publication venue for
- Music Acquisition and Effects of Musical Experience 2010
- Sandra Trehub (1938–2023). 40:347-349. 2023
- Embracing Anti-Racist Practices in the Music Perception and Cognition Community. 38:103-105. 2020
- Cross-Cultural Work in Music Cognition. 37:185-195. 2020
- Exploring the Effects of Effectors. 37:196-207. 2020
- Acoustically Expressing Affect. 37:66-91. 2019
- Electrophysiological Correlates of Key and Harmony Processing in 3-year-old Children. 36:435-447. 2019
- Effects of Interpersonal Movement Synchrony on Infant Helping Behaviors. 34:319-326. 2017
- Hearing the Beat. 34:56-70. 2016
- Absolute Judgment of Musical Interval Width. 32:186-200. 2014
- Surveying the Temporal Structure of Sounds Used in Music Perception. 31:288-296. 2014
- Book Review: The Origins of Music. 30:534-537. 2013
- Associations Between Length of Music Training and Reading Skills in Children. 29:147-155. 2011
- Musical Enculturation in Preschool Children: Acquisition of Key and Harmonic Knowledge. 28:195-200. 2010
- Infants' Memory for Isolated Tones and the Effects of Interference. 26:121-127. 2008
- Tracking an Imposed Beat within a Metrical Grid. 26:1-18. 2008
- Poor-Pitch Singing in the Absence of "Tone Deafness". 25:95-115. 2007
- Innateness, Learning, and the Difficulty of Determining Whether Music is an Evolutionary Adaptation. 24:105-110. 2006
- Preference for Sensory Consonance in 2- and 4-Month-Old Infants. 20:187-194. 2002
- Infants' Responsiveness to Fathers' Singing. 18:409-425. 2001
- Inference of Metrical Structure from Perception of Iterative Pulses within Time Spans Defined by Chord Changes. 12:57-76. 1994
- Detection of Implied Harmony Changes in Triadic Melodies. 11:243-264. 1994
- What Mediates Infants' and Adults' Superior Processing of the Major over the Augmented Triad?. 11:185-196. 1993
- The Development of Referential Meaning in Music. 9:455-470. 1992