selected scholarly activity
- A community-based research approach to developing an HIV education and training module for child and family service workers in Ontario Transforming Child Welfare Interdisciplinary Practices, Field Education, and Research : Voices from the Prairies 2016
- (M)othering with HIV: Resisting and Reconstructing Experiences of Health and Social Surveillance 2015
- Discovering the Social Organization of Perinatal Care for Women Living with HIV: Reflections from a Novice Institutional Ethnographer. 99-120. 2021
- A community-based research approach to developing an HIV education and training module for child and family service workers in Ontario. 163-185. 2016
- (M)othering with HIV: Resisting and Reconstructing Experiences of Health and Social Surveillance. 231-263. 2015
community engaged research
- Integrating Indigenous Worldviews Into a Community Arts-Based Research Project With Women Living With HIV Across Canada. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 2020
- Using Institutional Ethnography to Explicate the Social Organization of Perinatal Care for Women Living With HIV in Ontario. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 2020
journal articles
- “Digging in”: stigma and surveillance in the lives of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers who consume cannabis. Critical Public Health. 33:697-708. 2023
- Reimagining Research with Pregnant Women and Parents Who Consume Cannabis in the Era of Legalization: The Value of Integrating Intersectional Feminist and Participatory Action Approaches. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. 7:11-15. 2022
- “I shall conquer and prevail” – art and stories of resilience and resistance of the women, ART and criminalization of HIV (WATCH) study. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services. 20:330-353. 2021
- Conceptualizing success factors for patient engagement in patient medical homes: a cross-sectional survey. CMAJ open. 9:E1159-E1167. 2021
- Keeping secrets, disclosing health information: an institutional ethnography of the social organisation of perinatal care for women living with HIV in Canada. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 22:429-443. 2020
- Risk and preventing perinatal HIV transmission: uncovering the social organisation of prenatal care for women living with HIV in Ontario, Canada. Health, Risk & Society. 22:136-155. 2020
- How women living with HIV react and respond to learning about Canadian law that criminalises HIV non-disclosure: ‘how do you prove that you told?’. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 21:1087-1102. 2019
- Loneliness and perceived social support in pregnancy and early postpartum of mothers living with HIV in Ontario, Canada. AIDS Care. 31:318-325. 2019
- Challenges in conducting research on collaborative mental health care: a qualitative study. CMAJ open. 7:E405-E414. 2019
- Advancing Integrated Care through Psychiatric Workforce Development: A Systematic Review of Educational Interventions to Train Psychiatrists in Integrated Care. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 63:513-525. 2018
- The collaborative chronic care model for mental health should be implemented in Canada. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 190:E839-E839. 2018
- Stable homes, strong families: reimagining housing policies and programs for Indigenous peoples living with and affected by HIV and AIDS in Canada. Housing and Society. 45:118-138. 2018
- High rates of posttraumatic stress symptoms in women living with HIV in Canada. PLoS ONE. 13:e0200526-e0200526. 2018
- It’s Better Late than Never: A community-based HIV research and training response to supporting mothers living with HIV who have child welfare involvement. Journal of Law and Social Policy. 28:61-80. 2018
- Participatory approaches to evaluating integrated care: the vital role for client inclusion and participation. BMJ Quality and Safety. 27:90-91. 2018
- Surviving Surveillance: How Pregnant Women and Mothers Living With HIV Respond to Medical and Social Surveillance. Qualitative Health Research. 27:2088-2099. 2017
- Values and preferences of women living with HIV who are pregnant, postpartum or considering pregnancy on choice of antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy. BMJ Open. 7:e019023-e019023. 2017
- Evaluating the Implementation of Integrated Mental Health Care: A Systematic Review to Guide the Development of Quality Measures. Psychiatric Services. 68:891-898. 2017
- Understanding integrated mental health care in “real-world” primary care settings: What matters to health care providers and clients for evaluation and improvement?. Families, Systems and Health. 35:271-282. 2017
- HIV-related stigma in pregnancy and early postpartum of mothers living with HIV in Ontario, Canada. AIDS Care. 29:137-144. 2017
- Examining Privacy Regulatory Frameworks in Canada in the Context of HIV. Healthcare Policy. 11:82-92. 2016
- Perinatal care experiences of mothers living with HIV in Ontario, Canada. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services. 15:180-201. 2016
- “Why are you pregnant? What were you thinking?”: How women navigate experiences of HIV-related stigma in medical settings during pregnancy and birth. Social Work in Health Care. 55:161-179. 2016
- “Why Aren't You Breastfeeding?”: How Mothers Living With HIV Talk About Infant Feeding in a “Breast Is Best” World. Health Care for Women International. 36:883-901. 2015
- Examining the Health Care Experiences of Women Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Perceived HIV-Related Stigma. Women's Health Issues. 25:410-419. 2015
- “Trust Me, It’s Different”: HIV-positive women’s perspectives of the Women’s HIV Empowerment Through Life Tools for Health (wHEALTH) Project. Canadian social work review = Revue canadienne de service social. 32:73-93. 2015
- How HIV-Positive Aboriginal Women (PAW) Talk About Their Mothering Experiences With Child and Family Services in Ontario. Journal of Public Child Welfare. 8:467-490. 2014
- HSV-2/HIV co-infection and health-related quality life and identity in women. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, The. 22:123-133. 2013
- A comparison of the MOS-HIV and SF-12v2 for measuring health-related quality of life of men and women living with HIV/AIDS. AIDS Research and Therapy. 8:5-5. 2011
- “My children and my home”: the most recent and challenging stressors of HIV-positive women. Archives of Women's Mental Health. 13:215-222. 2010