publication venue for
- Effects of encounters with fish on activity of sedentary benthic invertebrates. 17:420-427. 2010
- Net ecosystem CO2 exchange of a cutover peatland rehabilitated with a transplanted acrotelm. 15:258-267. 2008
- Crab spiders show mixed effects on flower-visiting bees and no effect on plant fitness components. 12:244-247. 2005
- Population variability is lower in diverse rock pools when the obscuring effects of local processes are removed. 11:455-462. 2004
- Environmental variability alters the relationship between richness and variability of community abundances in aquatic rock pool microcosms. 9:55-62. 2002
- Atmospheric CO2sequestration in restored mined peatlands. 8:359-368. 2001
- Simplifying the complexity of temporal diversity dynamics: A differentiation approach. 8:259-263. 2001
- Frequency of female morphs is related to an index of male density in the damselfly,Nehalennia irene(Hagen). 2:28-33. 1995