publication venue for
- Thriving, catching up, falling behind: Immigrant and refugee children’s kindergarten competencies and later academic achievement.. 113:1387-1404. 2021
- Study sequence matters for the inductive learning of cognitive concepts.. 109:84-98. 2017
- Vocabulary acquisition without adult explanations in repeated shared book reading: An eye movement study.. 105:596-608. 2013
- Early predictors of biliteracy development in children in French immersion: A 4-year longitudinal study.. 103:119-139. 2011
- Personality and cognitive ability predictors of performance in graduate business school.. 86:516-530. 1994
- Academic, social, and general self-concepts of behavioral subgroups of learning disabled children.. 82:657-663. 1990
- Metamemory and attributions as mediators of strategy use and recall.. 82:849-855. 1990
- Effects of semantic integration training on the recall of pictograph sentences by children in kindergarten and first grade.. 76:387-398. 1984
- Metacognitive differences between skilled and less skilled readers: Remediating deficits through story grammar and attribution training.. 76:225-235. 1984
- Differential utilization of syntactic and semantic information by skilled and less skilled readers in the intermediate grades.. 73:607-615. 1981