subject area of
Care‐giving as a
C anadian‐V ietnamese tradition: ‘It's like eating, you just do it’ Journal Articles - Cultural influences on palliative family caregiving: service recommendations specific to the Vietnamese in Canada Journal Articles
- Dietary Intakes and Plasma Organochlorine Contaminant Levels among Great Lakes Fish Eaters Journal Articles
- Effect of Vitamin D supplementation to reduce respiratory infections in children and adolescents in Vietnam: A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
- Hemoglobin E diseases: Hematological, analytical, and biosynthetic studies in homozygotes and double heterozygotes for α‐thalassemia Journal Articles
- Introducing supported self-management for depression to primary care in Vietnam: A feasibility study in preparation for a randomized controlled trial. Journal Articles
- Maternal levels of organochlorines in two communities in southern Vietnam Journal Articles
- Novel Mutation of the α2-Globin Gene Initiation Codon (Atg→A-G) in a Vietnamese Girl with Hb H Disease Journal Articles
- The effectiveness of a Supported Self-management task-shifting intervention for adult depression in Vietnam communities: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
- The impact of health insurance on health services utilization and health outcomes in Vietnam Journal Articles
- The impact of public voluntary health insurance on private health expenditures in Vietnam Journal Articles
- The impact of tobacco prices on smoking onset in Vietnam: duration analyses of retrospective data Journal Articles
- Using anchoring vignettes to assess the comparability of self‐rated feelings of sadness, lowness or depression in France and Vietnam Journal Articles