publication venue for
- Effects of wrist and finger posture on finger independence.. 79:102941. 2024
- Test-retest reliability of near-fibre jiggle in the ulnar intrinsic hand muscles. 49:102349-102349. 2019
- Submaximal normalizing methods to evaluate load sharing changes in the shoulder during repetitive work. 39:58-69. 2018
- Effect of wrist posture, rate of force development/relaxation, and isotonic contractions on finger force independence. 38:215-223. 2018
- Adaptations to isolated shoulder fatigue during simulated repetitive work. Part I: Fatigue. 29:34-41. 2016
- Adaptations to isolated shoulder fatigue during simulated repetitive work. Part II: Recovery. 29:42-49. 2016
- Fatigue-induced glenohumeral and scapulothoracic kinematic variability: Implications for subacromial space reduction. 29:55-63. 2016
- Muscle activation and knee biomechanics during squatting and lunging after lower extremity fatigue in healthy young women. 25:40-46. 2015
- Analysis of muscle activation patterns during transitions into and out of high knee flexion postures. 24:711-717. 2014
- Obtaining maximum muscle excitation for normalizing shoulder electromyography in dynamic contractions. 23:1166-1173. 2013
- The effect of high pass filtering and non-linear normalization on the EMG–force relationship during sub-maximal finger exertions. 23:564-571. 2013
- Muscle fatigue and contraction intensity modulates the complexity of surface electromyography.. 23:78-83. 2013
- Posture and hand load alter muscular response to sudden elbow perturbations. 22:191-198. 2012
- Targeted gripping reduces shoulder muscle activity and variability. 22:186-190. 2012
- The development of rhythm regularity, neuromuscular strategies, and movement smoothness during repetitive reaching in typically developing children. 22:259-265. 2012
- Effects of posture, movement and hand load on shoulder muscle activity. 20:191-198. 2010
- Interfering effects of multitasking on muscle activity in the upper extremity. 17:578-586. 2007
- The effect of ultrasound probe orientation on muscle architecture measurement. 17:504-514. 2007
- Crosstalk in surface electromyography of the proximal forearm during gripping tasks. 13:63-71. 2003
- Upper limb H reflexes and somatosensory evoked potentials modulated by movement. 10:211-215. 2000
- 1998 ISEK Congress Keynote Lecture. 8:391-402. 1998
- H-reflex modulation during reverse passive pedalling. 6:111-116. 1996