selected scholarly activity
- Vocal Attractiveness. 606-626. 2018
- Sexual Conflict and the Ovulatory Cycle. 1-15. 2012
- VoiceLab: Software for Fully Reproducible Automated Voice Analysis. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH. 351-355. 2022
- Low Voice Pitch Predicts Sociosexual Attitude in Women. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 328-328. 2015
- The Effect of Voice Pitch on Trusting Behavior. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 342-342. 2015
- A Unified Approach to Studying Vocal Attractiveness. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 264-264. 2014
- Effects of Menstrual Cycle Phase on Face Preferences. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 78-84. 2008
- Attractive faces are not always average. Perception. 241-241. 2006
- Facial appearance signals stress hormone levels adults. Psychology and Health. 143-143. 2005
- Hormones and preferences for pheromones and facial characteristics.. Hormones and Behavior. 129-129. 2004
- Acoustic Features for Profiling Mobile Users of Conversational Interfaces. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 394-398. 2004
journal articles
- No evidence that averaging voices influences attractiveness. Scientific Reports. 14:10488. 2024
- Race, sex, and emotion affect trust of auditory witness testimony 2023
- Topic Analysis Reveals First Impressions of Voices 2023
- The role of valence, dominance, and pitch in perceptions of artificial intelligence (AI) conversational agents’ voices. Scientific Reports. 12:22479. 2022
- Autism Affects Recognition Memory of Voices 2022
- The role of valence, dominance, and pitch in social perceptions of artificial intelligence (AI) conversational agents’ voices 2022
- Assortative mate preferences for height across short-term and long-term relationship contexts in a cross-cultural sample. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:937146. 2022
- Corrigendum to “A house of cards: bias in perception of body size mediates the relationship between voice pitch and perceptions of dominance” [Animal Behaviour, 147 (2019) 43–51]. Animal Behaviour. 179:111-111. 2021
- Do voices carry valid information about a speaker’s personality?. Journal of Research in Personality. 92:104092-104092. 2021
- Sexual orientation predicts women’s preferences for sexually dimorphic face-shape characteristics 2021
- To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply?. Nature Human Behaviour. 5:159-169. 2021
- VoiceLab: Automated Reproducible Acoustic Analysis 2020
- Assortative mate preferences for height across short-term and long-term relationship contexts in a cross-cultural sample 2020
- Adaptation effects of voice-pitch on attractiveness judgements 2020
- Is vocal attractiveness a cue of young adult women’s susceptibility to infectious illnesses? 2019
- Do voices carry valid information about a speaker's personality? 2019
- No Evidence That Men’s Voice Pitch Signals Formidability. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 34:190-192. 2019
- Are attractive female voices really best characterized by feminine fundamental and formant frequencies? 2019
- TEMPORARY REMOVAL: Are attractive female voices really best characterized by feminine fundamental and formant frequencies?. Evolution and human behavior. 2019
- A house of cards: bias in perception of body size mediates the relationship between voice pitch and perceptions of dominance. Animal Behaviour. 147:43-51. 2019
- Sensory Exploitation, Sexual Dimorphism, and Human Voice Pitch. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 33:901-903. 2018
- Exploring the morphological and emotional correlates of infant cuteness. Infant Behavior and Development. 53:90-100. 2018
- No clear evidence for correlations between handgrip strength and sexually dimorphic acoustic properties of voices. American Journal of Human Biology. 30:e23178. 2018
- Does the strength of women’s attraction to male vocal masculinity track changes in steroid hormones? 2018
- No clear evidence for correlations between handgrip strength and sexually dimorphic acoustic properties of voices 2017
- Voice cues are used in a similar way by blind and sighted adults when assessing women’s body size. Scientific Reports. 7:10329. 2017
- Low is large: spatial location and pitch interact in voice-based body size estimation. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 79:1239-1251. 2017
- Men's voice pitch influences women's trusting behavior. Evolution and human behavior. 38:293-297. 2017
- Interrelationships Among Men's Threat Potential, Facial Dominance, and Vocal Dominance. Evolutionary Psychology. 15:1474704917697332. 2017
- Volitional exaggeration of body size through fundamental and formant frequency modulation in humans. Scientific Reports. 6:34389. 2016
- It’s the way he tells them (and who is listening): men’s dominance is positively correlated with their preference for jokes told by dominant-sounding men. Evolution and human behavior. 37:97-104. 2016
- Voice parameters predict sex-specific body morphology in men and women. Animal Behaviour. 112:13-22. 2016
- Are Men’s Perceptions of Sexually Dimorphic Vocal Characteristics Related to Their Testosterone Levels?. PLoS ONE. 11:e0166855-e0166855. 2016
- Sociosexual Attitudes and Dyadic Sexual Desire Independently Predict Women’s Preferences for Male Vocal Masculinity. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 43:1343-1353. 2014
