selected scholarly activity
- Using Ichnology to Determine the Relative Influence of Waves, Storms, Tides, and Rivers in Deltaic Deposits<subtitle>Examples from Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, U.S.A.</subtitle> 2007
- Deltas and estuaries. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. 310-322. 2003
- Allostratigraphy
- Evaluating Backwater versus Upstream Tectonic Controls on the Gravel-Sand Transition, Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin 2023
- Environmental Reconstruction and Intercontinental Correlation of the Turonian Paleoclimate using Stable Isotope Records from the Mancos Shale. Goldschmidt2022 abstracts. 2022
- Hierarchical organization of strata within a high-frequency Milankovitch-scale fluvial sequence, cretaceous Ferron Notom delta, south central Utah, USA. International Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 3-6 April 2016. 63-63. 2016
- 3D GPR characterization of sandy mouth bars in an outcrop reservoir analog: Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, south-east Utah. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts. 2275-2280. 2015
- GPR and EMI in Complex Environments: Emerging Concepts, Methods, Instruments, and Data Analysis. Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2015. 343-355. 2015
- Imaging architectural elements of distributary mouth bars using 3D GPR: Examples from cretaceous ferron Sandstone, Notom Delta, South-East Utah. 28th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2015, SAGEEP 2015. 325-329. 2015
- An Interpretation of the Depositional Environment and Facies of the Eagle Ford Shale from Karnes-Maverick County, Texas. Proceedings of the 2nd Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. 2014
- Methods for analyzing high resolution 3D digital outcrop geology: Deepwater jackfork sandstone at big rock quarry, Arkansas. 72nd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010, Workshops. 379-383. 2010
- Wheeler's confusion and the seismic revolution: How geophysicists saved stratigraphy. 79th Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Exposition and Annual Meeting 2009, SEG 2009. 3510-3514. 2009
- Application of a New Grain-Based Reconstruction Algorithm to Microtomography Images for Quantitative Characterization and Flow Modeling. SPE Journal. 164-176. 2008
- Application of a New Grain-Based Reconstruction Algorithm to Microtomography Images for Quantitative Characterization and Flow Modeling. All Days. 1811-1822. 2005
- Outcrop characterization of reservoir quality and interwell-scale cement distribution in a tide-influenced delta, Frontier Formation, Wyoming, USA. Clay Minerals. 95-105. 2000
- Distinguishing allogenic versus autogenic parasequences
- Evaluating backwater versus upstream tectonic controls on the gravel-sand transition
- Evaluating the Impacts of Oil and Gas Development on Groundwater around Remote Northern Communities
- Not an alluvial fan: Steep gradient, coarse grained meandering tributary channels systems, Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, Liard basin, NWT, Canada
- Simple parasequences in a medial shelf setting: Albian Sikanni Formation, Northwest Territories, Canada.
journal articles
- Quantifying a tide-dominated, wave-, and river-influenced delta in Miocene facies of the Niger Delta basin. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 94:125-150. 2024
- Facies-neoichnological variability and sedimentation rates of modern continental shelves. Marine Geology. 468:107216-107216. 2024
- The mid-Cretaceous Peninsular Ranges orogeny: a new slant on Cordilleran tectonics? III: the orogenic foredeep. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 60:214-262. 2023
- Evolution of a stratigraphic model in a fluvial deltaic wedge: implications for groundwater resource protection in an oil and gas-bearing region in the Upper Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, Northwest Territories, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 59:984-1005. 2022
- Large deltas, small deltas: Toward a more rigorous understanding of coastal marine deltas. Global and Planetary Change. 218:103958-103958. 2022
- Foraminifera and testate amoebae morphogroup analysis and biofacies of the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) Ferron-Notom Delta, Utah, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 601:111146-111146. 2022
- Application of μXRF analysis on the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale: A comparison with ICP-OES/MS. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 140:105662-105662. 2022
- Gerard Viner Middleton FRSC (1931-2021): A Tribute. Bulletin of Canadian Energy Geoscience. 69:73-76. 2022
- Sequence stratigraphic interpretation in marginal marine settings by the approach of parasequence-thickness-to-sandstone-fraction ratio: Case studies of the Gallup and Ferron outcrops in the Western Interior Basin, U.S.A.. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 92:67-94. 2022
- Gerard Viner Middleton FRSC: 1931–2021. Geoscience Canada. 48:73-76. 2022
- The Stratigraphy Machine. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 91:595-610. 2021
- Depositional and sequence stratigraphic model of transgressive shelf sandstone: The Late Cretaceous Tocito Sandstone, San Juan Bain, New Mexico, U.S.A.. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 91:415-432. 2021
