subject area of
- Assessing potential toxicity of chloride-affected groundwater discharging to an urban stream using juvenile freshwater mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea) Journal Articles
- Assessment of biomarkers for contaminants of emerging concern on aquatic organisms downstream of a municipal wastewater discharge Journal Articles
- Bioaccumulation of sediment-associated dinonylnaphthalene sulfonates in the freshwater mussel Lampsilis siliquoidea and oligochaete Tubifex tubifex Journal Articles
- Bioaccumulation of sediment-associated substituted phenylamine antioxidants in Tubifex tubifex and Lampsilis siliquoidea Journal Articles
- Effect of substituted phenylamine antioxidants on three life stages of the freshwater mussel Lampsilis siliquoidea Journal Articles
- Effects of municipal wastewater effluents on the digestive gland microbiome of wild freshwater mussels (Lasmigona costata) Journal Articles
- Effects of sodium chloride exposure on ion regulation in larvae (glochidia) of the freshwater mussel Lampsilis fasciola Journal Articles
- Investigation of clearance rate as an endpoint in toxicity testing with freshwater mussels (Unionidae) Journal Articles
- Lethal and Sub-lethal Implications of Sodium Chloride Exposure for Adult Unionid Mussel Species: Eurynia dilatata and Lasmigona costata Journal Articles
- Sensitivity of larval and juvenile freshwater mussels (unionidae) to ammonia, chloride, copper, potassium, and selected binary chemical mixtures Journal Articles
- Sensitivity of the early-life stages of freshwater mollusks to neonicotinoid and butenolide insecticides Journal Articles
- Spatial patterns of microplastics in freshwater bivalves (Bivalvia: Unionidae and Sphaeriidae) relative to municipal wastewater discharges. Journal Articles
- The impact of municipal wastewater effluent on fieldâdeployed freshwater mussels in the Grand River (Ontario, Canada) Journal Articles