observing errors vs. expertise during surgical training 2013
- Visual Bandwidths for Face Orientation Decrease During Early Development 2013
- Task-specific perceptual learning of texture detection and identification 2010
- Age-related changes in matching objects across viewpoints 2009
- The effects of hyperbaric oxygen on the human retinal standing potential 2009
- Ageing affects the sensitivity to biological motion 2008
- Time course of the sensitivity of the visual system to phase information 2007
- Attractive faces are not always average 2006
- Pavlovian learning today 2006
- Facilitation and inhibition in the spatiotemporal template for ring target detection 2005
- Perceptual learning of faces and textures is tuned to trained identities 2005
- Predicting absolute efficiency from classification images 2002
- Using response classification to examine the face-inversion effect 2002
- Perceptually interpolated contours in shape discrimination 2001
- Sensitivity to first-order and second-order global motion in 5-year-olds and adults 2001
- The effects of aging on visual memory: Evidence for functional reorganisation of cortical networks 2001
- The efficiency of face recognition: effects of inversion and contrast reversal 2001
- Perceptual organisation and perceptual efficiency 2000
- How common must common fate be? 1998
- Walking in the crowd: emergent coherent motion captures biological motion 1998
- A category contingent aftereffect for faces labelled with different religious affiliation is seen 7 days after adaptation. 52:297-311. 2023
- Opposing aftereffects between a White male face set and a diverse face set. 52:5-20. 2023
- Children’s Perception of Animacy: Social Attributions to Moving Figures. 50:387-398. 2021
- Toddlers Categorically Perceive Emotional Facial Expressions Along a Happy–Sad Continuum. 49:822-834. 2020
- Early Attentional Capture of Animate Motion: 4-Year-Olds Show a Pop-Out Effect for Chasing Stimuli. 48:228-236. 2019
- The Bandwidth of Diagnostic Horizontal Structure for Face Identification. 47:397-413. 2018
- The Influence of Averageness on Adults’ Perceptions of Attractiveness: The Effect of Early Visual Deprivation. 45:1399-1411. 2016
- Exploring the Role of the Amplitude Envelope in Duration Estimation. 43:616-630. 2014
- The Eye-Size Illusion: Psychophysical Characteristics, Generality, and Relation to Holistic Face Processing. 43:265-274. 2014
- Context-Dependent Categorical Perception of Surprise. 42:294-301. 2013
- The Influence of Symmetry on Children's Judgments of Facial Attractiveness. 42:302-320. 2013
- Apparent Height and Body Mass Index Influence Perceived Leadership Ability in Three-Dimensional Faces. 41:1477-1485. 2012
- The Composite-Face Effect Survives Asymmetric Face Distortions. 41:707-716. 2012
- A New “Fat Face” Illusion. 41:117-120. 2012
- Mapping Emotion Category Boundaries Using a Visual Expectation Paradigm. 39:1514-1525. 2010
- Processes Underlying the Cross-Race Effect: An Investigation of Holistic, Featural, and Relational Processing of Own-Race versus Other-Race Faces. 39:1065-1085. 2010
- Discrimination of Facial Features by Adults, 10-Year-Olds, and Cataract-Reversal Patients. 39:184-194. 2010
- Reading-Related Habitual Eye Movements Produce a Directional Anisotropy in the Perception of Speed and Animacy. 37:1609-1611. 2008
- The Effect of Face Orientation on Holistic Processing. 37:1175-1186. 2008
- The Influence of Recent Experience on Perceptions of Attractiveness. 37:1216-1226. 2008
- The Colour of Os: Naturally Biased Associations between Shape and Colour. 37:841-847. 2008
- The Effect of Categorisation on Sensitivity to Second-Order Relations in Novel Objects. 37:584-601. 2008
- The Role of Femininity and Averageness of Voice Pitch in Aesthetic Judgments of Women's Voices. 37:615-623. 2008
- Hearing Gestures, Seeing Music: Vision Influences Perceived Tone Duration. 36:888-897. 2007
- Online Control of Discrete Action following Visual Perturbation. 36:268-287. 2007
- The Development of Sensitivity to Biological Motion in Noise. 35:647-657. 2006
- A Window on the Normal Development of Sensitivity to Global Form in Glass Patterns. 33:409-418. 2004
- Gender Differences in Perception of Self-Orientation: Software or Hardware?. 33:329-337. 2004
- The Contributions of Static Visual Cues, Nonvisual Cues, and Optic Flow in Distance Estimation. 33:49-65. 2004
- The Lasting Impression of Chairman Mao: Hyperfidelity of Familiar-Face Memory. 32:601-614. 2003
- Configural Face Processing Develops more Slowly than Featural Face Processing. 31:553-566. 2002
- Effects of the Height of the Internal Features of Faces on Adults' Aesthetic Ratings and 5-Month-Olds' Looking Times. 28:839-850. 1999
- Collisions between Moving Visual Targets: What Controls Alternative Ways of Seeing an Ambiguous Display?. 28:415-432. 1999
- Effects of Eye Size on Adults' Aesthetic Ratings of Faces and 5-Month-Olds' Looking Times. 28:361-374. 1999
- Pigeons Do Not Complete Partly Occluded Figures. 25:1109-1120. 1996
- Local and Global Minima in Visual Completion: Effects of Symmetry and Orientation. 23:529-545. 1994
- Representational Development of Direction in Motion Perception: A Fragile Process. 22:889-915. 1993
- How the Visual System Detects Changes in the Direction of Moving Targets. 19:181-195. 1990
- Interlimb Transfer after Adaptation to Visual Displacement: Patterns Predicted from the Functional Closeness of Limb Neural Control Centres. 10:383-389. 1981