selected scholarly activity
- Virtual and welded periods of classical knots. 29-42. 2019
- Examples of homology 3-spheres whose Chern-Simons function is not Morse-Bott. Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics. 117-125. 2024
- Virtual and welded periods of classical knots. Breadth in contemporary topology, 29--42, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 102, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2019. 29-42. 2019
- The Calderón projector for the odd signature operator and spectral flow calculations in 3-dimensional topology. Contemporary Mathematics. 125-150. 2005
journal articles
- On knots that divide ribbon knotted surfaces. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 177:439-453. 2024
- Concordance invariants of null-homologous knots in thickened surfaces. Communications in Analysis and Geometry. 32:2271-2304. 2024
- A characterization of alternating links in thickened surfaces – CORRIGENDUM. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics. 153:1424-1424. 2023
- Adequate links in thickened surfaces and the generalized Tait conjectures. Algebraic and Geometric Topology. 23:2271-2308. 2023
- A characterization of alternating links in thickened surfaces. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics. 153:177-195. 2023
- Mock Seifert matrices and unoriented algebraic concordance 2023
- Examples of homology 3-spheres whose Chern-Simons function is not Morse-Bott 2023
- Braid representatives minimizing the number of simple walks. Ars Mathematica Contemporanea. 23:#P1.10-#P1.10. 2023
- On knots that divide ribbon knotted surfaces. Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.. 177:439-453. 2022
- The Gordon–Litherland pairing for links in thickened surfaces. International Journal of Mathematics. 33. 2022
- Classical results for alternating virtual links. New York Journal of Mathematics. 28:1372-1398. 2022
- The Jones-Krushkal polynomial and minimal diagrams of surface links. Annales de l'Institut Fourier. 72:1437-1475. 2022
- Concordance invariants of null-homologous knots in thickened surfaces 2021
- Minimal crossing number implies minimal supporting genus. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 53:1174-1184. 2021
- Virtual concordance and the generalized Alexander polynomial. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications. 30:2150030-2150030. 2021
- Generalized Fishburn numbers and torus knots. Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A. 178:105355-105355. 2021
- Adequate links in thickened surfaces and the generalized Tait conjectures. Algebr. Geom. Topol.. 23:2271-2308. 2020
- Signature and concordance of virtual knots. Indiana University Mathematics Journal. 69:2395-2459. 2020
- Virtual Knot Cobordism and Bounding the Slice Genus. Experimental Mathematics. 28:475-491. 2019
- Alexander invariants of periodic virtual knots. Dissertationes Mathematicae. 530:1-59. 2018
- Alexander invariants of periodic virtual knots. Dissertationes Mathematicae. 530:1-59. 2018
- Concordance group of virtual knots. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 145:5451-5461. 2017
- Virtual knot groups and almost classical knots. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 238:101-142. 2017
- The SU(2) Casson–Lin invariant of the Hopf link. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 285:283-288. 2016
- The SU(N) Casson–Lin invariants for links. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 285:257-282. 2016
- The SL(2, C) Casson Invariant for Knots and the Â-polynomial. Canadian Journal of Mathematics. 68:3-23. 2016
- Alexander invariants for virtual knots. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications. 24:1550009-1550009. 2015
- Bridge numbers for virtual and welded knots. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications. 24:1550008-1550008. 2015
- METABELIAN SL(N, C) REPRESENTATIONS OF KNOT GROUPS, III: DEFORMATIONS. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. 65:817-840. 2014
- Nontriviality of the �-degree of the �-polynomial. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 142:2173-2177. 2014
- Metabelian SL(n, ) representations of knot groups IV: twisted Alexander polynomials. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 156:81-97. 2014
- The SL(2,C) Casson invariant for Dehn surgeries on two-bridge knots. Algebraic and Geometric Topology. 12:2095-2126. 2012
- Metabelian SL(n,ℂ) representations of knot groups, II: Fixed points. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 249:1-10. 2011
- Splitting the spectral flow and the SU(3) Casson invariant for spliced sums. Algebraic and Geometric Topology. 9:865-902. 2009
