McMaster Research Profile Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Click the LOGIN TO MANAGE MY PROFILE button located on the right of this page.
  • Login with your MAC ID and click on “Edit your profile” located beneath your profile photo. You are now in the "Edit mode" of your profile page.
  • Click on the yellow pencil icon to edit information or click on the teal “+” icon teal plus icon to generate a text box.
  • You may save your changes by clicking on the green check mark icon green checkmark icon or cancel your changes by clicking on the red “X” icon red X icon.
  • Click on "Manage My Profile".
  • Enter your MAC ID Username and Password and click "Login".
  • On your profile page, click "Edit your profile" located beneath your profile photo. You are now in the "Edit mode" of your profile page.
  • Scroll down to the heading entitled "Scholarly Activity" and locate the item that you would like to change. Click on the yellow pencil icon to edit the scholarly activity.
  • Once you are finished making the edits, you may save your changes by clicking on the green check mark icon green checkmark icon or cancel your changes by clicking on the red "X" icon red X icon. You may click on the grey garbage bin icon to delete the scholarly activity.

You may need to update your profile's search settings and external profile identifiers. Profile Manager (i.e. Elements) uses both to find your publications. Each is configured using the following menu items:

  • Menu tab -> Search settings
  • Menu tab -> Automatic Claiming

This FAQ item will address Search settings. Please see FAQ item "How do my external profile identifiers work with Elements?" for information about Automatic Claiming.

The search terms that have the greatest impact are name variants (variations of your name under which you’ve published) and addresses (cities or institutions where you’ve published). When your profile was created the following default search terms were added:

Name variants – “Lastname, initial”.
Addresses – none

Adding terms to both will improve the results of your search. If you have a common last name, make sure that the address terms include at least "McMaster" or "Hamilton". Please note that once you add one or more address terms, your search will be restricted to those addresses. For this reason, it's important to add all of the institutions or cities where you've published.

Basic instructions for modifying your search settings are provided in the Elements Quick Start Guide available under User guides and FAQs on the Help page. Refer to the following pages in the guide:

  • Search Settings
  • Claim or Reject Publications

After adjusting your search settings, you must clear (i.e. reset) your pending queue and re-run your search in order to refresh your pending queue. You can do this as many times as necessary to find the optimal combination of search terms.

The "Reset (clear) pending publications" button is located near the bottom of your home page.
Reset (clear) pending publications button located between Send a reminder email and Reset (clear) rejected publications

The "Run my searches" button is located near the top of your "Publication search settings" page, under the list of data sources.
Run my searches button located under data sources

For further assistance, Email the Support Team

Profile Manager (i.e. Elements) uses your search settings and external profile identifiers to find your publications. External profile identifiers are your various author identifiers which you’ve associated with your publications. Examples are:

  • Researcher ID
  • Scopus ID
  • email ID

Elements attempts to locate your identifiers based on your search settings and presents them to you for confirmation on the Automatic Publication Claiming page. This FAQ item will address Automatic Claiming. Please see FAQ item "Why am I receiving so many publications that don’t belong to me?" for information about your search settings.

The Automatic Claiming page is accessed via Menu tab -> Automatic Claiming.

Once you've confirmed the identifiers under "Do These Identify You?" and added any additional identifiers, Elements will automatically claim publications which feature any of these identifiers. The auto-claiming feature can be turned off if you prefer for the publications to go to your pending queue.

Ensuring that your list of identifiers is accurate and complete has the following benefits:

  • It improves the result of your publication search
  • It enables auto-claiming of your publications

A note regarding ORCID:

  • If you’ve claimed publications in ORCID they will not automatically populate into your Elements profile unless you add your ORCID on the Automatic Claiming page.

After updating your identifiers, you must clear (i.e. reset) your pending queue and re-run your search.

The "Reset (clear) pending publications" button is located near the bottom of your home page.
Reset (clear) pending publications button located between Send a reminder email and Reset (clear) rejected publications

The "Run my searches" button is located near the top of your "Publication search settings" page, under the list of data sources.
Run my searches button located under data sources

For further assistance, Email the Support Team

Since the name that appears in your McMaster Experts profile comes from MOSAIC, any changes to the name must be made in the MOSAIC system. Please refer to the instructions on how to update your Preferred Name and/or Publishing Name in MOSAIC.
Profile information is loaded into McMaster Experts several times a day.

Yes, you can assign one or more delegates to edit your profile. Please follow the steps below to add a delegate.

Step 1: If the delegate already has an active account in the McMaster Research Profile Manager, skip to Step 2. Otherwise, have the prospective delegate complete the non-faculty employee registration form. A new account will be created between 1 and 2 business days after the registration form is submitted.

Step 2: Once you've verified that the delegate's account is active, click on "Manage My Profile"; enter your MAC ID username and password and click "Login". Select the "Menu" tab and go to "My Account". Under "Account Settings" click on "Manage delegates". As instructed on the page, begin typing the last name of the person whom you would like to act as a delegate. A drop-down list of names will appear. Choose your delegate from this list and then click on "Add delegate" to complete the process. Each delegate must be added separately. You may remove a delegate at any time by clicking the red "X" icon red X icon beside the name.

A delegate is someone whom you would like to assign editing rights to your account. Your delegate or delegates (if you choose to assign more than one delegate to edit your account) will receive copies of your email alerts and will be able to log in to McMaster Experts with their own credentials and "impersonate" you to manage and edit your records.
Yes. Non-faculty members can create a profile by completing the non-faculty employee registration form, and answering "No" to question 8 on the form. A McMaster Research Profile Manager account and McMaster Experts profile page will be created 1 to 2 business days after submission.

Yes, you can always add publications manually if they are not found in the online databases.

  • Click on "Manage My Profile".
  • Enter your MAC ID Username and Password and click "Login".
  • On your profile page, click "Edit your profile" located beneath your profile photo. You are now in the "Edit mode" of your profile page.
  • Scroll down to the heading entitled "Scholarly Activity". Click on the teal "+" icon green plus icon to generate a text box.
  • Complete the form remembering to add content to the required fields marked by a red asterisk "red asterisk".
  • You may save your scholarly activity information by clicking on the green check mark icon green checkmark icon or cancel your changes by clicking on the red "X" icon red X icon.