publication venue for
- How is range of motion of the fingers measured in hand therapy practice? A survey study. 29:112-123. 2024
- Cross-cultural adaptation and measurement properties of the Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation for the Persian language. 25:56-62. 2020
- A systematic review of the cross-cultural adaptations and measurement properties of the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index. 24:107-115. 2019
- Therapeutic exercise for adults post-distal radius fracture: An overview of systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials. 24:69-81. 2019
- Perceptions of preparedness and intimate partner violence screening practices amongst hand therapists. 23:139-147. 2018
- Physical impairments predict hand dexterity function after distal radius fractures: A 2-year prospective cohort study. 23:64-69. 2018
- Recovery of grip strength and hand dexterity after distal radius fracture: A two-year prospective cohort study. 23:28-37. 2018
- Test–retest reliability and validity of normative cut-offs of the two devices measuring touch threshold: Weinstein Enhanced Sensory Test and Pressure-Specified Sensory Device. 19:3-10. 2014
- A systematic review of rehabilitation protocols following surgical repair of the extensor pollicis longus. 18:3-10. 2013
- The implications of chronic pain models for rehabilitation of distal radius fracture. 16:2-11. 2011
- Assessment of strength of individual digits in persons with osteoarthritis of the hand. 15:39-44. 2010
- The Effect of Physical Factors on Grip Strength and Dexterity. 7:112-118. 2002