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A Trojan horse mechanism of bacterial pathogenesis against nematodes Journal Articles
A flavin-dependent monooxygenase produces nitrogenous tomato aroma volatiles using cysteine as a nitrogen source Journal Articles
A longitudinal study of the health impacts of a petroleum refinery Journal Articles
Acquisition and waning of exposure–induced attraction to a nonnatural odor in rat pups Journal Articles
Adult fruit fly attraction to larvae biases experience and mediates social learning Journal Articles
Altered olfactory function in the MRL model of CNS lupus Journal Articles
An inkjet-printed bioactive paper sensor that reports ATP through odour generation Journal Articles
Colour and odour drive fruit selection and seed dispersal by mouse lemurs Journal Articles
Communication Impairments in Mice Lacking Shank1: Reduced Levels of Ultrasonic Vocalizations and Scent Marking Behavior Journal Articles
Community reappraisal of the perceived health effects of a petroleum refinery Journal Articles
Cortisol, Hedonics, and Maternal Responsiveness in Human Mothers Journal Articles
Detection of Paratuberculosis in Dairy Herds by Analyzing the Scent of Feces, Alveolar Gas, and Stable Air. Journal Articles
Detection of odorants through the main olfactory epithelium and vomeronasal organ of mice. Journal Articles
Different mechanisms for social transmission of diet preference in rat pups of different ages Journal Articles
Dynamical feature extraction at the sensory periphery guides chemotaxis Journal Articles
Electrophysiological correlates of stereotyped sniffing in rats injected with apomorphine Journal Articles
Experimental evidence for within‐ and cross‐seasonal effects of fear on survival and reproduction Journal Articles
Flower Bats (Glossophaga soricina) and Fruit Bats (Carollia perspicillata) Rely on Spatial Cues over Shapes and Scents When Relocating Food Journal Articles
Interactions of contact, odor cues, and androgens in strange-male-induced early pregnancy disruptions in mice (Mus musculus). Journal Articles
It’s Not Easy Being Blue: Are There Olfactory and Visual Trade-Offs in Plant Signalling? Journal Articles
Making Sense of Scents: The Colour and Texture of Odours Journal Articles
Maternal and littermate deprivation disrupts maternal behavior and social‐learning of food preference in adulthood: Tactile stimulation, nest odor, and social rearing prevent these effects Journal Articles
Multiple chemical sensitivity as a conditional response Journal Articles
Olfactory cues and movement: Stimuli mediating intraspecific aggression in the wild Norway rat. Journal Articles
Olfactory testing in children using objective tools: Comparison of Sniffin’ Sticks and University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) Journal Articles
Pavlovian conditioning and multiple chemical sensitivity. Journal Articles
Postpartum factors related to mother's attraction to newborn infant odors Journal Articles
Preference for natural odors in rat pups: Implications of a failure to replicate Journal Articles
Preference for novel flavors in adult Norway Rats ( Rattus norvegicus). Journal Articles
Reduced scent marking and ultrasonic vocalizations in the BTBR T+tf/J mouse model of autism Journal Articles
Responses to novel odors mediate maternal behavior and concaveation in gerbils Journal Articles
Responses to panic induction procedures in subjects with multiple chemical sensitivity/idiopathic environmental intolerance: understanding the relationship with panic disorder. Journal Articles
Social cichlid fish change behaviour in response to a visual predator stimulus, but not the odour of damaged conspecifics Journal Articles
Social influences on rats' (Rattus norvegicus) preferences for flavored foods, scented nest materials, and odors associated with harborage sites: Are flavored foods special? Journal Articles
Testosterone and Prolactin Are Associated with Emotional Responses to Infant Cries in New Fathers Journal Articles
The role of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in reducing interference. Journal Articles
Turning Tryptophanase into Odor‐Generating Biosensors Journal Articles
Vomeronasal organ detects odorants in absence of signaling through main olfactory epithelium. Journal Articles