subject area of
- A variable mapping task produces symmetrical interference between global information and local information Journal Articles
- Classification and perceived similarity of compound gratings that differ in relative spatial phase Journal Articles
- Contingent color aftereffects: Reassessing old conclusions Journal Articles
- Dissociating averageness and attractiveness: Attractive faces are not always average. Journal Articles
- Do small white balls squeak? Pitch-object correspondences in young children Journal Articles
- Grasping behavior in schizophrenia suggests selective impairment in the dorsal visual pathway. Conferences
- Inhibition of return for the length of a line? Journal Articles
- Letter Localization, Not Discrimination, Is Constrained by Attention. Journal Articles
- Low is large: spatial location and pitch interact in voice-based body size estimation Journal Articles
- Pairwise Comparisons and Visual Perceptions of Equal Area Polygons Journal Articles
- Response to an intervening event reverses nonspatial repetition effects in 2AFC tasks: Nonspatial IOR? Journal Articles
- Size Precedes View: Developmental Emergence of Invariant Object Representations in Lateral Occipital Complex Journal Articles
- Size effects in visual recognition memory are determined by perceived size Journal Articles
- The Ebbinghaus illusion affects on-line movement control Journal Articles
- The Eye-Size Illusion: Psychophysical Characteristics, Generality, and Relation to Holistic Face Processing Journal Articles
- Wanting a body that's better than average: The effect of manipulated body norms on ideal body size perception Journal Articles