selected scholarly activity
- Effects of Noise on Speech Perception and Spoken Word Comprehension. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH. 3103-3107. 2022
- The effect of increasing acoustic and linguistic complexity on auditory processing: an EEG study. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH. 4048-4052. 2022
- Serial Order Coding: Shared Mechanism in Verbal and Visuospatial STM. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 268-269. 2014
- Working Memory Load Varies During Sentence Processing. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 263-263. 2014
- Similar Sensitivity to Morphological Complexity in Poor and Typical Readers. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 270-270. 2012
- The Effect of Lexical Stress on Rapid Object Naming. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 319-319. 2012
- An investigation of the effect of phonological similarity and word length on RAN performance. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 319-319. 2011
- Effects of phonological similarity and lexical stress on serial recall of pseudowords. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 318-319. 2011
- The reading span task: Storage vs. processing, or encoding vs. retrieval?. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 288-288. 2010
- Differences between children's and adults' learning and memory in a foreign-word repetition task. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 346-346. 2009
- Cognitive effects of aromatase inhibitor therapy in peripubertal boys. Hormone Research in Paediatrics. 398-398. 2009
- What do pre-N400 ERP components tell us about the timing of semantic processing?. Psychophysiology. S17-S17. 2007
- The phonological mismatch negativity reflects pre-lexical processing during spoken word recognition regardless of the position of phoneme mismatch. Psychophysiology. S63-S63. 2003
- Effects of lexical stress and sublexical priming on spoken English word processing: An event-related brain potential study. Psychophysiology. S14-S14. 2002
- Sounding it out or spelling it out?: Evidence from event-related brain potentials. Psychophysiology. S13-S13. 2002
- Using the phonological mismatch negativity (PMN) in assembling the electrophysiological architecture of speech processing. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 231-231. 2001
- Working memory and intellectual disability. International Journal of Psychology. 9-9. 2000
- An investigation of word and context comprehension using event-related fMRI. Psychophysiology. S3-S3. 1999
- Event resolution imaging: Overcoming the limitations of signal averaging in erp research. Psychophysiology. S85-S85. 1999
- 649 Quality of auditory pheneme representations correlates with phonological short-term memory performance in children. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 245-246. 1998
- Cortical correlates of impaired reading in dyslexia. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 39-39. 1997
- EXPLORING THE GRAPHEMIC BUFFER THROUGH BACKWARD SPELLING. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 514-514. 1990
journal articles
- Impaired Cortical Tracking of Speech in Children with Developmental Language Disorder. Journal of Neuroscience. 44:e2048232024-e2048232024. 2024
- Short-Term Memory for Auditory Temporal Patterns and Meaningless Sentences Predicts Learning of Foreign Word Forms. Brain Sciences. 12:549-549. 2022
- Language acquisition of early sequentially bilingual children is moderated by short‐term memory for order in developmental language disorder: Findings from the HelSLI study. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 56:907-926. 2021
- Making semantic commitments can be delayed: Evidence from aspectual processing.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 75:77-92. 2021
- Short-Term Memory for Serial Order Moderates Aspects of Language Acquisition in Children With Developmental Language Disorder: Findings From the HelSLI Study. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:608069. 2021
- Better Phonological Short-Term Memory Is Linked to Improved Cortical Memory Representations for Word Forms and Better Word Learning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 14:209. 2020
- Electrophysiological evidence for the integral nature of tone in Mandarin spoken word recognition. Neuropsychologia. 131:325-332. 2019
- Understanding developmental language disorder - the Helsinki longitudinal SLI study (HelSLI): a study protocol. BMC Psychology. 6:24. 2018
- Children show right-lateralized effects of spoken word-form learning. PLoS ONE. 12:e0171034-e0171034. 2017
- Two Distinct Auditory-Motor Circuits for Monitoring Speech Production as Revealed by Content-Specific Suppression of Auditory Cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 25:1576-1586. 2015
- Distinct Effects of Memory Retrieval and Articulatory Preparation when Learning and Accessing New Word Forms. PLoS ONE. 10:e0126652-e0126652. 2015
- Adults’ and 8‐Year‐Olds’ Learning in a Foreign Word Repetition Task: Similar and Different. Language Learning. 64:215-246. 2014
- Differential recall of derived and inflected word forms in working memory: examining the role of morphological information in simple and complex working memory tasks. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8:1064. 2014
- Long-term phonological learning begins at the level of word form. NeuroImage. 63:789-799. 2012
- Phonological and sensory short-term memory are correlates and both affected in developmental dyslexia. Reading and writing. 25:2247-2273. 2012
- Adult developmental dyslexia in a shallow orthography: Are there subgroups?. Reading and writing. 25:71-108. 2012
- Cognitive effects of aromatase inhibitor therapy in peripubertal boys. European Journal of Endocrinology (EJE). 163:149-155. 2010
