Vocabulary Service
subject area of
A cardiovascular study that includes a million subjects. Journal Articles
A case study of the changing nature of a non-government organisation: a focus on disability and development Journal Articles
A cross-sectional survey of supports for evidence-informed decision-making in healthcare organisations: a research protocol Journal Articles
A description of a tailored knowledge translation intervention delivered by knowledge brokers within public health departments in Canada Journal Articles
Academic Information Security Researchers: Hackers or Specialists? Journal Articles
Academic Olympism and Authorship: Honoring Contributions to Collaborative Scholarship Journal Articles
Academic Productivity of Equity-Deserving Physician Scholars During COVID-19: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Analyzing referencing patterns in grey literature produced by influential global management consulting firms and international organizations Journal Articles
Assessing the sensibility and utility of a short-form version of the HIV Disability Questionnaire in clinical practice settings in Canada, Ireland and the USA: a mixed methods study Journal Articles
Barriers, facilitators and views about next steps to implementing supports for evidence-informed decision-making in health systems: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Building the backbone for organisational research in public health systems: development of measures of organisational capacity for chronic disease prevention Journal Articles
Co-creating a new Charter for equitable and inclusive co-creation: insights from an international forum of academic and lived experience experts Journal Articles
Developing a rapid-response program for health system decision-makers in Canada: findings from an issue brief and stakeholder dialogue Journal Articles
Does conventional early life academic excellence predict later life scientific discovery? An assessment of the lives of great medical innovators Journal Articles
Domains and processes for institutionalizing evidence-informed health policy-making: a critical interpretive synthesis Journal Articles
Equity, justice, and social values in priority setting: a qualitative study of resource allocation criteria for global donor organizations working in low-income countries Journal Articles
Ethical questions identified in a study of local and expatriate responders’ perspectives of vulnerability in the 2010 Haiti earthquake Journal Articles
Evaluating health research priority-setting in low-income countries: a case study of health research priority-setting in Zambia Journal Articles
Evidence That Patients can Understand and Use? Journal Articles
Examining and Contextualizing Approaches to Establish Policy Support Organizations – A Critical Interpretive Synthesis Journal Articles
Flexible ngo-donor coordination in aid interventions to strengthen resilience: the case of Lebanon's primary healthcare system. Journal Articles
Global evidence of gender inequity in academic health research: a living scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Grand Challenges in Global Health: Engaging Civil Society Organizations in Biomedical Research in Developing Countries Journal Articles
Hopes and Realities of Public Health Accountability Policies Journal Articles
Implementation of a new clinical and organisational practice to improve access to primary care services: a protocol for an effectiveness-implementation hybrid study Journal Articles
Innovations in research ethics governance in humanitarian settings Journal Articles
Intersectionality, health equity, and EDI: What’s the difference for health researchers? Journal Articles
Investigational medicinal products, related costs and hospital pharmacy services for investigator-initiated trials: A mixed-methods study Journal Articles
Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of older adults about pneumococcal immunization, a Public Health Agency of Canada/Canadian Institutes of Health Research Influenza Research Network (PCIRN) investigation Journal Articles
Laboratory quality assurance at the international level: the role of nongovernmental organizations. Journal Articles
Leading practices for men to support women’s health leadership: A toolkit of resources to initiate change Journal Articles
Mapping a research-advocacy-policy agenda on human rights and albinism: a mixed methods project Journal Articles
Maternal involvement and adolescents' psychological and academic adjustment after COVID‐19 return‐to‐school: A one‐year longitudinal study Journal Articles
Metaphors of organizations in patient involvement programs: connections and contradictions Journal Articles
Methodologic quality and relevance of references in pharmaceutical advertisements in a Canadian medical journal. Journal Articles
Picturing Participation: Catalyzing Conversations About Community Engagement in HIV Community–Based Organizations Journal Articles
Priority-setting in public health research funding organisations: an exploratory qualitative study among five high-profile funders Journal Articles
Report on activities and attitudes of organizations active in the clinical practice guidelines field. Journal Articles
Sexual and reproductive health and rights in Latin America: an analysis of trends, commitments and achievements Journal Articles
Statement on steroidal oral contraception. Journal Articles
Stepping into the Void: Lessons Learned from Civil Society Organizations during COVID-19 in Rio de Janeiro Journal Articles
Supporting Chronic Pain Management across Provincial and Territorial Health Systems in Canada: Findings from Two Stakeholder Dialogues Journal Articles
The World Federation of Hemophilia Annual Global Survey 1999‐2018 Journal Articles
The organization and activities of a pathology museum. Journal Articles
The quest for a framework for sustainable and institutionalised priority-setting for health research in a low-resource setting: the case of Zambia Journal Articles
Variation in the prescription drugs covered by health systems across high-income countries: A review of and recommendations for the academic literature Journal Articles
What supports do health system organizations have in place to facilitate evidence-informed decision-making? a qualitative study Journal Articles