- Social dialect and men's voice pitch influence women's mate preferences. Evolution and human behavior. 35:368-375. 2014
- Vocal indicators of body size in men and women: a meta-analysis. Animal Behaviour. 95:89-99. 2014
- Changes in salivary estradiol predict changes in women's preferences for vocal masculinity. Hormones and Behavior. 66:493-497. 2014
- Corrigendum to “Commitment to relationships and preferences for femininity and apparent health in faces are strongest on days of the menstrual cycle when progesterone level is high” [Horm. Behav. 48 (2005) 283–290]. Hormones and Behavior. 66:567-567. 2014
- Men's strategic preferences for femininity in female faces. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 105:364-381. 2014
- Return to Oz: Voice pitch facilitates assessments of men’s body size.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 40:1316-1331. 2014
- Perceptions of infidelity risk predict women’s preferences for low male voice pitch in short-term over long-term relationship contexts. Personality and Individual Differences. 56:73-77. 2014
- Adaptation to Faces and Voices. Psychological Science. 24:2297-2305. 2013
- The other-species effect in human perceptions of sexual dimorphism using human and macaque faces. Visual Cognition. 21:970-986. 2013
- A sex difference in the context-sensitivity of dominance perceptions. Evolution and human behavior. 34:366-372. 2013
- Cross-Cultural Variation in Mate Preferences for Averageness, Symmetry, Body Size, and Masculinity. Cross - Cultural Research. 47:162-197. 2013
- Salivary cortisol and pathogen disgust predict men's preferences for feminine shape cues in women's faces. Biological Psychology. 92:233-240. 2013
- Facial Visualizations of Women's Voices Suggest a Cross-Modality Preference for Femininity. Evolutionary Psychology. 11:227-237. 2013
- Faking it: deliberately altered voice pitch and vocal attractiveness. Animal Behaviour. 85:127-136. 2013
- Fine-Scale Patterns of Population Stratification Confound Rare Variant Association Tests. PLoS ONE. 8:e65834-e65834. 2013
- Men's Preferences for Women's Femininity in Dynamic Cross-Modal Stimuli. PLoS ONE. 8:e69531-e69531. 2013
- Pathogen disgust predicts women’s preferences for masculinity in men’s voices, faces, and bodies. Behavioral Ecology. 24:373-379. 2013
- Apparent Height and Body Mass Index Influence Perceived Leadership Ability in Three-Dimensional Faces. Perception. 41:1477-1485. 2012
- Priming concerns about pathogen threat versus resource scarcity: dissociable effects on women’s perceptions of men’s attractiveness and dominance. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 66:1549-1556. 2012
- Men's judgments of women's facial attractiveness from two- and three-dimensional images are similar. Journal of Vision. 12:3-3. 2012
- Voice pitch influences voting behavior. Evolution and human behavior. 33:210-216. 2012
- Female Preferences for Male Vocal and Facial Masculinity in Videos. Ethology. 118:321-330. 2012
- The influence of male voice pitch on women's perceptions of relationship investment. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 10:1-13. 2012
- Women’s self-perceived health and attractiveness predict their male vocal masculinity preferences in different directions across short- and long-term relationship contexts. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 66:413-418. 2012
- Cues to the sex ratio of the local population influence women’s preferences for facial symmetry. Animal Behaviour. 83:545-553. 2012
- The influence of facial masculinity and voice pitch on jealousy and perceptions of intrasexual rivalry. Personality and Individual Differences. 52:369-373. 2012
- A modulatory effect of male voice pitch on long-term memory in women: evidence of adaptation for mate choice?. Memory and Cognition. 40:135-144. 2012
- Maternal tendencies in women are associated with estrogen levels and facial femininity. Hormones and Behavior. 61:12-16. 2012
- Preferences for Very Low and Very High Voice Pitch in Humans. PLoS ONE. 7:e32719-e32719. 2012
- You Are What You Eat: Within-Subject Increases in Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Confer Beneficial Skin-Color Changes. PLoS ONE. 7:e32988-e32988. 2012
- Integrating fundamental and formant frequencies in women’s preferences for men’s voices. Behavioral Ecology. 22:1320-1325. 2011
- ‘Eavesdropping’ and perceived male dominance rank in humans. Animal Behaviour. 81:1203-1208. 2011
- Experimental evidence that women speak in a higher voice pitch to men they find attractive. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 9:57-67. 2011
- Perceptions of partner femininity predict individual differences in men's sensitivity to facial cues of male dominance. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 9:69-82. 2011
- Variation in perceptions of physical dominance and trustworthiness predicts individual differences in the effect of relationship context on women's preferences for masculine pitch in men's voices. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 102:37-48. 2011
- Human preference for masculinity differs according to context in faces, bodies, voices, and smell. Behavioral Ecology. 22:862-868. 2011
- Voice Pitch Influences Perceptions of Sexual Infidelity. Evolutionary Psychology. 9:64-78. 2011
