Utilization Review
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subject area of
A Systematic Review of Utility Measurements in the Surgical Literature Journal Articles
A re-examination of the meaning and importance of supplier-induced demand Journal Articles
An epidemiologic cohort study reviewing the practice of blood product transfusions among a population of pediatric oncology patients Journal Articles
Application of biomedical informatics to chronic pediatric diseases: a systematic review Journal Articles
Are Health States “Timeless”? The Case of the Standard Gamble Method Journal Articles
CONSORT comes to TRANSFUSION Journal Articles
Cardiac Biomarkers and Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery Journal Articles
Changing Patterns of Physician Services Utilization in Ontario, Canada, and their Relation to Physician, Practice, and Market-Area Characteristics Conferences
Committee on Utilization, Review, and Education common referral form. Journal Articles
Decreasing Diagnostic Hysteroscopy Performed in the Operating Room: A Quality Improvement Initiative Journal Articles
Design and Analytic Considerations in Determining the Cost-Effectiveness of Early Intervention in Asthma from a Multinational Clinical Trial Journal Articles
Developing Management Information from an Administrative Database of Dental Services: Identifying Factors that Influence Costs Journal Articles
Effect of Cardiac Rehabilitation Referral Strategies on Utilization Rates Journal Articles
Effect of Rollator Use on Health-Related Quality of Life in Individuals With COPD Journal Articles
Establishing a comprehensive continuum from an evidentiary base to policy development for health technologies: The Ontario experience Journal Articles
Ethnic Diversity and Pathways to Care for a First Episode of Psychosis in Ontario Journal Articles
Evolution of Mechanical Ventilation in Response to Clinical Research Journal Articles
Factors affecting the frequency of red blood cell outdates: an approach to establish benchmarking targets Journal Articles
General Practice and Mental Health Care: Determinants of Outpatient Service Use Journal Articles
Hospitalizations for back and neck problems: a comparison between the Province of Ontario and Washington State. Journal Articles
Identifying Potentially Avoidable Hospital Admissions From Canadian Long-Term Care Facilities Journal Articles
Impact of picture archiving communication systems on rates of duplicate imaging: a before-after study Journal Articles
Increasing Influenza Immunization for Long‐Term Care Facility Staff Using Quality Improvement Journal Articles
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A 10-Yr Natural History of Symptoms and Factors That Influence Consultation Behavior Journal Articles
Is there a clinically significant seasonal component to hospital admissions for atrial fibrillation? Journal Articles
Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation: a utilization review of use in a teaching hospital. Journal Articles
Opportunities for improvement on current nuclear cardiology practices and radiation exposure in Latin America: Findings from the 65-country IAEA Nuclear Cardiology Protocols cross-sectional Study (INCAPS) Journal Articles
Patterns of Health Care Use of Injured and Non-injured Children Journal Articles
Patterns of self-reported health care use in injured and uninjured older adults Journal Articles
Persistence and Remission of Psychiatric Disorders in the Quebec Older Adult Population Journal Articles
Preoperative and intraoperative factors predictive of length of hospital stay after pulmonary lobectomy. Journal Articles
Quality of medical care during and shortly after acute care restructuring in Newfoundland and Labrador Journal Articles
Seasonality of service provision in hip and knee surgery: A possible contributor to waiting times? A time series analysis Journal Articles
Simplicity within complexity: Seasonality and predictability of hospital admissions in the province of Ontario 1988–2001, a population-based analysis Journal Articles
The Epidemiology of Psychiatric Disorders in Quebec's Older Adult Population Journal Articles
The impact of an outpatient heart failure clinic on hospital costs and admissions Journal Articles
The impact of rural residence on medically serious medicinal self-poisonings Journal Articles
Trends in health services utilization, medication use, and health conditions among older adults: a 2-year retrospective chart review in a primary care practice Journal Articles
Understanding Newborn Infant Readmission: Findings of the Ontario Mother and Infant Survey Journal Articles
Use of Severity to Evaluate Appropriateness of Admissions and Length of Stay Journal Articles
Users' guides to the medical literature .11. How to use an article about a clinical utilization review Journal Articles
Users' guides to the medical literature. XI. How to use an article about a clinical utilization review. Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group Journal Articles
Utilization care plans and effective patient data management. Journal Articles
Waiting for hip revision surgery: the impact on patient disability. Journal Articles
What doctors think about the impact of managed care tools on quality of care, costs, autonomy, and relations with patients Journal Articles
Who Are High Users of Hospitals in Canada? Findings From a Population-Based Study Journal Articles
Women’s values and preferences for thromboprophylaxis during pregnancy: a comparison of direct-choice and decision analysis using patient specific utilities Journal Articles