subject area of
- Advances in Multimodality Imaging Through a Hybrid PET/MRI System Journal Articles
- An edge-guided image interpolation algorithm via directional filtering and data fusion Journal Articles
- Brown adipose tissue 18F-FDG uptake in pediatric PET/CT imaging Journal Articles
- Canny edge detection enhancement by scale multiplication Journal Articles
- Elastic registration of prostate MR images based on estimation of deformation states Journal Articles
- Evaluating the extent of cell death in 3D high frequency ultrasound by registration with whole‐mount tumor histopathologya) Journal Articles
- GPU implementation of a deformable 3D image registration algorithm Journal Articles
- Intraobserver and Interobserver Variability in GTV Delineation on FDG-PET-CT Images of Head and Neck Cancers Journal Articles
- Joint reconstruction of Ictal/inter-ictal SPECT data for improved epileptic foci localization Journal Articles
- Limbic system perfusion in Alzheimer's disease measured by MRI-coregistered HMPAO SPET Journal Articles
- MR angiography of peripheral, carotid, and coronary arteries Journal Articles
- Multimodality Imaging of Peripheral Neuropathies of the Upper Limb and Brachial Plexus Journal Articles
- Noncontrast‐enhanced magnetic resonance angiography and venography imaging with enhanced angiography Journal Articles
- Novel subtractive transcription-based amplification of mRNA (STAR) method and its application in search of rare and differentially expressed genes in AD brains Journal Articles
- Optimal Context Quantization in Lossless Compression of Image Data Sequences Journal Articles
- Real-time fusion of endoscopic views with dynamic 3-D cardiac images: a phantom study Journal Articles
- Segmentation of Images of Abdominal Organs Journal Articles
- Simulation of scattering and attenuation of 511 keV photons in a combined PET/field-cycled MRI system Journal Articles
- Towards Subject-Specific Models of the Dynamic Heart for Image-Guided Mitral Valve Surgery Journal Articles