- Storm‐flood‐dominated delta: A new type of delta in stormy oceans. Sedimentology. 68:1109-1136. 2021
- Facies architecture and time stratigraphic relationships of a confined trunk-tributary valley fill and unconfined fluvial system in the backwater of the Turonian Ferron-Notom Delta, Utah, U.S.A.. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 91:66-91. 2021
- Has Earth ever been ice-free? Implications for glacio-eustasy in the Cretaceous greenhouse age using high-resolution sequence stratigraphy. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 133:243-252. 2021
- Bioturbation, sedimentation rates, and preservation of flood events in deltas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 560:110049-110049. 2020
- Integrated seismic and well-log analysis for the exploration of stratigraphic traps in the Carbonera Formation, Llanos foreland basin of Colombia. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 104:102607-102607. 2020
- Classification of paralic channel sub-environments in an ancient system using outcrops: The Cretaceous Gallup system, New Mexico, U.S.A.. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 90:1094-1113. 2020
Depositional facies and the sequence stratigraphic control of a mixed‐process influenced clastic wedge in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: The Gallup System, New Mexico,
USA . Sedimentology. 67:920-950. 2020 - Time-stratigraphy in point sourced river deltas: Application to sediment budgets, shelf construction, and paleo-storm records. Earth-Science Reviews. 199:102985-102985. 2019
- High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Implications For Cretaceous Glacioeustasy of the Late Cretaceous Gallup System, New Mexico, U.S.A.. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 89:552-575. 2019
- A new fossil assemblage shows that large angiosperm trees grew in North America by the Turonian (Late Cretaceous). Science Advances. 4:eaar8568. 2018
- Study of carbonate concretions using imaging spectroscopy in the Frontier Formation, Wyoming. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 66:82-92. 2018
- Stratigraphy of the Fluvial-To-Marine Transition Zone Associated With A Forced-Regressive Compound Incised-Valley System In the Turonian Ferron Notom Delta, Utah, U.S.A.. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 88:311-326. 2018
- Re-evaluating the Paleogeography of the River-dominated and Wave-influenced Ferron Notom Delta, Southern Central Utah: an Integration of Detailed Facies-architecture and Paleocurrent Analysis. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 88:214-240. 2018
- Facies, Backwater Limits, and Paleohydraulic Analysis of Rivers in a Forced-regressive, Compound Incised Valley, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah, U.s.a.. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 88:177-200. 2018
- Sequence stratigraphy on an early wet Mars. Planetary and Space Science. 151:97-108. 2018
- Quantitative characterization of shales within tidally influenced fluvial valley fill deposits of the Ferron Sandstone, eastern Utah: Implications for hydrocarbon exploration. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. 101:1599-1623. 2017
- Corrigendum to “Facies analysis and its relation to point-sourced growth faults in river-dominated prodeltaic delta front deposits of the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Utah, USA” [JMPG: 81 (March 2017); 237–251]. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 84:341-343. 2017
- Source-To-Sink Sediment Budget Analysis of the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah, U.S.A., Using the Fulcrum Approach. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 87:594-608. 2017
- Facies analysis and its relation to point-sourced growth faults in river-dominated prodeltaic delta front deposits of the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Utah, USA. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 81:237-251. 2017
- Plan-view Paleochannel Reconstruction of Amalgamated Meander Belts, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Notom Delta, South-central Utah, U.s.a.. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 88:58-74. 2017
- Estimation of Source-To-Sink Mass Balance By A Fulcrum Approach Using Channel Paleohydrologic Parameters of the Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, Canada. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 87:97-116. 2017
- Formation of point bars through rising and falling flood stages: Evidence from bar morphology, sediment transport and bed shear stress. Sedimentology. 63:1458-1473. 2016
- Thin-bedded reservoir analogs in an ancient delta using terrestrial laser scanner and high-resolution ground-based hyperspectral cameras. Sedimentary Geology. 342:154-164. 2016
- Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Youngest Nonmarine Sequence In the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, South Central Utah, U.S.A.. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 86:168-198. 2016
- Estimation of source area, river paleo-discharge, paleoslope, and sediment budgets of linked deep-time depositional systems and implications for hydrocarbon potential. Earth-Science Reviews. 153:77-110. 2016
