publication venue for
- A paradox of apparent brainless behavior: The time-course of compound word recognition 2019
- Lateral peri-hand bias affects the horizontal but not the vertical distribution of attention.. 183:251-260. 2025
- Human motor cortical organization is influenced by handedness. 115:172-183. 2019
- Beta oscillatory power modulation reflects the predictability of pitch change. 106:248-260. 2018
- Human dorsomedial parieto-motor circuit specifies grasp during the planning of goal-directed hand actions. 92:175-186. 2017
- Latent semantic variables are associated with formal thought disorder and adaptive behavior in older inpatients with schizophrenia. 55:88-96. 2014
- The cerebellum and its role in word generation: A cTBS study. 48:718-724. 2012
- Unification of sentence processing via ear and eye: An fMRI study. 47:416-431. 2011
- The primal role of the vestibular system in determining musical rhythm. 45:35-43. 2009
- Relative Processing Demands Influence Cerebral Laterality for Verbal-Motor Integration in Persons with Down Syndrome. 41:61-66. 2005
- The Control of Sequential Aiming Movements: The Influence of Practice and Manual Asymmetries On the One-Target Advantage. 39:307-325. 2003
- Patterns of Attentional Impairment Following Closed Head Injury: A Collaborative European study. 36:93-107. 2000
- Manual Asymmetries and Saccadic Eye Movements in Right-Handers During Single and Reciprocal Aiming Movements. 34:513-530. 1998
- Hand, Space and Attentional Asymmetries in Goal-Directed Manual Aiming* *Presented at the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS), Vancouver, B.C., Canada. October 1995.. 33:251-269. 1997
- Evidence for Multiple Routes of Speech Production in a Case of Fluent Aphasia. 32:199-219. 1996
- The Influence of Target Perturbation on Manual Aiming Asymmetries in Right-Handers. 31:685-697. 1995
- Cerebral Specialization for Speech Perception and Movement Organization in Adults with Down's Syndrome. 29:103-113. 1993
- Handedness and Allergic Disorders in a New Zealand Cohort. 27:131-135. 1991
- Pedal Asymmetry in the Reproduction of Spatial Locations. 23:157-159. 1987
- Hemispheric Specialization for Linguistic and Nonlinguistic Tactual Perception Using a Dichotomous Stimulation Technique. 10:3-17. 1974
- Hemispheric Speech Lateralization in Children with Auditory-Linguistic Deficits. 8:412-426. 1972