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A Bayesian Perceptual Model Replicates the Cutaneous Rabbit and Other Tactile Spatiotemporal Illusions Journal Articles
A Physical Constraint on Perceptual Learning: Tactile Spatial Acuity Improves with Training to a Limit Set by Finger Size Journal Articles
A fluorescent microscopic study of the development of rat touch domes and their merkel cells Journal Articles
A quantitative study of the time course of the reduction in merkel cell number within denervated rat touch domes Journal Articles
Abnormal visual experience during development alters the early stages of visual-tactile integration Journal Articles
Activation in SI and SII; the influence of vibrotactile amplitude during passive and task-relevant stimulation Journal Articles
Acute aerobic exercise enhances attentional modulation of somatosensory event-related potentials during a tactile discrimination task Journal Articles
Age-related loss in attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli at early stages of somatosensory processing Journal Articles
Aging embodiment and the somatic work of getting into and out of a car Journal Articles
An Omniphobic Spray Coating Created from Hierarchical Structures Prevents the Contamination of High‐Touch Surfaces with Pathogens Journal Articles
Attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli: A comparison between prefrontal lesion patients and healthy age-matched controls Journal Articles
Axonal domains within shared touch domes in the rat: A comparison of their fate during conditions favoring collateral sprouting and following axonal regeneration Journal Articles
Cross-modality reaction--time experiments with tactile and visual stimuli. NASA CR-623. Journal Articles
Crossmodal Temporal Order and Processing Acuity in Developmentally Dyslexic Young Adults Journal Articles
Crossmodal influences on early somatosensory processing: interaction of vision, touch, and task-relevance Journal Articles
Cross‐Modal Transfer of Shape is Difficult to Demonstrate in One‐Month‐Olds Journal Articles
Decision Making in Detecting Abnormal Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament Thresholds in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Journal Articles
Developmental changes in the perception of audiotactile simultaneity Journal Articles
Diminutive Digits Discern Delicate Details: Fingertip Size and the Sex Difference in Tactile Spatial Acuity Journal Articles
Effect of display movement on tactile pattern perception. NASA CR-623. Journal Articles
Effect of vincristine sulphate on touch dome function [proceedings]. Journal Articles
Effects of substance P on functionally identified units in cat spinal cord Journal Articles
Effects of vincristine sulfate on touch dome function in the rat Journal Articles
Exploratory experiments on tactile-spatial interaction. NASA CR-623. Journal Articles
Functional MRI in human somatosensory cortex activated by touching textured surfaces Journal Articles
Functional MRI of working memory and selective attention in vibrotactile frequency discrimination Journal Articles
Gating at early cortical processing stages is associated with changes in behavioural performance on a sensory conflict task Journal Articles
Hemispheric Specialization for Linguistic and Nonlinguistic Tactual Perception Using a Dichotomous Stimulation Technique Journal Articles
Human parietal and primary motor cortical interactions are selectively modulated during the transport and grip formation of goal-directed hand actions Journal Articles
Inhibition of the primary sensorimotor cortex by topical anesthesia of the forearm in patients with complex regional pain syndrome Journal Articles
Integration of visual and tactile stimuli: top-down influences require time Journal Articles
Internally generated and externally triggered actions are physically distinct and independently controlled Journal Articles
Knockdown of spinal metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (mGluR1) alleviates pain and restores opioid efficacy after nerve injury in rats Journal Articles
Manual exploration and the perception of slipperiness Journal Articles
Maternal and littermate deprivation disrupts maternal behavior and social‐learning of food preference in adulthood: Tactile stimulation, nest odor, and social rearing prevent these effects Journal Articles
Measuring Change in Somatosensation Across the Lifespan Journal Articles
Mechanisms That Underlie Coordination in Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder Journal Articles
Merkel cells are not the mechanosensory transducers in the touch dome of the rat Journal Articles
Nerve-skin interactions in adult and aged animals. Journal Articles
New devices to deliver somatosensory stimuli during functional MRI Journal Articles
Novel vibrotactile discrimination task for investigating the neural correlates of short-term learning with fMRI Journal Articles
Performance of blind and sighted humans on a tactile grating detection task Journal Articles
Predictability of the target stimulus for sensory-guided movement modulates early somatosensory cortical potentials Journal Articles
Rate of Information Segregation in Developmentally Dyslexic Children Journal Articles
Role of serotonergic neurons in the Drosophila larval response to light Journal Articles
Sensibility following Innervated Free TRAM Flap for Breast Reconstruction Conferences
Sensibility following Innervated Free TRAM Flap for Breast Reconstruction: Part II. Innervation Improves Patient-Rated Quality of Life Conferences
Sex and the Single Hemisphere: Specialization of the Right Hemisphere for Spatial Processing Journal Articles
TACAN Is an Ion Channel Involved in Sensing Mechanical Pain Journal Articles
Tactile Acuity is Enhanced in Blindness Journal Articles
Tactile Spatial Acuity Enhancement in Blindness: Evidence for Experience-Dependent Mechanisms Journal Articles
Tactile length contraction as Bayesian inference Journal Articles
Tactile perception of sequentially presented spatial patterns. NASA CR-623. Journal Articles
Tactile stimulation programs in patients with hand dysesthesia after a peripheral nerve injury: A systematic review Journal Articles
Tactile stimulus predictability modulates activity in a tactile-motor cortical network Journal Articles
Tactile/Kinesthetic Stimulation Effects on Preterm Neonates Journal Articles
Tail pinch-induced eating, gnawing and licking behavior in rats: Dependence on the nigrostriatal dopamine system Journal Articles
Task-Relevant Modulation of Contralateral and Ipsilateral Primary Somatosensory Cortex and the Role of a Prefrontal-Cortical Sensory Gating System Journal Articles
Task‐relevance and temporal synchrony between tactile and visual stimuli modulates cortical activity and motor performance during sensory‐guided movement Journal Articles
Temporal and spatial constraints on the collateral sprouting of low‐threshold mechanosensory nerves in the skin of rats Journal Articles
Temporal order and processing acuity of visual, auditory, and tactile perception in developmentally dyslexic young adults Journal Articles
Texture discrimination and unit recordings in the rat whisker/barrel system Journal Articles
The Merkel cells and the rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors of the salamander skin Journal Articles
The Sensory Potential of Free Flap Donor Sites Journal Articles
The contribution of the prefrontal cortex to relevancy-based gating of visual and tactile stimuli Journal Articles
The effect of task-relevance on primary somatosensory cortex during continuous sensory-guided movement in the presence of bimodal competition Journal Articles
The impact and specificity of nerve perturbation on novel vibrotactile sensory letter learning Journal Articles
The impact of cell phone texting on superficial blood flow, touch threshold, and symptoms for individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome Journal Articles
The impact of light fingertip touch on haptic cortical processing during a standing balance task Journal Articles
The neural dependency of Merkel cell development in the rat: The touch domes and foot pads contrasted Journal Articles
The world of touch--from evoked potentials to conscious perception. Journal Articles
Touch dome properties as a function of age Journal Articles
Transient inhibition of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disrupts attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli at early stages of somatosensory processing Journal Articles
Transient inhibition of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disrupts somatosensory modulation during standing balance as measured by electroencephalography Journal Articles
Vibrotactile Masking Experiments Reveal Accelerated Somatosensory Processing in Congenitally Blind Braille Readers Journal Articles
When Too Much Is Not Enough: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder as a Pathology of Stopping, Rather than Starting Journal Articles
properties of somatosensory cells in the human thalamus. Journal Articles
“You can’t touch this”: Delivery of inpatient neuropsychological assessment in the era of COVID-19 and beyond Journal Articles