Mother-Child Relations
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A DRD4 gene by maternal sensitivity interaction predicts risk for overweight or obesity in two independent cohorts of preschool children Journal Articles
A Behavioral-Educational Intervention to Promote Maternal and Infant Sleep: A Pilot Randomized, Controlled Trial Journal Articles
A Single Mothers' Group for Mothers of Children Attending an Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic: Preliminary Results Journal Articles
A characteristic destabilization profile in parent-child interactions associated with treatment efficacy for aggressive children. Journal Articles
Agreement between mothers and children aged 11–14 years in rating child oral health‐related quality of life Journal Articles
Alcohol Versus Natural Drying for Newborn Cord Care Journal Articles
An Attachment-Based Model of the Relationship Between Childhood Adversity and Somatization in Children and Adults Journal Articles
An educational intervention to implement skin-to-skin contact and early breastfeeding in a rural hospital in Mexico Journal Articles
Are Canadian hospitals providing family-centered maternity and newborn care? Journal Articles
Assessing Attachment: Convergent Validity of the Adult Attachment Interview and the Parental Bonding Instrument Journal Articles
Assessment and Treatment of Food Aversion in a Four Year Old Boy: A Multidimensional Approach Journal Articles
Association between maternal childhood maltreatment and mother-infant attachment disorganization: Moderation by maternal oxytocin receptor gene and cortisol secretion Journal Articles
Associations between maternal postpartum depression and infant temperament in treatment-seeking mothers prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Attachment disorganization among children in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Preliminary results Journal Articles
Attachment in infancy and personal space regulation in early adolescence Journal Articles
Attachment security A meta-analysis of maternal mental health correlates Journal Articles
Better quality of mother–child interaction at 4 years of age decreases emotional overeating in IUGR girls Journal Articles
Breastfeeding and maternal sensitivity predict early infant temperament Journal Articles
Cesarean and Vaginal Birth in Canadian Women: A Comparison of Experiences Journal Articles
Changes in infant emotion regulation following maternal cognitive behavioral therapy for postpartum depression Journal Articles
Changes in maternal depression are associated with MST outcomes for adolescents with co‐occurring externalizing and internalizing problems Journal Articles
Coding infant engagement in the Face-to-Face Still-Face paradigm using deep neural networks Journal Articles
Combining dynamic systems and multivariate analyses to compare the mother-child interactions of externalizing subtypes. Journal Articles
Cortisol secretion moderates the association between mother–infant attachment at 17 months and child behavior at age 5 years Journal Articles
DRD2 and SLC6A3 moderate impact of maternal depressive symptoms on infant cortisol Journal Articles
Depression, Anxiety, and Mother-Infant Bonding in Women Seeking Treatment for Postpartum Depression Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Development of the Child's Challenging Behaviour Scale (CCBS) for mothers of school‐aged children with disabilities Journal Articles
Differences in Established Joint Attention in Hearing‐Hearing and Hearing‐Deaf Mother‐Child Dyads: Associations With Social Competence, Settings, and Tasks Journal Articles
Differential‐Maternal Parenting Behavior: Estimating Within‐ and Between‐Family Effects on Children Journal Articles
Dissecting maternal care: Patterns of maternal parenting in a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Distinctive messages in infant-directed lullabies and play songs. Journal Articles
Do depressive symptoms affect mothers’ reports of child outcomes in children with new-onset epilepsy? Journal Articles
Effect of Online 1-Day Cognitive Behavioral Therapy–Based Workshops Plus Usual Care vs Usual Care Alone for Postpartum Depression Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Postpartum Support Journal Articles
Effects of motherhood on physiological and subjective responses to infant cries in teenage mothers: A comparison with non-mothers and adult mothers Journal Articles
Emotion regulation in children with behavior problems: Linking behavioral and brain processes Journal Articles
Establishment of Joint Attention in Dyads Involving Hearing Mothers of Deaf and Hearing Children, and Its Relation to Adaptive Social Behavior Journal Articles
Evaluating the effectiveness of a brief group cognitive behavioural therapy intervention for perinatal depression Journal Articles
Evidence for a Gene-Environment Interaction in Predicting Behavioral Inhibition in Middle Childhood Journal Articles
Executive function and mothering: Challenges faced by teenage mothers Journal Articles
Experiential and hormonal correlates of maternal behavior in teen and adult mothers Journal Articles
