subject area of
- A phenomenological model for the responses of auditory-nerve fibers: I. Nonlinear tuning with compression and suppression Journal Articles
- Audible blink in prostaglandin‐associated periorbitopathy Journal Articles
- Audible radiation monitors: the value in reducing radiation exposure to fluoroscopy personnel. Journal Articles
- Auditory roughness: a delicate balance Journal Articles
- Causality and cross-modal integration. Journal Articles
- Central–peripheral differences in audiovisual and visuotactile event perception Journal Articles
- Decaying amplitude envelopes reduce alarm annoyance: Exploring new approaches to improving auditory interfaces Journal Articles
- Early development of polyphonic sound encoding and the high voice superiority effect Journal Articles
- Effect of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy vs Standard of Care on Tinnitus-Related Quality of Life: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal Articles
- Effect of sound pressure level on contralateral inhibition underlying duration-tuned neurons in the mammalian inferior colliculus Journal Articles
- Exploring the Role of the Amplitude Envelope in Duration Estimation Journal Articles
- Finding the Pitch of the Missing Fundamental in Infants Journal Articles
- Generalization gradients obtained from individual subjects following classical conditioning. Journal Articles
- Improving detectability of auditory interfaces for medical alarms through temporal variation in amplitude envelope Journal Articles
- Infant Sleep Machines and Hazardous Sound Pressure Levels Journal Articles
- Is un stylo sharper than une épée? Investigating the interaction of sound symbolism and grammatical gender in English and French speakers Journal Articles
- Loss of high- or low-frequency audibility can partially explain effects of hearing loss on emotional responses to non-speech sounds Journal Articles
- Mechanical Vibration and Sound Levels Experienced in Neonatal Transport Journal Articles
- Modeling auditory-nerve responses for high sound pressure levels in the normal and impaired auditory periphery Journal Articles
- Modulation of P2 auditory-evoked responses by the spectral complexity of musical sounds Journal Articles
- More detectable, less annoying: Temporal variation in amplitude envelope and spectral content improves auditory interface efficacy Journal Articles
- North American Male Reference Population for Speed of Sound in Bone at Multiple Skeletal Sites Journal Articles
- On the generalization of tones: A detailed exploration of non-speech auditory perception stimuli Journal Articles
- Physics of the rhythmic applause Journal Articles
- Prenatal stress enhances severity of atherosclerosis in the adult apolipoprotein E-deficient mouse offspring via inflammatory pathways Journal Articles
- Rhythmic and interval‐based temporal orienting in autism Journal Articles
- Sonar strobe groups and buzzes are produced before powered flight is achieved in the juvenile big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus Journal Articles
- Sound alters visual motion perception Journal Articles
- Sound localization after transection of the commissure of Probst in the albino rat Journal Articles
- The radiation impedance of the external ear of cat: Measurements and applications Journal Articles
- The sound of many hands clapping Journal Articles
- The sound of silence: Predictive error responses to unexpected sound omission in adults Journal Articles
- The unity assumption facilitates cross-modal binding of musical, non-speech stimuli: The role of spectral and amplitude envelope cues Journal Articles
- Tuning for rate and duration of frequency-modulated sweeps in the mammalian inferior colliculus Journal Articles
- Undetectable very-low frequency sound increases dancing at a live concert Journal Articles