publication venue for
- Semantic similarity is not emotional: No effect of similarity defined by valence, arousal, and dominance on short-term ordered recall. 2025
- Individual differences in working memory capacity and visual search while reading. 51:321-335. 2023
- Vestibular cues improve landmark-based route navigation: A simulated driving study. 49:1633-1644. 2021
- Visual similarity effects in immediate serial recall and (sometimes) in immediate serial recognition. 48:411-425. 2020
- Forward and backward recall: Different visuospatial processes when you know what’s coming. 48:111-126. 2020
- Dissociating visuo-spatial and verbal working memory: It’s all in the features. 47:603-618. 2019
- Overt language production plays a key role in the Hebb repetition effect. 46:1389-1397. 2018
- Attentional influences on memory formation: A tale of a not-so-simple story. 46:544-557. 2018
- Does neighborhood size really cause the word length effect?. 46:244-260. 2018
- How do we get there? Effects of cognitive aging on route memory. 46:274-284. 2018
- The role of overt language production in the Hebb repetition effect. 45:792-803. 2017
- Order recall in verbal short-term memory: The role of semantic networks. 43:489-499. 2015
- The role of verbal memory in regressions during reading is modulated by the target word’s recency in memory. 42:1155-1170. 2014
- Learning what to expect: context-specific control over intertrial priming effects in singleton search. 41:533-546. 2013
- The role of verbal memory in regressions during reading. 41:122-136. 2013
- Emotional cues do not increase the likelihood of tip-of-the-tongue states. 40:1331-1338. 2012
- Contingency blindness: Location-identity binding mismatches obscure awareness of spatial contingencies and produce profound interference in visual working memory. 40:932-945. 2012
- Revisiting backward recall and benchmark memory effects: a reply to Bireta et al. (2010). 40:388-407. 2012
- A modulatory effect of male voice pitch on long-term memory in women: evidence of adaptation for mate choice?. 40:135-144. 2012
- The role of awareness in anticipation and recall performance in the Hebb repetition paradigm: implications for sequence learning. 39:1012-1022. 2011
- The effects of age and divided attention on spontaneous recognition. 39:725-735. 2011
- Learning to diminish the effects of proactive interference: Reducing false memory for young and older adults. 38:820-829. 2010
- Long-term conceptual implicit memory: A decade of evidence. 38:42-46. 2010
- Multiple levels of control in the Stroop task. 36:1484-1494. 2008
- Text repetition and text integration. 35:1557-1566. 2007
- The influence of multiple readings on the missing-letter effect revisited. 35:1578-1587. 2007
- Individual differences in phonological learning and verbal STM span. 35:1122-1135. 2007
- Visual similarity effects on short-term memory for order: The case of verbally labeled pictorial stimuli. 35:711-723. 2007
- Active navigation and orientation-free spatial representations. 32:51-71. 2004
- All parts of an item are not equal: Effects of phonological redundancy on immediate recall. 31:273-284. 2003
- The influence of word function in the missing-letter effect: Further evidence from French. 25:666-676. 1997
- The influence of word function in the missing-letter effect: further evidence from French.. 25:665-676. 1997
- The correlation of feature identification and category judgments in diagnostic radiology. 20:344-355. 1992
- Size effects in visual recognition memory are determined by perceived size. 20:83-95. 1992
- Proofreading familiar text: Allocating resources to perceptual and conceptual processes. 12:621-632. 1984
- Proofreading familiar text: Constraints on visual processing. 11:1-12. 1983
- Congruency effects in recognition memory. A two-process account.