publication venue for
- Optimizing Satellite Image Analysis: Leveraging Variational Autoencoders Latent Representations for Direct Integration. 63. 2025
- Improving UAV-Based LAI Estimation for Forests Over Complex Terrain by Reducing Topographic Effects on Multispectral Reflectance. 62:1-19. 2024
- Semi-Supervised Neural Network for Complex Lithofacies Identification Using Well Logs. 62. 2024
- A Normalized Spectral Angle Index for Estimating the Probability of Viewing Sunlit Leaves From Satellite Data. 61:1-19. 2023
- Efficient Rotating Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging via Robust Sparse Array Synthesis. 61:1-12. 2023
- Evaluation of Path Length Correction for Forest Canopies Over Sloping Terrains: Theoretical Derivations and Computer Simulations. 61:1-14. 2023
- A 21-Year Time Series of Global Leaf Chlorophyll Content Maps From MODIS Imagery. 60:1-13. 2022
- Hidden Path Selection Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images. 60:1-15. 2022
- Variation of Clumping Index With Zenith Angle for Forest Canopies. 60:1-11. 2022
- Improving the PROSPECT Model to Consider Anisotropic Scattering of Leaf Internal Materials and Its Use for Retrieving Leaf Biomass in Fresh Leaves. 56:3119-3136. 2018
- GOFP: A Geometric-Optical Model for Forest Plantations. 55:5230-5241. 2017
- Simulation and SMAP Observation of Sun-Glint Over the Land Surface at the L-Band. 55:2589-2604. 2017
- Modeling Gross Primary Production for Sunlit and Shaded Canopies Across an Evergreen and a Deciduous Site in Canada. 55:1859-1873. 2017
- Design of an Optimal Soil Moisture Monitoring Network Using SMOS Retrieved Soil Moisture. 53:3950-3959. 2015
- GOST: A Geometric-Optical Model for Sloping Terrains. 52:5469-5482. 2014
- Hybrid Geometric Optical–Radiative Transfer Model Suitable for Forests on Slopes. 52:5579-5586. 2014
- Improved LAI Algorithm Implementation to MODIS Data by Incorporating Background, Topography, and Foliage Clumping Information. 52:1076-1088. 2014
- Experimental Evaluation of Sentinel-2 Spectral Response Functions for NDVI Time-Series Continuity. 51:1336-1348. 2013
- Spectral Response Function Comparability Among 21 Satellite Sensors for Vegetation Monitoring. 51:1319-1335. 2013
- Expanding MISR LAI Products to High Temporal Resolution With MODIS Observations. 50:3915-3927. 2012
- Estimation of the Repeat-Pass ALOS PALSAR Interferometric Baseline Through Direct Least-Square Ellipse Fitting. 50:3610-3617. 2012
- Foliage Clumping Index Over China's Landmass Retrieved From the MODIS BRDF Parameters Product. 50:2122-2137. 2012
- Improving Clumping and LAI Algorithms Based on Multiangle Airborne Imagery and Ground Measurements. 48:1742-1759. 2010
- Mapping Forest Background Reflectance in a Boreal Region Using Multiangle Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager Data. 48:499-510. 2010
- Algorithm for global leaf area index retrieval using satellite imagery. 44:2219-2229. 2006
- Locally adjusted cubic-spline capping for reconstructing seasonal trajectories of a satellite-derived surface parameter. 44:2230-2238. 2006
- Evaluation of the representativeness of networks of sites for the global validation and intercomparison of land biophysical products: proposition of the CEOS-BELMANIP. 44:1794-1803. 2006
- A comparison of BRDF models for the normalization of satellite optical data to a standard sun-target-sensor geometry. 41:1889-1898. 2003
- Four-scale linear model for anisotropic reflectance (FLAIR) for plant canopies. II. validation and inversion with CASI POLDER, and PARABOLA data at BOREAS. 40:1038-1046. 2002
- Four-Scale Linear Model for Anisotropic Reflectance (FLAIR) for plant canopies. I. Model description and partial validation. 39:1072-1083. 2001
- Multiple-scattering scheme useful for geometric optical modeling. 39:1061-1071. 2001
- Impact of variable atmospheric water vapor content on AVHRR data corrections over land. 39:173-180. 2001
- Investigation of directional reflectance in boreal forests with an improved four-scale model and airborne POLDER data. 37:1396-1414. 1999
- A four-scale bidirectional reflectance model based on canopy architecture. 35:1316-1337. 1997
- The use of fractals for modeling EM waves scattering from rough sea surface. 34:966-972. 1996
- Canopy architecture and remote sensing of the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by boreal conifer forests. 34:1353-1368. 1996
- Quantifying the effect of canopy architecture on optical measurements of leaf area index using two gap size analysis methods. 33:777-787. 1995
- A coherent dual-polarized radar for studying the ocean environment. 29:189-191. 1991