- Individual differences in phonological learning and verbal STM span. Memory and Cognition. 35:1122-1135. 2007
- Localization of Syntactic and Semantic Brain Responses using Magnetoencephalography. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 19:1193-1205. 2007
- Good and bad effects of phonological similarity on word and nonword recall: The role of beginnings and ends. Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 19:80-102. 2007
- Phonological networks and new word learning. Applied Psycholinguistics. 27:581-584. 2006
- Forgetting and redintegration of consonants and vowels in pseudoword lists (vol 13, pg 340, 2005). Memory. 13:669-669. 2005
- Forgetting and redintegration of consonants and vowels in pseudoword lists. Memory. 13:340-348. 2005
- The influence of increased working memory load on semantic neural systems: a high-resolution event-related brain potential study. Brain Research. 22:177-191. 2005
- Activation in the anterior left auditory cortex associated with phonological analysis of speech input: localization of the phonological mismatch negativity response with MEG. Brain Research. 21:106-113. 2004
- The fan effect in fMRI: left hemisphere specialization in verbal working memory. NeuroReport. 15:1851-1855. 2004
- Separating phonological and semantic processing in auditory sentence processing: A high‐resolution event‐related brain potential study. Human Brain Mapping. 22:40-51. 2004
- Influence of phonological expectations during a phoneme deletion task: Evidence from event‐related brain potentials. Psychophysiology. 40:640-647. 2003
- All parts of an item are not equal: Effects of phonological redundancy on immediate recall. Memory and Cognition. 31:273-284. 2003
- Bilingual working memory span is affected by language skill. Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 14:383-408. 2002
- Cortical Activation during Spoken-Word Segmentation in Nonreading-Impaired and Dyslexic Adults. Journal of Neuroscience. 22:2936-2944. 2002
- Recall of Morphologically Complex Forms Is Affected by Memory Task but Not Dyslexia. Brain and Language. 81:42-54. 2002
- Crossmodal Temporal Order and Processing Acuity in Developmentally Dyslexic Young Adults. Brain and Language. 80:340-354. 2002
- Working memory, intelligence and knowledge base in adult persons with intellectual disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 23:105-118. 2002
- Temporal order and processing acuity of visual, auditory, and tactile perception in developmentally dyslexic young adults. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. 1:394-410. 2001
- Working memory in spelling: Evidence from backward typing. Memory. 9:395-421. 2001
- Working memory and everyday cognition in adults with Down's syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 45:157-168. 2001
- Phonological aspects of word recognition as revealed by high-resolution spatio-temporal brain mapping. NeuroReport. 12:237-243. 2001
- Rate of Information Segregation in Developmentally Dyslexic Children. Brain and Language. 75:66-81. 2000
- Working memory structure and intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 44:579-590. 2000
- Phonological complexity and word duration in immediate recall: Different paradigms answer different questions. A comment on Cowan, Nugent, Elliott, and Geer. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: Human Experimental Psychology. 53:661-665. 2000
- Time course of auditory word comprehension in dyslexia. NeuroImage. 11:S258-S258. 2000
- Neurophysiology of Fluent and Impaired Reading: A Magnetoencephalographic Approach. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology. 17:163-174. 2000
- Semantic Cortical Activation in Dyslexic Readers. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 11:535-550. 1999
- Children's performance on pseudoword repetition depends on auditory trace quality: Evidence from event-related potentials.. Developmental Psychology. 35:709-720. 1999
- Phonological short-term memory and vocabulary development: further evidence on the nature of the relationship. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 13:65-77. 1999
- Distinct time courses of word and context comprehension in the left temporal cortex. Brain. 121:1133-1142. 1998
- Activation of conceptual network in adult dyslexic readers. NeuroImage. 7:S226-S226. 1998
- Left temporal cortex activation reflects distinct time courses of word and context comprehension. NeuroImage. 7:S225-S225. 1998
- The Effect of Word Length on Immediate Serial Recall Depends on Phonological Complexity, Not Articulatory Duration. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: Human Experimental Psychology. 51:283-304. 1998
- The Effect of Word Length on Immediate Serial Recall Depends on Phonological Complexity, Not Articulatory Duration. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 51:283-304. 1998
- A Dissociation Between Simple and Complex Span Impairment in Alcoholics. Memory. 5:741-762. 1997
- Phonological short-term memory and new word learning in children.. Developmental Psychology. 33:966-979. 1997
- Impaired visual word processing in dyslexia revealed with magnetoencephalography. Annals of Neurology. 40:157-162. 1996
- Is the relation between phonological memory and foreign language learning accounted for by vocabulary acquisition?. Applied Psycholinguistics. 16:155-172. 1995
- WORKING-MEMORY AND LANGUAGE - GATHERCOLE,SE, BADDELEY,A. Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 7:109-111. 1995
- Differences Between Young and Older Adults in Learning A Foreign Vocabulary. Journal of Memory and Language. 32:608-623. 1993
- Phonology, Working Memory, and Foreign-language Learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: Human Experimental Psychology. 45:21-50. 1992