selected scholarly activity
- The said and the unsaid: Confronting Racism in Social Work as “Uncanny. 379-388. 2022
- The said and the unsaid. 379-388. 2022
- Maddening intersectionality with assemblages, conviviality and confluence for epistemic dissidence 2022
- The said and the unsaid: Confronting Racism in Social Work as “Uncanny” 2022
- The subjects of oblivion: subalterity, sanism, and racial erasure. 135-141. 2021
- Excavating hostility and rationalizing violence through anti-immigrant confluent discourses of racial threat, risk, burden and lack. 107-122. 2020
- Critical perspectives in mental health. 240-256. 2020
- Contemporary forms of legislative imprisonment and colonial violence in forensic mental health. 169-183. 2019
- Traditions of Colonial and Eugenic Violence: Immigration Detention in Canada. 41-65. 2018
- Making Civility: Historical Racial Exclusion Technologies within Canadian Democracy. 17-30. 2017
- Pathologizing distress: The Colonial Master’s Tools and Mental Health Services for “Newcomers/Immigrants”. 233-244. 2017
- A Postcolonial Document Analysis of Confluence. 113-123. 2015
- Case Studies-The Appeals Division of the IRB: Stories of Resistance. 146-156. 2015
- Colonial Continuities and Colonial Technologies of Difference. 83-112. 2015
- Conceptualizing the Violence of Deportation at the Confluence of Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Immigration Systems. 55-82. 2015
- Conclusion: (Re)Producing (Neo)Colonial Relations of Authority and Racial and Eugenic Systems of Violence. 227-231. 2015
- Confluence: The Untreatable, the Unrehabilitatable, and the Undeserving Alien. 157-226. 2015
- Correspondence from Citizenship and Immigration Canada Regarding the Identification of People by the CBSA for Removal/Deportation. 232-233. 2015
- Historical Data-Archival Artifacts: Deportation and the Enforcement of Undesirability. 124-145. 2015
- Introduction: Outlining the Problem-The Confluence of Mental Health, Criminal Justice, and Immigration in the Authorization of Deportation. 1-+. 2015
- Post-national Belonging: Strategies of Racialized Youth in Multicultural Western Contexts. 23-31. 2015
- The Canadian Forensic Mental Health System: An Overview. 43-54. 2015
- The Necessity of an Attention to Colonization: An Addition to Mental Health Literature. 18-42. 2015
community engaged research
journal articles
- Racialized Immigrants' Encounters of Barriers and Facilitators in Seeking Mental Healthcare Services in Ontario, Canada.. Community Mental Health Journal. 61:556-567. 2025
- Integrating Afrocentric praxis in intimate partner violence and HIV care for African, Caribbean, and Black women: Navigating disclosure and access to services.. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2025
- Critical temporalities in social work after ‘the end of history’. Critical and Radical Social Work. 11:327-331. 2023
- Violence by any other name: constructing immigration crises, the threat of the sick refugee and rationalising immigration detention through moral panic. Critical and Radical Social Work. 11:42-62. 2023
- Simulating the Other in Social Work Pedagogy: Pathologising the Oppressed through Neoliberal/Colonial Practice Teaching. The British Journal of Social Work. 51:1408-1424. 2021
- Sustaining Systemic Racism Through Psychological Gaslighting: Denials of Racial Profiling and Justifications of Carding by Police Utilizing Local News Media. Race and Justice. 10:424-455. 2020
- Preserving white comfort and safety: the politics of race erasure in academe. Social Identities. 26:166-185. 2020
- Constituting “lived experience” discourses in mental health: The ethics of racialized identification/representation and the erasure of intergeneration colonial violence. Journal of Ethics in Mental Health. 2019
- Researching Racism: The Colour of Face Value, Challenges and Opportunities. The British Journal of Social Work. 47:bcw052-bcw052. 2016
- The necessity of an attention to Eurocentrism and colonial technologies: an addition to critical mental health literature. Disability & Society. 30:1021-1041. 2015
- Beyond intersectionalities of identity or interlocking analyses of difference: confluence and the problematic of “anti”-oppression. Intersectionalities : A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity and Practice. 4:15-39. 2015
- Toward Transformative Practice: Facilitating Access and Barrier-Free Services With LGBTTIQQ2SA Populations. Social Work in Mental Health. 12:212-230. 2014
- A Prescription for Violence: The Legacy of Colonization in Contemporary Forensic Mental Health and the Production of Difference. Critical Criminology. 22:273-292. 2014
- Empowering Alliances in Pursuit of Social Justice: Social Workers Supporting Psychiatric-Survivor Movements. Journal of Progressive Human Services. 24:265-288. 2013
- Doing participatory qualitative research: development of a shared critical consciousness with racial minority research advisory group members. Qualitative Research. 13:198-213. 2013
- Advocacy in social work: Recovery-focused systems for people living with serious mental health issues. Canadian Social Work. 12:25-42. 2010
- Race, Racism, Racialization and Colonialism: The Context for Governance in Education 2022
- Confronting and Defying Racism in Mental Health 2021
- Community Responses to #COVID-19 in Hamilton 2021
- Racism in Healthcare: Are we talking about the same things? 2021
- Affordable housing, accessible housing, not-for-profit housing- acknowledging complicities and histories of exclusion 2021
- Thinking Respectfully about Identity and Difference 2021
- Racism in Healthcare: Are we talking about the same things? 2021
- From Commitments to Reconciliation: Supporting Decolonizing Work in Community Engaged Research 2021
- Racism, Race, and Racialization in Healthcare & Emergency Medicine 2021