Family climates: Family factors specific to disturbed eating and bulimia nervosa Journal Articles
Fathers show modifications of infant-directed action similar to that of mothers Journal Articles
Follow the leader: Maternal transmission of physiological regulatory support to distressed infants in real-time. Journal Articles
Frontal brain electrical activity (EEG) and heart rate in response to affective infant-directed (ID) speech in 9-month-old infants Conferences
Impact of Extreme Prematurity on Family Functioning and Maternal Health 20 Years Later Journal Articles
Implementation of early essential neonatal care for newborns delivered by cesarean section in Jiaxing: a single-center prospective randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
In-person 1-day cognitive behavioral therapy-based workshops for postpartum depression: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Influence of reporting effects on the association between maternal depression and child autism spectrum disorder behaviors Journal Articles
Insightful hallucination: psychopathology or paranormal phenomenon? Journal Articles
Interaction between Oxytocin Genotypes and Early Experience Predicts Quality of Mothering and Postpartum Mood Journal Articles
Interaction between perceived maternal care, anxiety symptoms, and the neurobehavioral response to palatable foods in adolescents Journal Articles
Interpersonal Engagement Mediates the Relation between Maternal Affect and Externalising Behaviour in Young Children with Type 1 Diabetes Journal Articles
Investigation of the Effects of a Model of Physical Therapy on Mother-Child Interactions and the Motor Behaviors of Children With Motor Delay Conferences
Is Infant-Directed Speech Prosody a Result of the Vocal Expression of Emotion? Journal Articles
Joint Attention in Toddlerhood Predicts Internalizing Problems at Early School Age Journal Articles
Keeping close: mothering with serious mental illness Journal Articles
Life Course Pathways to Prenatal Maternal Stress Journal Articles
Links Between Middle-Childhood Trajectories of Family Dysfunction and Indirect Aggression Journal Articles
Low maternal sensitivity at 6 months of age predicts higher BMI in 48 month old girls but not boys Journal Articles
Maternal Childhood Maltreatment History and Child Behavior Problems: Developmental Patterns and Mediation via Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Parenting Behavior Journal Articles
Maternal DRD2, SLC6A3, and OXTR genotypes as potential moderators of the relation between maternal history of care and maternal cortisol secretion in the context of mother-infant separation Journal Articles
Maternal Early Life Experiences and Parenting: The Mediating Role of Cortisol and Executive Function Journal Articles
Maternal History of Child Maltreatment and Household Chaos: Examining the Mediating Role of Maternal and Child Psychopathology Journal Articles
Maternal adverse childhood experiences, executive function & emotional availability in mother-child dyads Journal Articles
Maternal affect and quality of parenting experiences are related to amygdala response to infant faces Journal Articles
Maternal and Infant Performance on the Face-to-Face Still-Face Task following Maternal Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Postpartum Depression Journal Articles
Maternal and Peer Regulation of Adolescent Emotion: Associations with Depressive Symptoms Journal Articles
Maternal and infant predictors of attendance at Neonatal Follow‐Up programmes Journal Articles
Maternal anxiety from pregnancy to 2 years postpartum: transactional patterns of maternal early adversity and child temperament Journal Articles
Maternal childhood adversity and child temperament: An association moderated by child 5‐HTTLPR genotype Journal Articles
Maternal depression mediates the link between therapeutic alliance and improvements in adolescent externalizing behavior. Journal Articles
Maternal neural reactivity during pregnancy predicts infant temperament Journal Articles
Maternal outcomes at 3 months after planned caesarean section versus planned vaginal birth for twin pregnancies in the Twin Birth Study: a randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Maternal regulation of child affect in externalizing and typically-developing children. Journal Articles
Maternal sensitivity and infant and mother adrenocortical function across challenges Journal Articles
Maternal sensitivity and overt aggression in young children with Down syndrome Journal Articles
Maternal sensitivity moderates the association between maternal history of childhood maltreatment and child executive function Journal Articles
Maternal substance use and integrated treatment programs for women with substance abuse issues and their children: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
Maternal symptoms of depression and sensitivity mediate the relation between maternal history of early adversity and her child temperament: The inheritance of circumstance Journal Articles
Measuring Parental Perceptions of Child Oral Health‐related Quality of Life Journal Articles
