subject area of
- A tumor "personality" test to guide therapeutic decision making. Journal Articles
- Early detection of depression by primary care physicians. Journal Articles
- Genome-wide association studies of impulsive personality traits (BIS-11 and UPPSP) and drug experimentation in up to 22,861 adult research participants identify loci in the CACNA1I and CADM2 genes Journal Articles
- Have admissions committees considered all the evidence? Journal Articles
- Homophobia Among Psychiatric Residents, Family Practice Residents and Psychiatric Faculty Journal Articles
- Limitations of the Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD) with Bariatric Surgical Candidates Journal Articles
- Methodologic Note for Child Epidemiological Surveys: The Effects of Instructions on Estimates of Behavior Prevalence Journal Articles
- Non-association between Neo-5 personality tests and multiple mini-interview Journal Articles
- Personal characteristics of health professionals: can they be changed by an educational program? Journal Articles
- Personality characteristics and trait clusters in final stage astronaut selection. Journal Articles
- Upper esophageal sphincter tone and reactivity to stress in patients with a history of globus sensation Journal Articles
- Widening perspectives: reframing the way we research selection Journal Articles