publication venue for
- Social withdrawal in an ecologically salient real-world context: Children's shyness, anxiety, and observed distress behaviors in the surgical setting 2025
- The longitudinal associations between perfectionism and academic achievement across adolescence. 46:91-100. 2022
- Preschool mental health: The Brief Child and Family Intake and Outcomes System. 45:170-178. 2021
- Toddler mental health: The Brief Child and Family Intake and Outcomes System. 44:557-564. 2020
- Emotion regulation in action: Use, selection, and success of emotion regulation in adolescents’ daily lives. 43:1-11. 2019
- Infant mental health: The Brief Child and Family Intake and Outcomes System. 42:588-596. 2018
- An adult face bias in infants that is modulated by face race. 41:581-587. 2017
- School ethnic composition and bullying in Canadian schools. 40:431-441. 2016
- Development of face scanning for own- and other-race faces in infancy. 37:100-105. 2013
- Infant face preferences after binocular visual deprivation. 37:148-153. 2013
- Initiation and continuation of best friends and adolescents’ alcohol consumption: Do self-esteem and self-control function as moderators?. 34:406-416. 2010
- Bullying: Are researchers and children/youth talking about the same thing?. 32:486-495. 2008
- Habituation and Cognitive Performance: Relationships Between Measures at Four Years of Age and Earlier Assessments. 3:131-146. 1980
- Relationships Between Assessments of Habituation and Cognitive Performance in the Early Years of Life. 2:159-170. 1979