publication venue for
- Developing an initial explanatory theory for Partnering for Change using realist evaluation.. 72:e12994. 2025
- Co‐development of the ENVISAGE‐Families programme for parents of children with disabilities: Reflections on a parent–researcher partnership. 69:653-661. 2022
- Personal narratives of learning self‐management: Lessons for practice based on experiences of people with serious mental illness. 68:395-406. 2021
- Internationally educated occupational therapists transitioning to practice in Canada: A qualitative study. 66:274-282. 2019
- A vision splendid; visioning for the future of occupational therapy. 65:238-242. 2018
- Child and parent engagement in therapy: What is the key?. 64:340-343. 2017
- The expanding relevance of executive functioning in occupational therapy: Is it on your radar?. 63:214-217. 2016
- While involving children and youth with disability as research partners was viewed positively, methodologically strong research is required to further inform effective participation and outcomes. 63:219-220. 2016
- Social participation experiences of mothers of children with cerebral palsy in an Iranian context. 62:410-419. 2015
- Improving the participation of youth with physical disabilities in community activities: An interrupted time series design. 62:105-115. 2015
- The Cognistat (neurobehavioural cognitive status exam): Administering the full test in stroke patients for optimal results.. 62:116-122. 2015
The Belief in Goal Self‐Competence Scale (Bi
GSS ) – Exploring a new way to support individual goal pursuit and document occupational therapy outcomes in paediatric practice. 61:316-324. 2014 - A new comprehension and communication tool: A valuable resource for internationally educated occupational therapists. 61:140-147. 2014
- Effect of pencil grasp on the speed and legibility of handwriting after a 10‐minute copy task in Grade 4 children. 59:180-187. 2012
- Impact of caring for a school‐aged child with a disability: Understanding mothers’ perspectives. 57:127-136. 2010
- Routine administration of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure: Effect on functional outcome. 57:111-117. 2010
- Navigating ethical discharge planning: A case study in older adult rehabilitation. 57:2-7. 2010
- The physical environment as a fall risk factor in older adults: Systematic review and meta‐analysis of cross‐sectional and cohort studies. 57:51-64. 2010
- Occupational therapists should be more involved in the Cochrane Collaboration: The example of the Australian Cochrane Musculoskeletal Review Group. 55:207-211. 2008
- The development of expertise in paediatric rehabilitation therapists: The roles of motivation, openness to experience, and types of caseload experience. 55:108-122. 2008
- Changing face of entry to occupational therapy practice: Some personal reflections from a Person Environment Occupation perspective. 52:179-180. 2005
- Implementing a problem‐based learning curriculum in occupational therapy: A conceptual model. 47:119-133. 2000