- Palynology of the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) Ferron Sandstone Member, Utah, USA: identification of marine flooding surfaces and Milankovitch cycles in subtropical, ever-wet, paralic to non-marine palaeoenvironments. Palynology. 40:122-136. 2016
- Harry Eugene Wheeler (1907-1987): A Pioneer of Sequence Stratigraphy. Stratigraphy. 13:95-110. 2016
- Unsung Pioneers of Sequence Stratigraphy: Eliot Blackwelder, Joseph Barrell, Amadeus Grabau, John Rich and Harry Wheeler. Stratigraphy. 13:223-243. 2016
- Evaluating along‐strike variation using thin‐bedded facies analysis, Upper Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Utah. Sedimentology. 62:2060-2089. 2015
- Paleo-channel reconstruction and grain size variability in fluvial deposits, Ferron Sandstone, Notom Delta, Hanksville, Utah. Sedimentary Geology. 325:17-25. 2015
- Confluence Scours Versus Incised Valleys: Examples From the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Southeastern Utah, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 85:445-458. 2015
- Paleohydrology and 3D Facies Architecture of Ancient Point Bars, Ferron Sandstone, Notom Delta, South-Central Utah, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 85:399-418. 2015
- Application of seismic attributes and spectral decomposition for reservoir characterization of a complex fluvial system: Case study of the Carbonera Formation, Llanos foreland basin, Colombia. Geophysics. 79:B221-B230. 2014
- Facies architecture of asymmetrical branching distributary channels: Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah, USA. Sedimentology. 61:1452-1483. 2014
- Origin and distribution of calcite concretions in Cretaceous Wall Creek Member, Wyoming: Reservoir-quality implication for shallow-marine deltaic strata. Cretaceous Research. 48:139-152. 2014
- Facies Architecture and Stratigraphic Evolution of A River-Dominated Delta Front, Turonian Ferron Sandstone, Utah, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 84:97-121. 2014
- Facies-Architecture Study of A Stepped, Forced Regressvie Compound Incised Valley In the Ferron Notom Delta, Southern Central Utah, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 83:206-225. 2013
- Milankovitch-Scale Sequence Stratigraphy and Stepped Forced Regressions of the Turonian Ferron Notom Deltaic Complex, South-Central Utah, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 82:723-746. 2012
- Reappraisal of the sequence boundary in time and space: Case and considerations for an SU (subaerial unconformity) that is not a sediment bypass surface, a time barrier, or an unconformity. Earth-Science Reviews. 113:271-302. 2012
- Stratigraphic uncertainty in sparse versus rich data sets in a fluvial-deltaic outcrop analog: Ferron Notom delta in the Henry Mountains region, southern Utah. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. 96:415-438. 2012
- Interplay between river discharge and topography of the basin floor in a hyperpycnal lacustrine delta. Sedimentology. 59:704-728. 2012
- Seismic geomorphology and high-resolution seismic stratigraphy of inner-shelf fluvial, estuarine, deltaic, and marine sequences, Gulf of Thailand. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. 95:1959-1990. 2011
- Delta asymmetry: Concepts, characteristics, and depositional models. Petroleum Science. 8:278-289. 2011
- Pleistocene shelf-margin delta: Intradeltaic deformation and sediment bypass, northern Gulf of Mexico. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. 95:1617-1641. 2011
- Architecture of a forced regressive systems tract in the Turonian Ferron “Notom Delta”, southern Utah, U.S.A.. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 28:1517-1529. 2011
- Interpretation of channelized architecture using three-dimensional photo real models, Pennsylvanian deep-water deposits at Big Rock Quarry, Arkansas. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 28:1157-1170. 2011
- Evaluating delta asymmetry using three‐dimensional facies architecture and ichnological analysis, Ferron ‘Notom Delta’, Capital Reef, Utah, USA. Sedimentology. 58:478-507. 2011
- Practical problems in the application of the sequence stratigraphic method and key surfaces: integrating observations from ancient fluvial–deltaic wedges with Quaternary and modelling studies. Sedimentology. 58:120-169. 2011
- Temporal Evolution of Fluvial Style in a Compound Incised-Valley Fill, Ferron "Notom Delta", Henry Mountains Region, Utah (U.S.A.). Journal of Sedimentary Research. 80:529-549. 2010
- Sequence stratigraphy: Common ground after three decades of development. First Break. 28:41-54. 2010
- Thematic Set: Sequence stratigraphy: common ground after three decades of development. First Break. 28. 2010
- Reply to the comments of W. Helland-Hansen on “Towards the standardization of sequence stratigraphy” by Catuneanu et al. [Earth-Sciences Review 92(2009)1–33]. Earth-Science Reviews. 94:98-100. 2009
- Hyperpycnal Rivers and Prodeltaic Shelves in the Cretaceous Seaway of North America. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 79:184-209. 2009
- Local tectonic control on parasequence architecture: Second Frontier sandstone, Powder River Basin, Wyoming. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. 93:295-327. 2009
