selected scholarly activity
- SEH: Size Estimate Hedging for Single-Server Queues. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 168-185. 2021
- SMVA: A Stable Mean Value Analysis Algorithm for Closed Systems with Load-Dependent Queues. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. 11-28. 2019
- A survey of Markovian methods for stability of networks. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 490-504. 1994
- Cost-Effective Cloud Resource Provisioning Using Linear Regression. 176-183. 2024
- Equitable Allocation of Scarce Resources During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study for Convalescent Plasma Distribution. Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference. 982-993. 2023
- Thermal-aware Workload Distribution for Data Centers with Demand Variations. Proceedings of the 14th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference. 63-66. 2023
- E-LSTM: An extension to the LSTM architecture for incorporating long lag dependencies. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 2022
- Energy and Exergy-Aware Workload Assignment for Air-Cooled Data Centers. Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems. 437-442. 2021
- Integrated Control of Multiple Data Centre Cooling Units. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2020
- Data driven fault tolerant thermal management of data centers. 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). 736-740. 2020
- Autocorrelation function characterization of continuous time markov chains. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 226-234. 2020
- Energy-Efficient Data-Based Zonal Control of Temperature for Data Centers. 2019 Tenth International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC). 2019
- ALTM: Adaptive learning-based thermal model for temperature predictions in data centers. 2019 IEEE Sustainability through ICT Summit (StICT). 20-25. 2019
- EAWA: Energy-Aware Workload Assignment in Data Centers. 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS). 260-267. 2018
- Asymptotic Performance of Energy-Aware Multiserver Queueing Systems with Setup Times. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 6266-6272. 2018
- Dynamic scheduling and maintenance for a two-class queue with a deteriorating server. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 3197-3202. 2018
- Multi-stage resource-aware scheduling for data centers with heterogeneous servers. Journal of Scheduling. 251-267. 2018
- Dynamic Control of Running Servers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 127-141. 2018
- Maximizing Throughput in Zero-Buffer Tandem Lines with Constrained Flexible Servers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 227-237. 2018
- Scheduling Jobs with Estimation Errors for Multi-server Systems. 2017 29th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 29). 10-18. 2017
- A Stable Mean Value Analysis Algorithm for Closed Systems with Load-dependent Queues. Proceedings of the 10th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools. 178-181. 2017
- Scheduling Jobs with Estimation Errors for Multi-Server Systems. 2017 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 29TH INTERNATIONAL TELETRAFFIC CONGRESS (ITC 29), VOL 1. 10-18. 2017
- Exact Analysis of Energy-Aware Multiserver Queueing Systems with Setup Times. Proceedings - IEEE Computer Society's Annual International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems, MASCOTS. 11-20. 2016
- On Optimal Control for Energy-Aware Queueing Systems. 2015 27th International Teletraffic Congress. 98-106. 2015
- Approximate Mean Value Analysis for multi-core systems. 2015 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS). 2015
- Approximate mean value analysis for multi-core systems. Simulation Series. 1-8. 2015
- On resource pooling in SITA-like parallel server systems. 2014 26th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC). 2014
- Models for Distributed, Large Scale Data Cleaning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 369-380. 2014
- Hybrid queueing theory and scheduling models for dynamic environments with sequence-dependent setup times. ICAPS 2013 - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. 215-223. 2013
- On Optimal Policies for Energy-Aware Servers. Proceedings - IEEE Computer Society's Annual International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems, MASCOTS. 31-39. 2013
- A Hybrid Scheduling Approach for Scalable Heterogeneous Hadoop Systems. 2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and Analysis. 1284-1291. 2012
- Long-Run Stability in Dynamic Scheduling. Proceedings International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS. 261-269. 2012
- Request Replication: An alternative to QoS aware service selection. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA). 1-4. 2011
- Performance evaluation for software migration. Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance engineering. 323-328. 2011
- An adaptive scheduling algorithm for dynamic heterogeneous Hadoop systems.. CASCON. 30-44. 2011
