subject area of
- Agreement in DNA methylation levels from the Illumina 450K array across batches, tissues, and time Journal Articles
- All the brain's a stage for serotonin: the forgotten story of serotonin diffusion across cell membranes Journal Articles
- Amygdala responses to quetiapine XR and citalopram treatment in major depression: the role of 5‐HTTLPR‐S/Lg polymorphisms Journal Articles
- Effects of Genotype and Sleep on Temperament Journal Articles
- Evidence for a Gene-Environment Interaction in Predicting Behavioral Inhibition in Middle Childhood Journal Articles
- Evidence for a gene–gene interaction in predicting children's behavior problems: Association of serotonin transporter short and dopamine receptor D4 long genotypes with internalizing and externalizing behaviors in typically developing 7-year-olds Journal Articles
- Extremely low birth weight babies grown up: Gene–environment interaction predicts internalizing problems in the third and fourth decades of life Journal Articles
- Genetic predictors of response to treatment with citalopram in depression secondary to traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
- Influence of RGS2 on Sertraline Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
- Interaction between SLC6A4 promoter variants and childhood trauma on the age at onset of bipolar disorders Journal Articles
- Is serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) allele status a predictor for obsessive-compulsive disorder? A meta-analysis Journal Articles
Maternal childhood adversity and child temperament: An association moderated by child 5‐
HTTLPR genotype Journal Articles - Neurobiological Factors Linking Personality Traits and Major Depression Journal Articles
- Polymorphisms of 5-HTT LPR and GNβ3 825C>T and Response to Antidepressant Treatment in Functional Dyspepsia: A Study from The Functional Dyspepsia Treatment Trial Journal Articles
Prenatal depression and 5‐
HTTLPR interact to predict dysregulation from 3 to 36 months – A differential susceptibility model Journal Articles - Prenatal maternal depression and child serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) and dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) genotype predict negative emotionality from 3 to 36 months Journal Articles
- Serotonergic system antagonists target breast tumor initiating cells and synergize with chemotherapy to shrink human breast tumor xenografts Journal Articles
- Serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene network moderates the impact of prenatal maternal adversity on orbitofrontal cortical thickness in middle childhood Journal Articles
- Serotonin transporter allelic variation in mothers predicts maternal sensitivity, behavior and attitudes toward 6-month-old infants Journal Articles
- Serotonin transporter antagonists target tumor-initiating cells in a transgenic mouse model of breast cancer Journal Articles
- The 5-HTTLPR and BDNF polymorphisms moderate the association between uncinate fasciculus connectivity and antidepressants treatment response in major depression Journal Articles
- The association of attempted suicide with genetic variants in the SLC6A4 and TPH genes depends on the definition of suicidal behavior: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
- The comparative effects of environmental enrichment with exercise and serotonin transporter blockade on serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus Journal Articles
- The influence of 5-HTTLPR and Val66Met polymorphisms on cortical thickness and volume in limbic and paralimbic regions in depression: a preliminary study Journal Articles
- The serotonin transporter polymorphisms and major depression following traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
- White matter integrity in major depressive disorder: Implications of childhood trauma, 5-HTTLPR and BDNF polymorphisms Journal Articles