- Towards the standardization of sequence stratigraphy. Earth-Science Reviews. 92:1-33. 2009
- Wheeler's confusion and the seismic revolution: How geophysicists saved stratigraphy. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts. 28:3510-3514. 2009
- 3-D Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of a Forced Regressive Top-Truncated Mixed-Influenced Delta, Cretaceous Wall Creek Sandstone, Wyoming, U.S.A.. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 77:303-323. 2007
- Basic Building Blocks and Process Variability of a Cretaceous Delta: Internal Facies Architecture Reveals a More Dynamic Interaction of River, Wave, and Tidal Processes Than Is Indicated by External Shape. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 77:284-302. 2007
- Three-dimensional facies architecture and three-dimensional calcite concretion distributions in a tide-influenced delta front, Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation, Wyoming. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. 91:191-214. 2007
- Terminal Distributary Channels and Delta Front Architecture of River-Dominated Delta Systems. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 76:212-233. 2006
- Importance of high-frequency tectonic sequences during greenhouse times of Earth history. Geology. 34:797-797. 2006
- Sedimentology, statistics, and flow behavior for a tide-influenced deltaic sandstone, Frontier Formation, Wyoming, United States. AAPG Memoir. 129-152. 2005
- No Change in Fluvial Style Across a Sequence Boundary, Cretaceous Blackhawk and Castlegate Formations of Central Utah, U.S.A.. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 75:1038-1051. 2005
- A ground-penetrating radar survey of a delta-front reservoir analog in the Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation, Wyoming. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. 89:1139-1155. 2005
- Dynamic river channels suggest a long‐lived Noachian crater lake on Mars. Geophysical Research Letters. 32. 2005
- 3D imaging of a reservoir analogue in point bar deposits in the Ferron Sandstone, Utah, using ground‐penetrating radar. Geophysical Prospecting. 52:151-163. 2004
- Wave‐influenced deltas: geomorphological implications for facies reconstruction. Sedimentology. 50:187-210. 2003
- Hydraulic effects of shales in fluvial-deltaic deposits: Ground-penetrating radar, outcrop observations, geostatistics, and three-dimensional flow modeling for the Ferron Sandstone, Utah. Mathematical Geosciences. 34:857-893. 2002
- Digital Geologic Mapping of the Ferron Sandstone, Muddy Creek, Utah, with GPS and Reflectorless Laser Rangefinders. GPS Solutions. 5:15-23. 2001
- Growth faults at the prodelta to delta-front transition, Cretaceous Ferron sandstone, Utah. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 18:525-534. 2001
- Lowstand deltas in the Frontier Formation, Powder River basin, Wyoming: Implications for sequence stratigraphic models. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. 85:261-294. 2001
- Creating virtual 3-D outcrop. Leading Edge. 19:197-202. 2000
- Geology and stratigraphy of fluvio-deltaic deposits in the Ivishak formation: Applications for development of Prudhoe Bay field, Alaska. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. 83:1588-1623. 1999
- Architecture of a tide‐influenced river delta in the Frontier Formation of central Wyoming, USA. Sedimentology. 46:667-688. 1999
- Comparison of three edge detection methods for image analysis of fragmented sandstones and bricks. Fragblast. 3:251-265. 1999
- The Expression and Interpretation of Marine Flooding Surfaces and Erosional Surfaces in Core; Examples from the Upper Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, Alberta Foreland Basin, Canada. Sequence stratigraphy and facies associations. 125-160. 1993
- Regional to Subregional Facies Architecture of River-Dominated Deltas in The Alberta Subsurface, Upper Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation. The three-dimensional facies architecture of terrigenous clastic sediments and its implications for hydrocarbon discovery and recovery. 189-206. 1991
- River- and wave-dominated depositional systems of the Upper Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, northwestern Alberta. Bullentin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. 39:165-191. 1991
- Establishing high-resolution (500 μm) chemofacies of depositional environments in an epeiric seaway using μXRF core scanning data. Sedimentology.
- Plausibility of Milankovitch Cycles in an Ultra-Greenhouse World: Stratigraphic Correlation and Sea Level Reconstruction of the Turonian Western Interior Seaway using Tephrochronology and Biostratigraphy. Geological Society of America Bulletin.
- Wheeler’s Confusion and the Seismic Revolution: How Geophysics Saved Stratigraphy. The Sedimentary Record. 14:4-11.
- Alaskan Oil in Canadian Gravel: Reconstructing Permo-Triassic Rivers and their catchments in the supergiant Prudhoe Bay oil field. 2024
- Reconstructing Permo-Triassic source to sink systems in the Ivishak Sandstone, Alaska and the tectonic implications 2023
- Source to Sink in deep time: Reconstructing Permo-Triassic to Cretaceous Rivers and their catchments in North America 2023
- Source to Sink in deep time: Reconstructing Permo-Triassic to Cretaceous Rivers and their catchments in North America 2023