- Power-Aware Linear Programming based Scheduling for heterogeneous computer clusters. International Conference on Green Computing. 325-332. 2010
- Decentralized Load Balancing for Heterogeneous Grids. 2009 Computation World: Future Computing, Service Computation, Cognitive, Adaptive, Content, Patterns. 545-550. 2009
- MGST: A framework for performance evaluation of Desktop Grids. 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing. 1-8. 2009
- MGST: A Framework for Performance Evaluation of Desktop Grids. Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS. 2341-2348. 2009
- Dynamic scheduling for heterogeneous Desktop Grids. Proceedings - IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing. 136-143. 2008
- Behavior-Based Access Control for Distributed Healthcare Environment. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. 126-131. 2008
- On the relative value of local scheduling versus routing in parallel server systems. 2007 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 1-9. 2007
- Mined-Knowledge and Decision Support Services in Electronic Health. International Workshop on Systems Development in SOA Environments (SDSOA'07: ICSE Workshops 2007). 10. 2007
- Linear Programming Based Affinity Scheduling for Heterogeneous Computing Systems.. PDPTA. 105-114. 2007
- MARO - MinDrift affinity routing for resource management in heterogeneous computing systems. Proceedings of the 2007 conference of the center for advanced studies on Collaborative research - CASCON '07. 71-71. 2007
- On the relative value of local scheduling versus routing in parallel server systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems - ICPADS. 119-+. 2007
- Maximizing Throughput in Queueing Networks with Limited Flexibility. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 398-409. 2006
- Modeling and Veri cation of cryptographic protocols using coloured petri nets and design/CPN. Proceedings of MOMPES 2005 - 2nd International Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software. 1-19. 2005
- Asymptotics for polling models with limited service policies. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 1427-1432. 2000
- Stability of generalized Jackson networks with permanent customers. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 2928-2933. 1997
- Window based estimation of the intensity of a doubly stochastic Poisson process. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 294-305. 1996
- Window based estimation of the intensity of a doubly stochastic Poisson process. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 294-305. 1996
- Window based estimation of the intensity of a doubly stochastic poisson process. Proceedings of the International IFIP-IEEE Conference on Broadband Communications, Global Infrastructure for the Information Age. 294-305. 1996
- A polling model with threshold switching. VTT Symposium (Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus). 181-190. 1995
- Piecewise linear test functions for stability of queueing networks. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 2069-2074. 1994
journal articles
- Demand forecasting for platelet usage: From univariate time series to multivariable models. PLoS ONE. 19:e0297391-e0297391. 2024
- Linearized Data Center Workload and Cooling Management. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 22:1-13. 2024
- Deep learning for platelet transfusion. Blood. 142:2231-2232. 2023
- An unsupervised learning approach to identify immunoglobulin utilization patterns using electronic health records. Transfusion. 63:2234-2247. 2023
- Data-driven fair resource allocation for novel emerging epidemics: a COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma case study. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. 61:559-588. 2023
- SEH: Size Estimate Hedging Scheduling of Queues. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. 33:1-17. 2023
- P‐TS‐10 | An Unsupervised Learning Approach to Identify Immunoglobulin Utilization Patterns Using Electronic Health Records. Transfusion. 63:261A-262A. 2023
- Erratum. Transfusion. 63:1412-1412. 2023
data‐informed system to manage scarce blood product allocation in a randomized controlled trial of convalescent plasma. Transfusion. 62:2525-2538. 2022 - Synchronous resource allocation: modeling, capacity, and optimization. OR Spectrum. 44:1287-1310. 2022
- CLQLMRS: improving cache locality in MapReduce job scheduling using Q-learning. Journal of Cloud Computing. 11. 2022
- Delay-Join the Shortest Queue Routing for a Parallel Queueing System with Removable Servers. Stochastic Systems. 12:253-273. 2022
- Difference Equations Approach for Multi-Server Queueing Models with Removable Servers. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability. 24:1297-1321. 2022
- Optimal control of energy-aware queueing systems. Queueing Systems. 100:417-419. 2022
- Dynamically scheduling and maintaining a flexible server. Naval Research Logistics. 69:223-240. 2022
- From demand forecasting to inventory ordering decisions for red blood cells through integrating machine learning, statistical modeling, and inventory optimization. Transfusion. 62:87-99. 2022
