subject area of
- 2% mepivacaine seems to do better than 2% lidocaine in achieving successful anesthesia in posterior teeth with irreversible pulpitis Journal Articles
- Acupuncture seems to result in a higher reduction in pain compared with a single 400 milligram dose of ibuprofen in patients with irreversible pulpitis Journal Articles
- Analgesics for the management of acute dental pain in the pediatric population Journal Articles
- Bilateral mental incisive nerve block probably has a higher success rate than unilateral mental incisive nerve block in mandibular incisors with irreversible pulpitis Journal Articles
- Cold treatment as an adjunct to inferior alveolar nerve block may reduce pain and anxiety in patients undergoing endodontic treatment in mandibular molars with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis Journal Articles
- Combination of Gow-Gates and inferior alveolar nerve block may result in a higher rate of successful anesthesia than either technique alone Journal Articles
- Cryotherapy may increase the success rate of inferior alveolar nerve block in patients with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis who undergo endodontic treatment Journal Articles
- Efficacy and Safety of Pulpal Anesthesia Strategies during Endodontic Treatment of Permanent Mandibular Molars with Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis Journal Articles
- Injectable and topical local anesthetics for acute dental pain Journal Articles
- Insufficient evidence to conclude that supplementary techniques increase the rate of success of inferior alveolar nerve anesthesia in patients undergoing endodontic treatment in mandibular molars Journal Articles
- Local infiltration of corticosteroids may decrease pain 48 hours after 1-visit endodontic treatment in patients with irreversible pulpitis Journal Articles
- Mineral trioxide aggregate likely to have a better success rate than calcium hydroxide in mature permanent teeth undergoing partial pulpotomy Journal Articles
- Preoperative oral ibuprofen and oxicam analgesics increase the rate of successful anesthesia of mandibular molars with irreversible pulpitis Journal Articles
- Pulpotomy, partial pulpectomy, and total pulpectomy reduced pain and thermal and chewing sensitivity in patients with molars with irreversible pulpitis Journal Articles
- There are probably no important differences in postoperative pain levels between positive and negative pressure irrigation during root canal treatment of mandibular molars Journal Articles
- There seem to be no important differences in the effects of inferior alveolar nerve block and mental incisal nerve block when treating patients with irreversible pulpitis in mandibular premolars Journal Articles
- There seems to be racial bias when making treatment recommendations for patients with irreversible pulpitis and borderline restorable molars Journal Articles
- Uncertainty about the effects of dexamethasone in minimizing pain after endodontic treatment owing to limitations in the systematic review Journal Articles
- Utilities of dentin regeneration among insured and uninsured adults Journal Articles
- Willingness to pay for dentin regeneration in a sample of dentate adults Journal Articles