- Metabelian SL(n, ℂ) representations of knot groups. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 238:7-25. 2008
- Splicing and the $SL_2({\mathbb C})$ Casson invariant. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 136:2615-2623. 2008
- The integer valued SU(3) Casson invariant for Brieskorn spheres. Journal of differential geometry. 71:23-83. 2005
- On the integer valued ��(3) Casson invariant. Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics. 71:209-236. 2003
- The SU(3) Casson invariant for 3-manifolds split along a 2-sphere or a 2-torus. Topology and its Applications. 124:187-204. 2002
- Gauge theoretic invariants of Dehn surgeries on knots. Geometry and Topology. 5:143-226. 2001
- An integer valued SU(3) Casson invariant. Mathematical Research Letters. 8:589-603. 2001
- Universal Formulae for SU$(n)$ Casson Invariants of Knots. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 352:3149-3187. 2000
- Universal formulae for SU(n) casson invariants of knots. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 352:3149-3187. 2000
- Rationality of Moduli Spaces of Parabolic Bundles. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 59:461-478. 1999
- A connected sum formula for the ${\rm SU}(3)$ Casson invariant. Journal of differential geometry. 53:443-464. 1999
- The SU(3) Casson invariant for integral homology 3-spheres. Journal of differential geometry. 50:147-206. 1998
- The $\rm{SU}(3)$ Casson invariant for integral homology 3-spheres. Journal of differential geometry. 50:147-206. 1998
- Integrality of the Averaged Jones Polynomial of Algebraically Split Links. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications. 06:303-306. 1997
- Integrality of the Averaged Jones Polynomial of Algebraically Split Links. J. Knot Theory Ramif.. 8:100-104. 1996
- Invariants of fibred knots from moduli. p.259-267 in Geometric Topology, Edited by W. Kazez, AMS/IP Studies in Adv. Math. (1997). 1996
- Variations of moduli of parabolic bundles. Mathematische Annalen. 301:539-559. 1995
- Unitary representations of Brieskorn spheres. Duke mathematical journal. 75:193-220. 1994
- Representations of orbifold groups and parabolic bundles. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. 66:389-447. 1991
- Mutation, surface graphs, and alternating links in surfaces 2023
- Classical results for alternating virtual links 2022
- Braid representatives minimizing the number of simple walks 2021
- The Gordon-Litherland pairing for links in thickened surfaces 2021
- Minimal crossing number implies minimal supporting genus 2020
- A characterization of alternating links in thickened surfaces 2020
- Generalized Fishburn numbers and torus knots 2020
- The Jones-Krushkal polynomial and minimal diagrams of surface links 2019
- Virtual concordance and the generalized Alexander polynomial 2019
- Virtual and welded periods of classical knots 2017
- Signature and concordance of virtual knots 2017
- Virtual knot cobordism and bounding the slice genus 2017
- Alexander invariants of periodic virtual knots 2017
- Concordance group of virtual knots 2016
- The SU(2) Casson-Lin invariant of the Hopf link 2016
- The SU(N) Casson-Lin invariants for links 2015
- Virtual knot groups and almost classical knots 2015
- Bridge numbers for virtual and welded knots 2014
- The SL(2,C) Casson invariant for knots and the $\widehat{A}$-polynomial 2014
- Alexander invariants for virtual knots 2014
- Non-triviality of the $M$-degree of the $A$-polynomial 2014
- Metabelian SL(n,C) representations of knot groups IV: twisted Alexander polynomials 2012
- Metabelian SL(n,C) representations of knot groups, III: deformations 2012
- The SL(2,C) Casson invariant for Dehn surgeries on two-bridge knots 2012
- Metabelian SL(n,C) representations of knot groups II: fixed points 2009
- Splitting the spectral flow and the SU(3) Casson invariant for spliced sums 2008
- Metabelian SL(n,C) representations of knot groups 2008
- Splicing and the SL(2,C) Casson invariant 2007
- The SL(2,C) Casson invariant for Seifert fibered homology spheres and surgeries on twist knots 2006
- The Integer Valued SU(3) Casson Invariant for Brieskorn spheres 2003
- An integer valued SU(3) Casson invariant 2000
- A connected sum formula for the SU(3) Casson invariant 1999
- Gauge Theoretic Invariants of, Dehn Surgeries on Knots 1999
- The SU(3) Casson Invariant for Integral Homology 3-Spheres 1998
- Moduli Spaces of Parabolic Higgs Bundles and Parabolic K(D) Pairs over Smooth Curves: I 1996
- Rationality of Moduli Spaces of Parabolic Bundles 1996