- A classification of hadoop job schedulers based on performance optimization approaches. Cluster Computing. 24:3381-3403. 2021
- Single-item lot-sizing with quantity discount and bounded inventory. Operations Research Letters. 49:877-882. 2021
- Energy, exergy and computing efficiency based data center workload and cooling management. Applied Energy. 299:117050-117050. 2021
- A decision integration strategy for short-term demand forecasting and ordering for red blood cell components. Operations Research for Health Care. 29:100290-100290. 2021
- Holistic thermal-aware workload management and infrastructure control for heterogeneous data centers using machine learning. Future generations computer systems. 118:208-218. 2021
- OPTIMAL CONTROL POLICIES FOR AN M/M/1 QUEUE WITH A REMOVABLE SERVER AND DYNAMIC SERVICE RATES. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. 35:189-209. 2021
- Adaptive Predictive Control of a data center cooling unit. Control Engineering Practice. 107:104674-104674. 2021
- A Data-driven, Multi-setpoint Model Predictive Thermal Control System for Data Centers. Journal of Network and Systems Management. 29. 2021
- Workload management for air-cooled data centers: An energy and exergy based approach. Energy. 209:118485-118485. 2020
- Performance of a rack mountable cooling unit in an IT server enclosure. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. 17:100395-100395. 2020
- Asymptotic Performance of an Energy-Aware G/G/C Queue with General Setup Times. Queueing Models and Service Management. 3:111-135. 2020
- Joint data center cooling and workload management: A thermal-aware approach. Future generations computer systems. 104:174-186. 2020
- Ranking flexibility structures in queueing systems. European Journal of Operational Research. 281:77-86. 2020
- Open Problem—Size-Based Scheduling with Estimation Errors. Stochastic Systems. 9:295-296. 2019
- APEM — Approximate Performance Evaluation for Multi-Core Computers. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers. 28:1950004-1950004. 2019
- Asymptotically Maximal Throughput in Tandem Systems with Flexible and Dedicated Servers. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. 35:1850038-1850038. 2018
- Structural properties and exact analysis of energy-aware multiserver queueing systems with setup times. Performance evaluation (Print). 121-122:48-66. 2018
- On slowdown variance as a measure of fairness. Operations Research Perspectives. 5:133-144. 2018
- Resource pooling in the presence of failures: Efficiency versus risk. European Journal of Operational Research. 256:230-241. 2017
- On optimal policies for energy-aware servers. Performance evaluation (Print). 90:36-52. 2015
- Maximizing throughput in zero-buffer tandem lines with dedicated and flexible servers. IIE Transactions. 47:35-49. 2015
- Guidelines for Selecting Hadoop Schedulers Based on System Heterogeneity. Journal of Grid Computing. 12:499-519. 2014
- COSHH: A classification and optimization based scheduler for heterogeneous Hadoop systems. Future generations computer systems. 36:1-15. 2014
- Queueing-theoretic approaches for dynamic scheduling: A survey. Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science. 19:105-129. 2014
- Energy-Aware Scheduling on Heterogeneous Processors. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 59:599-613. 2014
- Integrating Queueing Theory and Scheduling for Dynamic Scheduling Problems. The journal of artificial intelligence research. 50:535-572. 2014
- Server allocation for zero buffer tandem queues. European Journal of Operational Research. 230:596-603. 2013
- Design Principles for Flexible Systems. Production and Operations Management. 22:1144-1156. 2013
- Optimal assignment of servers to tasks when collaboration is inefficient. Queueing Systems. 75:79-110. 2013
- Behavior-Based Access Control for Distributed Healthcare Environment. Journal of Computer Security. 21:1-39. 2013
- DELAYS AT SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS WITH EXHAUSTIVE TRAFFIC CONTROL. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. 26:337-373. 2012
- Polling Models with Unequal Service Rates under Limited Service Policies—Sharp Asymptotics. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. 50:80-87. 2012
- Power-aware linear programming based scheduling for heterogeneous computer clusters. Future generations computer systems. 28:745-754. 2012
- Dynamic server allocation for unstable queueing networks with flexible servers. Queueing Systems. 70:45-79. 2012
- Performance evaluation for software migration (abstracts only). Performance Evaluation Review. 39:18-18. 2011
- Abstract only. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. 36:42-42. 2011
- TECHNICAL NOTE—Queueing Systems with Synergistic Servers. Operations Research. 59:772-780. 2011
- Dynamic control of a single-server system with abandonments. Queueing Systems. 67:63-90. 2011
- Dynamic scheduling for heterogeneous Desktop Grids. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 70:1231-1240. 2010
