publication venue for
- When caring breeds contempt: The impact of moral emotions on healthcare professionals’ commitment during a pandemic. 36:215-227. 2023
- Causing harm but doing good: Recognizing and overcoming the burden of necessary evil enactment in healthcare service professions. 36:153-159. 2023
- Shared Care for High-Dependency Patients: Mental Illness, Neurological Disorders and Terminal Care—A Review. 12:205-211. 1999
- The Critical Success Factor Approach to Strategic Alignment: Seeking a Trail from a Health Organization's Goals to its Management Information Infrastructure. 12:246-257. 1999
- Adoption of a Managerial Innovation: A Study of Physician Impact Analysis. 12:190-202. 1999
- Cohort, Gender and Practice Organization: Examining the Bounds of Collaborative Medicine among Newly Established Female and Male Family Physicians in Ontario. 10:121-131. 1997
- Design of Effective Health Decision Support Systems: Towards Automating the Health Administrator's Decision Processes. 9:10-23. 1996
- Going North on a North-Bound Trail: A Model for Achieving Health Management Goals and Objectives. 2:146-154. 1989