subject area of
- A Parietooccipital Generator for P300: Evidence from Human Intracranial Recordings Journal Articles
- A brief report of a rare case of giant apocrine hidrocystoma presenting as a scalp hematoma. Journal Articles
- A pilot study to investigate transmission of headlice. Journal Articles
- A review of the epidemiology, public health importance, treatment and control of head lice. Journal Articles
- Aplasia cutis congenita: a clinical review and associated defects. Journal Articles
- Effects of dipole position, orientation and noise on the accuracy of EEG source localization Journal Articles
- High‐Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Scalp Arteries for the Diagnosis of Giant Cell Arteritis: Results of a Prospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
- Identification of the anatomy of the deep temporal vein using computed tomography imaging: A retrospective cross‐sectional review of patient imaging Journal Articles
- Phonological aspects of word recognition as revealed by high-resolution spatio-temporal brain mapping Journal Articles
- Radical treatment of angiosarcoma of the scalp using megavoltage electron beam therapy. Journal Articles
- Reply Journal Articles
- Syringoid eccrine carcinoma. Journal Articles
- Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials for Scalp Block in Craniotomy Journal Articles
- Two-Technique Reconstruction following Traumatic Scalp Avulsion: Replantation and Composite Graft Journal Articles
- Wavelet phase coherence of ictal scalp EEG-extracted muscle activity (SMA) as a biomarker for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Journal Articles
- Wavelet-Based Muscle Artefact Noise Reduction for Short Latency rTMS Evoked Potentials Journal Articles