- THE N-NETWORK MODEL WITH UPGRADES. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. 24:171-200. 2010
- On Tracking the Behavior of an Output-Queued Switch Using an Input-Queued Switch. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 17:1978-1988. 2009
- Fluid Limits for Shortest Remaining Processing Time Queues. Mathematics of Operations Research. 34:880-911. 2009
- On Accommodating Customer Flexibility in Service Systems. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. 47:289-295. 2009
- State-dependent response times via fluid limits in shortest remaining processing time queues. Performance Evaluation Review. 37:75-76. 2009
- Round robin scheduling of heterogeneous parallel servers in heavy traffic. European Journal of Operational Research. 195:372-380. 2009
- A STATE-DEPENDENT POLLING MODEL WITH k-LIMITED SERVICE. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. 23:385-408. 2009
- On tracking the behavior of an output-queued switch using an input-queued switch.. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw.. 17:1978-1988. 2009
- Linear Programming-Based Affinity Scheduling of Independent Tasks on Heterogeneous Computing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 19:1671-1682. 2008
- Limited choice and locality considerations for load balancing. Performance evaluation (Print). 65:670-687. 2008
- Maximizing throughput in queueing networks with limited flexibility. European Journal of Operational Research. 187:98-112. 2008
- Heuristics for allocation of reconfigurable resources in a serial line with reliability considerations. IIE Transactions. 40:595-611. 2008
- MAXIMIZING THE THROUGHPUT OF TANDEM LINES WITH FLEXIBLE FAILURE-PRONE SERVERS AND FINITE BUFFERS. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. 22:191-211. 2008
- DYNAMIC ASSIGNMENT OF DEDICATED AND FLEXIBLE SERVERS IN TANDEM LINES. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. 21:497-538. 2007
- Compensating for Failures with Flexible Servers. Operations Research. 55:753-768. 2007
- Polling Models Under Limited Service Policies: Sharp Asymptotics. Stochastic Models. 23:129-147. 2007
- Multi-layered round robin routing for parallel servers. Queueing Systems. 53:177-188. 2006
- Dynamic load balancing in parallel queueing systems: Stability and optimal control. European Journal of Operational Research. 168:509-519. 2006
- Modeling and Verification of Cryptographic Protocols Using Coloured Petri Nets and Design/CPN.. Nord. J. Comput.. 12:200-228. 2005
- Dynamic Server Allocation for Queueing Networks with Flexible Servers. Operations Research. 51:952-968. 2003
- Exact asymptotics for k(i)-limited exponential polling models. Queueing Systems. 42:401-419. 2002
- Server Assignment Policies for Maximizing the Steady-State Throughput of Finite Queueing Systems. Management science. 47:1421-1439. 2001
- Stability of mixed generalized Jackson networks. Operations Research Letters. 25:131-136. 1999
- On the stability of polling models with multiple servers. Journal of Applied Probability. 35:925-935. 1998
- On the stability of polling models with multiple servers. Journal of Applied Probability. 35:925-935. 1998
- Dynamic server assignment in a two-queue model. European Journal of Operational Research. 103:595-609. 1997
- Piecewise linear test functions for stability and instability of queueing networks. Queueing Systems. 27:205-226. 1997
- Piecewise linear test functions for stability and instability of queueing networks. Queueing Systems. 27:205-226. 1997
- On the role of Rouch�'s theorem in queueing analysis. Queueing Systems. 23:281-291. 1996
- Generalized minimum variance adaptive control and parameter convergence for stochastic systems. International Journal of Control. 63:147-160. 1996
- Exponential and Uniform Ergodicity of Markov Processes. Annals of Probability. 23:1671-1691. 1995
- Stability of acyclic multiclass queueing networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 40:916-919. 1995
- Stability of Generalized Jackson Networks. The Annals of Applied Probability. 4:124-148. 1994
- Overview of Caching Mechanisms to Improve Hadoop Performance 2023
- Hadoop-Oriented SVM-LRU (H-SVM-LRU): An Intelligent Cache Replacement Algorithm to Improve MapReduce Performance 2023
- Thermal-aware Workload Distribution for Data Centers with Demand Variations 2023
- Smart Data Prefetching Using KNN to Improve Hadoop Performance 2023
- Linearized Data Center Workload and Cooling Management 2023
- Data-driven Fair Resource Allocation For Novel Emerging Epidemics: A COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Case Study 2021
- Demand Forecasting for Platelet Usage: from Univariate Time Series to Multivariate Models 2021
- SEH: Size Estimate Hedging for Single-Server Queues 2020
- A decision integration strategy for short-term demand forecasting and ordering for red blood cell components 2020
- Optimal Ordering Policy for Perishable Products by Incorporating Demand Forecasts
- LAWA: Loss-Aware Workload Assignment in Data Centers. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2021