publication venue for
- Facial dominance augments perceived proximity: Evidence from a visual illusion.. 49:635-648. 2023
- A cross-linguistic study of spatial parameters of eye-movement control during reading.. 48:1213-1228. 2022
- Increased perceptions of autonomy through choice fail to enhance motor skill retention.. 48:370-379. 2022
- A lingering question addressed: Reading rate and most efficient listening rate are highly similar.. 47:1103-1112. 2021
- Sex differences in tests of mental rotation: Direct manipulation of strategies with eye-tracking.. 46:871-889. 2020
- The representational basis of positive and negative repetition effects.. 46:252-263. 2020
- Mapping the dynamic allocation of temporal attention in musical patterns.. 44:1694-1711. 2018
- Listeners lengthen phrase boundaries in self-paced music.. 42:1676-1686. 2016
- Strategies and pseudoneglect on luminance judgments: An eye-tracking investigation.. 40:1789-1798. 2014
- Return to Oz: Voice pitch facilitates assessments of men’s body size.. 40:1316-1331. 2014
- Top-down attentional processes modulate the coding of atypical biological motion kinematics in the absence of motor signals.. 40:1641-1653. 2014
- Automatic imitation is reduced in narcissists.. 40:920-928. 2014
- Elastic facial movement influences part-based but not holistic processing.. 39:1457-1467. 2013
- Reassessing word frequency as a determinant of word recognition for skilled and unskilled readers.. 39:802-823. 2013
- Contextual distinctiveness produces long-lasting priming of pop-out.. 39:202-215. 2013
- The colors of the alphabet: Naturally-biased associations between shape and color.. 37:484-495. 2011
- Attention, awareness of contingencies, and control in spatial localization: A qualitative difference approach.. 36:1342-1357. 2010
- Constraints on the observation of partial match costs: Implications for transfer-appropriate processing approaches to immediate priming.. 36:634-648. 2010
- Causality and cross-modal integration.. 35:1791-1810. 2009
- Reading polymorphemic Dutch compounds: Toward a multiple route model of lexical processing.. 35:876-895. 2009
- The use of aftereffects in the study of relationships among emotion categories.. 34:27-40. 2008
- Dissociating averageness and attractiveness: Attractive faces are not always average.. 33:1420-1430. 2007
- Separate mechanisms recruited by exogenous and endogenous spatial cues: Evidence from a spatial Stroop paradigm.. 33:348-362. 2007
- The effect of the Müller-Lyer illusion on the planning and control of manual aiming movements.. 32:413-422. 2006
- Especial Skills: Their Emergence With Massive Amounts of Practice.. 31:970-978. 2005
- Direct Assessments of the Processing Time Hypothesis for the Missing-Letter Effect.. 29:1191-1210. 2003
- Temporal Variations in Visual Completion: A Reflection of Spatial Limits?. 29:1211-1227. 2003
- Influence of parafoveal processing on the missing-letter effect.. 27:318-334. 2001
- Effect of frequency ratio on infants' and adults' discrimination of simultaneous intervals. 23:1427-1438. 1997
- Effect of frequency ratio on infants' and adults' discrimination of simultaneous intervals.. 23:1427-1438. 1997
- Spatial negative priming without mismatching: Comment on Park and Kanwisher (1994).. 21:1220-1229. 1995
- Negative priming in a spatial localization task: Feature mismatching and distractor inhibition.. 20:624-646. 1994
- Musical context effects in infants and adults: Key distance.. 19:615-626. 1993
- A comparison of infants' and adults' sensitivity to Western musical structure.. 18:394-402. 1992
- Perceived pitch class of isolated musical triads.. 16:415-428. 1990
- Continuous visual information may be important after all: A failure to replicate Thomson (1983).. 12:388-391. 1986