subject area of
- A mixed methods study of the work patterns of full‐time nurse practitioners in nursing homes Journal Articles
- Administrative claims data analysis of nurse practitioner prescribing for older adults Journal Articles
- After-hours services in capitation-funded primary care practice: use and satisfaction. Journal Articles
- An Exploratory Study on Exemplary Practice of Nurse Consultants Journal Articles
- An Observational Study of Umbilical Cord Clamping Practices of Maternity Care Providers in a Tertiary Care Center Journal Articles
- An ethnography of chronic pain management in primary care: The social organization of physicians’ work in the midst of the opioid crisis Journal Articles
- Attitudes of emergency department physicians and nurses toward implementation of an early warning score to identify critically ill patients: qualitative explanations for failed implementation Journal Articles
- Barriers and facilitators to healthcare professional behaviour change in clinical trials using the Theoretical Domains Framework: a case study of a trial of individualized temperature-reduced haemodialysis Journal Articles
- Evaluating the Performance of a Single-Item, Global, Estimate of Missed Nursing Care Journal Articles
- Nurses' Perception and Comfort Level with Diabetes Management Practices in Long-Term Care Journal Articles
- Nurses' oral hygiene care practices with hospitalised older adults in postacute settings Journal Articles
- Resources to facilitate research in advanced practice nursing. Journal Articles
- Sedation, Analgesia, and Anaesthesia Variability in Laboratory-Based Cardiac Procedures: An International Survey Journal Articles
- The Professionalism and Environmental Factors in the Workplace Questionnaire®: development and psychometric evaluation Journal Articles
- What do midwives need to know about approaches of women towards labour pain management? A qualitative interview study into expectations of management of labour pain for pregnant women receiving midwife-led care in the Netherlands Journal Articles
- What do midwives think about interprofessional working and learning? Journal Articles
- Why physicians and nurses ask (or don’t) about partner violence: a qualitative analysis Journal Articles
- “So we started talking about a beach in Barbados”: Visualization practices and needle phobia Journal Articles