- Sex-Dimorphic Face Shape Preference in Heterosexual and Homosexual Men and Women. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 39:1289-1296. 2010
- Taller men are less sensitive to cues of dominance in other men. Behavioral Ecology. 21:943-947. 2010
- Women's voice pitch is negatively correlated with health risk factors. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 8:217-225. 2010
- Adaptation to different mouth shapes influences visual perception of ambiguous lip speech. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 17:522-528. 2010
- Correlated Male Preferences for Femininity in Female Faces and Voices. Evolutionary Psychology. 8:447-461. 2010
- Women's preferences for masculinity in male faces are highest during reproductive age range and lower around puberty and post-menopause. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 35:912-920. 2010
- Age at menarche predicts individual differences in women’s preferences for masculinized male voices in adulthood. Personality and Individual Differences. 48:860-863. 2010
- Facial cues of dominance modulate the short-term gaze-cuing effect in human observers. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 277:617-624. 2010
- A domain-specific opposite-sex bias in human preferences for manipulated voice pitch. Animal Behaviour. 79:57-62. 2010
- Women’s own voice pitch predicts their preferences for masculinity in men’s voices. Behavioral Ecology. 21:767-772. 2010
- Voice pitch alters mate-choice-relevant perception in hunter–gatherers. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 276:1077-1082. 2009
- Circum-menopausal effects on women's judgements of facial attractiveness. Biology Letters. 5:62-64. 2009
- Men report stronger attraction to femininity in women's faces when their testosterone levels are high. Hormones and Behavior. 54:703-708. 2008
- Self-rated attractiveness predicts individual differences in women’s preferences for masculine men’s voices. Personality and Individual Differences. 45:451-456. 2008
- Correlated preferences for men's facial and vocal masculinity. Evolution and human behavior. 29:233-241. 2008
- Symmetry Is Related to Sexual Dimorphism in Faces: Data Across Culture and Species. PLoS ONE. 3:e2106-e2106. 2008
- Integrating cues of social interest and voice pitch in men's preferences for women's voices. Biology Letters. 4:192-194. 2008
- The Role of Femininity and Averageness of Voice Pitch in Aesthetic Judgments of Women's Voices. Perception. 37:615-623. 2008
- Are human faces and voices ornaments signaling common underlying cues to mate value?. New Directions for Evaluation. 17:112-118. 2008
- Integrating physical and social cues when forming face preferences: Differences among low and high-anxiety individuals. Social Neuroscience. 3:89-95. 2008
- Symmetry and sexual dimorphism in human faces: interrelated preferences suggest both signal quality. Behavioral Ecology. 19:902-908. 2008
- Voice pitch predicts reproductive success in male hunter-gatherers. Biology Letters. 3:682-684. 2007
- Dissociating averageness and attractiveness: Attractive faces are not always average.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 33:1420-1430. 2007
- Raised salivary testosterone in women is associated with increased attraction to masculine faces. Hormones and Behavior. 52:156-161. 2007
- Social transmission of face preferences among humans. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 274:899-903. 2007
- The valence of experiences with faces influences generalized preferences. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 5:119-129. 2007
- Integrating Gaze Direction and Expression in Preferences for Attractive Faces. Psychological Science. 17:588-591. 2006
- Correlated preferences for facial masculinity and ideal or actual partner's masculinity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 273:1355-1360. 2006
- Menstrual cycle, trait estrogen level, and masculinity preferences in the human voice. Hormones and Behavior. 49:215-222. 2006
- Facial appearance is a cue to oestrogen levels in women. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 273:135-140. 2006
- Women's physical and psychological condition independently predict their preference for apparent health in faces. Evolution and human behavior. 26:451-457. 2005
- Commitment to relationships and preferences for femininity and apparent health in faces are strongest on days of the menstrual cycle when progesterone level is high. Hormones and Behavior. 48:283-290. 2005
- The voice and face of woman: One ornament that signals quality?. Evolution and human behavior. 26:398-408. 2005
- Manipulations of fundamental and formant frequencies influence the attractiveness of human male voices. Animal Behaviour. 69:561-568. 2005
- Menstrual cycle, pregnancy and oral contraceptive use alter attraction to apparent health in faces. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 272:347-354. 2005
- Fundamental frequency perturbation indicates perceived health and age in male and female speakers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 115:2609-2609. 2004
- Concordant preferences for opposite–sex signals? Human pheromones and facial characteristics. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 271:635-640. 2004
- The relationship between shape symmetry and perceived skin condition in male facial attractiveness. Evolution and human behavior. 25:24-30. 2004