subject area of
- Copper effects on key metabolic enzymes and mitochondrial membrane potential in gills of the estuarine crab Neohelice granulata at different salinities Journal Articles
- Increased PFK activity and GLUT4 protein content in McArdle's disease Conferences
- Increased muscle oxidative potential following resistance training induced fibre hypertrophy in young men Journal Articles
- Lifetime- and caste-specific changes in flight metabolic rate and muscle biochemistry of honeybees, Apis mellifera Journal Articles
- Mitochondrial physiology in the skeletal and cardiac muscles is altered in torrent ducks, Merganetta armata, from high altitudes in the Andes Journal Articles
- Muscle Phosphofructokinase Deficiency With Neonatal Seizures and Nonprogressive Course Journal Articles
- Muscle cellular properties in the ice hockey player: a model for investigating overtraining? Journal Articles