subject area of
- An assessment of intra-individual variability in carotid artery longitudinal wall motion: recommendations for data acquisition Journal Articles
- An open-source model and solution method to predict co-contraction in the finger Journal Articles
- Anomalous and anisotropic nanoscale diffusion of hydration water molecules in fluid lipid membranes Journal Articles
- Approaches for Hybrid Coregistration of Marker-Based and Markerless Coordinates Describing Complex Body/Object Interactions Journal Articles
- Atypical biological motion kinematics are represented by complementary lower-level and top-down processes during imitation learning Journal Articles
- Automatic 3-D Breath-Hold Related Motion Correction of Dynamic Multislice MRI Journal Articles
- Carotid Wall Longitudinal Motion in Ultrasound Imaging: An Expert Consensus Review Journal Articles
- Classification of errors in locating a rigid body Journal Articles
- Compensation for spill-in and spill-out partial volume effects in cardiac PET imaging Journal Articles
- Concurrent Supra-Postural Auditory–Hand Coordination Task Affects Postural Control: Using Sonification to Explore Environmental Unpredictability in Factors Affecting Fall Risk Journal Articles
- Coronary artery atherectomy reduces plaque shear strains: An endovascular elastography imaging study Journal Articles
- Does a cleansing enema improve image quality of 3T surface coil multiparametric prostate MRI? Journal Articles
- Evaluation and Minimization of the Pseudohepatic Anisotropy Artifact in Liver Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Journal Articles
- Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Close to a Fluctuating Membrane Journal Articles
- Image-Guided Radiotherapy Strategies in Upper Gastrointestinal Malignancies Journal Articles
- Immobilization of bacteriophages on modified silica particles Journal Articles
- Investigating the Effects of Motion Streaks on pQCT-Derived Leg Muscle Density and Its Association With Fractures Journal Articles
- Modelling sediment-microbial dynamics in the South Nation River, Ontario, Canada: Towards the prediction of aquatic and human health risk Journal Articles
- Modelling tendon excursions and moment arms of the finger flexors: Anatomic fidelity versus function Journal Articles
- Molecular motions in lipid bilayers studied by the neutron backscattering technique Journal Articles
- Motion and distortion correction of skeletal muscle echo planar images Journal Articles
- Motion trajectory information and agency influence motor learning during observational practice Journal Articles
- Motion-artifact-free single shot two-beam optical coherence elastography system Journal Articles
- Pressurized honeycombs as soft-actuators: a theoretical study Journal Articles
- Quantitative Flow Imaging in Human Umbilical Vessels In Utero Using Nongated 2D Phase Contrast MRI Journal Articles
- Relationship between pain and vertebral motion in chronic low-back pain subjects Journal Articles
- Simulation of Ventilatory-Induced Stone Movement and Its Effect on Stone Fracture During Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy Journal Articles
- Sparing of sensitivity to biological motion but not of global motion after early visual deprivation Journal Articles
- Spatial Distribution and Mobility of the Ran GTPase in Live Interphase Cells Journal Articles
- Stimulus Onset Asynchrony Affects Weighting-related Event-related Spectral Power in Self-motion Perception Journal Articles
- Task-relevant selective modulation of somatosensory afferent paths from the lower limb Journal Articles
- The Effect of Respiratory and Cardiac Motion in Liver Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Journal Articles
- The brain weights body‐based cues higher than vision when estimating walked distances Journal Articles
- The effect of a concurrent cognitive task on cortical potentials evoked by unpredictable balance perturbations. Journal Articles
- The relationship between the kinematics of passive movement, the stretch of extensor muscles of the leg and the change induced in the gain of the soleus H reflex in humans Journal Articles
- Validation of dynamic heart models obtained using non-linear registration for virtual reality training, planning, and guidance of minimally invasive cardiac surgeries Journal Articles