Mothers' and fathers' singing to infants. Journal Articles
Mothers’ Personal and Interpersonal Function as Potential Mediators Between Maternal Maltreatment History and Child Behavior Problems Journal Articles
Mother–infant cortisol attunement: Associations with mother–infant attachment disorganization Journal Articles
Multilevel Mediation: Cumulative Contextual Risk, Maternal Differential Treatment, and Children's Behavior Within Families Journal Articles
Outcomes at 3 Months After Planned Cesarean vs Planned Vaginal Delivery for Breech Presentation at Term<SUBTITLE>The International Randomized Term Breech Trial</SUBTITLE> Journal Articles
Parental Representation in Suicidal Adolescents: A Controlled Study Journal Articles
Parenting behavior rating scales: Preliminary validation with intrusive, abusive mothers Journal Articles
Parenting stress mediates between maternal maltreatment history and maternal sensitivity in a community sample Journal Articles
Participation among women living with HIV: A rehabilitation perspective Journal Articles
Pathways between under/unemployment and health among racialized immigrant women in Toronto Journal Articles
Peer-Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Postpartum Depression Journal Articles
Postnatal Women’s Feeling State Responses to Exercise With and Without Baby Journal Articles
Predicting mental health among mothers of school-aged children with developmental disabilities: The relative contribution of child, maternal and environmental factors Journal Articles
Preschoolers at risk for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and oppositional defiant disorder: family, parenting, and behavioral correlates. Journal Articles
Psychological aspects of chronic haemodialysis. Journal Articles
Public health nurse delivered group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for postpartum depression: A pilot study Journal Articles
Relationship of Therapists' Attitudes, Children's Motor Ability, and Parenting Stress to Mothers' Perceptions of Therapists' Behaviors During Early Intervention Journal Articles
Serotonin transporter allelic variation in mothers predicts maternal sensitivity, behavior and attitudes toward 6-month-old infants Journal Articles
Stepfamily Functioning and Closeness: Children's Views on Second Marriages and Stepfather Relationships Journal Articles
Stress Physiology in Infancy and Early Childhood: Cortisol Flexibility, Attunement and Coordination Journal Articles
Systematic Review of the Literature on Postpartum Care: Effectiveness of Postpartum Support to Improve Maternal Parenting, Mental Health, Quality of Life, and Physical Health Journal Articles
Television and the behaviour of adolescents: Does socio-economic status moderate the link? Journal Articles
The Behavioral and Linguistic Interactions of Specifically Language-Delayed and Normal Boys with Their Mothers Journal Articles
The Complexity of the NICU-to-Home Experience for Adolescent Mothers Journal Articles
The Effect of Delivery Method on Breastfeeding Initiation from the The Ontario Mother and Infant Study (TOMIS) III Journal Articles
The Effects of Methylphenidate on the Mother-Child Interactions of Hyperactive Children Journal Articles
The Effects of Methylphenidate on the Mother‐child Interactions of Hyperactive Identical Twins Journal Articles
The Maternal Adversity, Vulnerability and Neurodevelopment Project: Theory and Methodology Journal Articles
The dopamine D4 receptor gene, birth weight, maternal depression, maternal attention, and the prediction of disorganized attachment at 36 months of age: A prospective gene × environment analysis Journal Articles
The effects of two early parenting interventions on child aggression and risk for violence in Brazil (The PIÁ Trial): protocol for a randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
The impact of peer-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for postpartum depression on infant emotion regulation Journal Articles
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of women seeking treatment for postpartum depression Journal Articles
The interplay of birth weight, dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4), and early maternal care in the prediction of disorganized attachment at 36 months of age Journal Articles
Thinking and doing: the effects of dopamine and oxytocin genes and executive function on mothering behaviours Journal Articles
Transacting brains: testing an actor–partner model of frontal EEG activity in mother–infant dyads Journal Articles
Transition to Neonatal Follow-up Programs Journal Articles
Understanding how education/support groups help lone mothers Journal Articles
Understanding treatment effectiveness for aggressive youth: The importance of regulation in mother–child interactions. Journal Articles
Update on the Child's Challenging Behaviour Scale following evaluation using Rasch analysis Journal Articles
‘Right from the Start’: randomized trial comparing an attachment group intervention to supportive home visiting Conferences
“My children and my home”: the most recent and challenging stressors of HIV-positive women Journal Articles