publication venue for
- Psychometric Validation of the Temptation and Restraint Inventory in Two Samples of College Drinkers1 2006
- Measuring Distress in the Presence of Substance Use: A Differential Item Functioning Analysis of the Kessler 10 Psychological Distress Scale. 47. 2025
- Development and Validation of a New Measure of Fear of Negative and Positive Evaluation. 45:1127-1140. 2023
- Psychometric Evaluation of the Brief Situational Confidence Questionnaire in an Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program. 45:853-864. 2023
- Psychometric Properties of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire-Past Week (PSWQ-PW) in an Anxiety and Related Disorders Sample. 45:549-557. 2023
- An Evaluation of the Diagnostic Assessment Research Tool (DART) Screener for DSM-5 Disorders. 44:1169-1176. 2022
- Investigating the Psychometric Properties of the Severity Measure for Specific Phobia. 44:826-835. 2022
- Two-Factor Structure of Social-Evaluative Fear in Children: Distinguishing Fear of Positive and Negative Evaluation in Social Anxiety. 44:800-810. 2022
- Empathy, Exploitation, and Adolescent Bullying Perpetration: a Longitudinal Social-Ecological Investigation. 42:436-449. 2020
- The Social Suspiciousness Scale: Development, Validation, and Implications for Understanding Social Anxiety Disorder. 41:280-293. 2019
- Psychometric Properties and Clinical Utility of the Specific Phobia Questionnaire in an Anxiety Disorders Sample. 41:36-52. 2019
- In-Game Play Behaviours during an Applied Video Game for Anxiety Prevention Predict Successful Intervention Outcomes. 40:655-668. 2018
- Using a Videogame Intervention to Reduce Anxiety and Externalizing Problems among Youths in Residential Care: an Initial Randomized Controlled Trial. 40:344-354. 2018
- Assessing Safety Behaviors in Fear of Storms: Validation of the Storm-Related Safety Behavior Scale. 40:139-148. 2018
- Development of a Brief Version of the Social Anxiety – Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. 39:342-354. 2017
- The Borderline Personality Features Scale for Children (BPFS-C): Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance across Time and Sex in a Community-Based Sample. 38:600-614. 2016
- Examining the Role of Perfectionism and Intolerance of Uncertainty in Postevent Processing in Social Anxiety Disorder. 38:297-306. 2016
- Safety Behaviors and Social Anxiety: An Examination of the Social Phobia Safety Behaviours Scale. 38:87-100. 2016
- Dyadic Attunement and Physiological Synchrony During Mother-Child Interactions: An Exploratory Study in Children With and Without Externalizing Behavior Problems. 37:624-633. 2015
- Psychometric Evaluation of the Multidimensional Assessment of Social Anxiety Before and After Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder. 37:144-152. 2015
- Assessing Fear of Storms and Severe Weather: Validation of the Storm Fear Questionnaire (SFQ). 36:105-114. 2014
- The Assessment and Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adult Forensic Psychiatric Outpatients. 35:293-300. 2013
- The Relation Between Co-rumination, Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Child Psychopathology. 35:335-345. 2013
- Psychometric Evaluation of the Factor Structure of the Teasing Questionnaire – Revised (TQ-R). 34:542-551. 2012
- Factor Structure Validation of the Alcohol Dependence Scale in a Heavy Drinking College Sample. 33:523-530. 2011
- The Role of Maternal Depression on Treatment Outcome for Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems. 33:178-186. 2011
- Emotional Intelligence in Social Phobia and Other Anxiety Disorders. 33:69-78. 2011
- The Factor Structure of Gambling-Related Cognitions in an Undergraduate University Sample. 30:229-234. 2008
- Further Psychometric Validation of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS). 29:289-293. 2007
- Social Anxiety, Emotional Intelligence, and Interpersonal Adjustment. 28:57-68. 2006
- Perfectionism as an Explanatory Construct in Comorbidity of Axis I Disorders. 26:193-201. 2004
- Factor structure of the illness intrusiveness rating scale in patients diagnosed with anxiety disorders. 23:223-230. 2001
- The stability and clinical significance of distress: A rejoinder to pepper and coyne. 18:187-196. 1996
- The stability of depressive symptoms in college students: An empirical demonstration of regression to the mean. 17:403-408. 1995
- The diagnostic significance of the functional impairment and subjective distress criterion: An illustration with the DSM-III-R anxiety disorders. 16:253-263. 1994