- Understanding Inequity in Healthcare Education 2021
- Loneliness & Mental Health Through COVID-19 and Beyond 2021
- Compositional Diversity and Community 2021
- Courageous solidarities: Listening and supporting the most marginalized in the struggle for a better Hamilton 2021
- Professional Practice, Education, and Research 2021
- White supremacy, Critical Race Theory and Wokeness 2021
- System Interaction and Culture 2021
- Equity through Organizational Commitment and Integration 2021
- Occidental appropriations of resistance to systemic racism: The erosion of Anti-Racism work & the maintenance of white supremacy 2021
- Refusing colonial eugenics rationalities in mental health policy, practice, and law. Beyond the Penal and the Carceral: Alternatives to criminalization to address social need 2021
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Healthcare: Are we talking about the same thing? 2021
- Beyond the Individual: Confronting and Challenging Racism in Health and Mental Health 2021
- Grief During COVID-19 2021
- Data colonialism and plantation logics in social services, and public health. Data & Sovereignty: Resisting Colonial Logics for Racial Justice 2020
- Grief During COVID-19 2020
- Anti-Racism, Resistance and Change 2020
- Racism, Race, and Racialization in Healthcare in Canada: Matters of life and death 2020
- Race, Racism, Racialization and Colonialism 2020
- Race & racism in 2020 and beyond: Confronting individual, systemic, and structural complicities for transformative change 2020
- Relationship, Respect, Complicities, Solidarities & Decolonial Resistance 2020
- Racism and mental health 2020
- Confronting and challenging racism: the individual, the systemic, and the structural 2020
- Appreciating Individual, Systemic, and Structural Inequities in Local, Current and Historical Contexts for Change 2020
- Defunding Harm and Violence. Defunding the Police-Community Teach-in 2020
- Racism and mental health 2020
- Confronting and challenging racism: the individual, the systemic, and the structural 2020
- Defying Racism in Hamilton 2020
- Responding to hate in Hamilton 2019
- The erasure of experience and the subjects of oblivion: speaking back to the obliviousness of whiteness 2019
- Navigating racial issues in healthcare 2019
- Race and racism in Hamilton 2019
- Tradition of Colonial and Eugenic Violence: Immigration Detention in Canada 2019
- The subjects of oblivion: subalterity and contemporary technologies of transnational eugenics, sanism, and racial eradication 2019
- Confronting and Challenging racism in Healthcare: The Ethical Necessity of anti-Racism for Practice 2019
- Invocations of historical colonial, racial, ableist, sanist tropes in contemporary anti-immigration discourse 2019
- Dismantling Racism in Hamilton 2019
- Freedom of Speech and Race 2018
- Criminalization and Racialization of Poverty and Mental Health 2018
- Big data and social services: Public overseers of human suffering for private gain 2018
- Historical and contemporary uses of immigration detention by the mental health system in Canada: Racist, sanist, and eugenic violence in policy and practice 2018
- From the insidious to the brazen: Realities of racism and resistance 2018
- Immigration detention in Canada: Constituting ideas of "the threat" and "the Canadian public" through racism, sanism and colonial eugenics 2018
- Overseers of Violence: Big Data & the Role of the Social Worker 2017
- Doing Anti-Oppressive Practice: Social Justice Social Work 2017
- Critical History as Social Work Practice 1: Epistemic Interventions through Decolonization 2017
- Respecting the Histories of Anti-racist Activism in Hamilton: Working towards collective action together 2016
- Conceptions of Mental Health Within the Punjabi Sikh Diaspora Community in Ottawa, Ontario 2016
- Imprisoning the mind and the body: Contemporary forms of legislative imprisonment and colonial violence in forensic mental health 2016
- The criminalization/racialization of poverty 2016
- Food justice is social justice: beyond the food security talk 2016
- Tracing contemporary eugenic and racial colonial technologies of dehumanization at the confluence of mental health, criminal justice and immigration systems 2015
- The untreatable mentally ill, the unrehabilitatable criminal and the undeserving alien: Contemporary eugenic and racial technologies of violence at the confluence of forensic mental health and immigration systems 2015
- Violent interventions: Neo-colonization in contemporary forensic mental health and the (re)production of difference. 2014
- Theorising violence at the confluence of mental health, criminal justice and immigration systems in Canada 2014
- Civilizing disobedience: Contemporary colonization and the regulation of immigrants and indigenous people with mental health issues 2014
- The confluence of violence and the accretion of “truth”: Reading deportation decisions for racialized people classified with serious criminality and mentally illness in Canada 2013
- Postnational belonging: Strategies of racialized youth in multicultural western contexts 2012
- Ancestries of racial and eugenic systems of violence in the mental health sector 2012
- Authorities on the subject: Colonial ancestries of hierarchy and hegemony in mental health 2012
- Toward transformative practice: Facilitating access and barrier-free services with LGBTTIQQ2SA populations 2012
- A prescription for violence: The legacy of colonization in contemporary forensic mental health and the production of difference 2011
- Doing participatory qualitative research: Development of a shared critical consciousness with racial minority research advisory group members 2010
- Empowering alliances in pursuit of social justice: Social workers supporting psychiatric-survivor movements 2010