publication venue for
- Converting land use-land cover to E. coli contamination potential classes for improved management of groundwater wells: a case study in Ontario, Canada 2024
- Groundwater quality: global challenges, emerging threats and novel approaches. 31:15-18. 2023
- Continual long-term monitoring of methane in wells above the Utica Shale using total dissolved gas pressure probes. 30:1005-1019. 2022
- Seasonal variations and long-term trends of groundwater over the Canadian landmass. 30:401-415. 2022
- Assessment of groundwater ingress to a partially pressurized water-conveyance tunnel using a conduit-flow process model: a case study in Iran. 28:2573-2585. 2020
- Risk communication approaches for preventing private groundwater contamination in the Republic of Ireland: a mixed-methods study of multidisciplinary expert opinion. 28:1519-1538. 2020
- Hydrogeology of a montane headwater groundwater system downgradient of a coal-mine waste rock dump: Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada. 26:2341-2356. 2018
- Conservation planning as an adaptive strategy for climate change and groundwater depletion in Wadi El Natrun, Egypt. 26:689-703. 2018
- Initial assessment of recharge areas for large karst springs: a case study from the central Zagros Mountains, Iran. 26:57-70. 2018
- An overview of dissolved organic carbon in groundwater and implications for drinking water safety. 25:959-967. 2017
- Evaluation of levels of antibiotic resistance in groundwater-derived E. coli isolates in the Midwest of Ireland and elucidation of potential predictors of resistance. 25:939-951. 2017
- Preface: Hydrogeology and human health. 25:897-902. 2017
- Review: Epidemiological evidence of groundwater contribution to global enteric disease, 1948–2015. 25:981-1001. 2017
- An experimental and theoretical study of the seepage migration of suspended particles with different sizes. 24:2063-2078. 2016
- Inferring groundwater contributions and pathways to streamflow during snowmelt over multiple years in a discontinuous permafrost subarctic environment (Yukon, Canada). 21:67-77. 2013
- Preface: Hydrogeology of cold regions. 21:1-4. 2013
- Evaluation of heterogeneity and field-scale groundwater flow regime in a leaky till aquitard. 9:60-78. 2001